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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. My case is a severe one.I even have hot baths in these days! I just dislike cold water.

    I can´t say it´s a lot of homework,it´s just me being lazy.It´s not that we have to do tons of homework.I just failed the wrong subject.

    My hair will be a lot shorter as well.I plan to cut it a bit past the shoulders.Now I have it near the chest.

    I try to be as silent as I can be,but there are times in which I can´t stop singing or dancing,no matter what time it is.I remember HAARP was leaked a week before its release,and I downloaded it so as to check it after having spent hours looking for it.I headed for the bedroom,planning to listen to it in my bed,but I couldn´t help playing air guitar in the dark at 4:30am.


    The songs...I have to say I´m pretty disappointed.Yes,I know that 30 seconds are not enough,but they´ll be there in the final songs.Overall,the sound is too melodic.They sound as if they wanted to be different people (Depeche Mode,Queen,whatever).They already did that in BHAR.I feel they don´t appeal to me the way they always did.We´ll have to wait to listen to the whole album...

  2. Well,it happens on holidays because of the heat (and I like to sleep with a blanket...)and in average days because of exams or homework.It´s not a matter of taking pills.I eventually fall asleep.Let´s put it this way:napping allows me to stay awake until late,meaning I´ll go to sleep at,say,3 am or later.Which is similar to what happens to you.The "funniest"thing is that I am a living room hikkikomori,and I listen to music 24/7,so I often have to bear complaints of both my parents and my neighbours because of listening to loud music...or doing a late singalong.


    I have to go to the hairdresser too.My hair has grown wild and now it´s in a bad state.

    We´ll talk about the snippets if you like.

  3. I don´t have bellyaches,but my belly is growing for sure.I just feel there´s no use in caring about myself anymore.I am sinking and I don´t care.Same goes with my sleep.Today I woke up early because I had to go to a museum to get some infor for my homework,and I had to nap because I couldn´t stay awake.I headed for the bed at 5am the night before.All because of a lack of a proper timetable.What to do? I don´t know.


    I downloaded iTunes just to listen to it,and now they can´t be found there (apparently)Check this instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BR7lBQsJDo .I know,30 seconds aren´t enough...but I´d lie if I didn´t tell you this has disappointed me.One thing´s for sure:I won´t buy the deluxe box set.

  4. I can´t say I´m having bad days,but I´ve been waking up lately feeling odd stuff ,such as lack of blood pump.Worse still,I feel there are people around (seriously!)Come on,I even use a plush as a "shield"against those little invaders. :stunned:

    I take it´s some kind of body response for not knowing how to deal with sleep.

    Now that we´re in this forum,I can´t help asking this...have you listened to those snippets?If so,what do you think about them?

  5. In our case,we held an even ever year in which writers or drawers would come to our school and talk about their job.

    My classes will start in October,but first we have to apply for the subjects we want to take and do the failed exams.

    That movie wasn´t exactly like that.The hybrids were just a fifth column,and in the first movie (the one I´ve seen)there was only one.


    I think I can relate to the second piece :p

  6. In my language.Actually,the writer came to our class and chatted with us for an hour.

    I know what you mean with that.I love reading,but it can be such a chore.Look,I had tons of books I wanted to read,but we had to read those Writing books.I thought,"Okay,never mind,I´ll read them in Summer".And now I have to read again those books.I really wonder if I´ll ever have time to do some leisure reading!

    When I was in Secondary I had time to read a bit right before starting my homework.If I had a book I had to read soon because it wasn´t mine (eg Harry Potter ones)I´d read an episode after every homework hour.I also read a bit after returning from school.Now I have a massive problem due to lack of organization.I can´t find time to read or do my homework.

    "Species" is a B-ish movie saga in which some scientists contact with extraterrestials,who make them create an hybrid,which will seek to mate so as to populate the Earth with more hybrids.This hybrids are human in appearance,but they can shapeshift at ease.

  7. Its name was "The Forest of Dreams".I highly doubt it was translated to another language.

    This year I´ve had good and bad luck with books.Despite having read 1/6 of what I was suppsed to have read,I passed one subject.On the other hand,I failed the other one for not having read one book.


    I liked the dream (and that piece of poetry,I can definitely imagine the Master smirking while writing that),and these infection references.I suppose it´s all because you´re talking to a mutation&transformation fan.Shame that´s only linked to bad characters.Have you ever seen "Species"?Well,I wished it had been different.That´s why I usually prefer " the bad guys"in films/books/whatever,I suppose...Especially if the final reslut involves being slimy.Don´t ask me why.


    I like the idea,even though I am too tired of treasure hunts (shame on you,Muse! :p ).I´ll see what can I do.


    P.S.Good to see I´m not the only one who keeps messaging herself!

  8. Well,it was like BHAR:mixing from here and there,but it became dull after some time.Apart from doctor Who,we had...The Legend Of Zelda! The main characters were a young guy raised in a humble family,a princess and a devilish sorcerer/the Devil himself.The book was made of independent stories which were linked by the characters in different situations.For example,the boy had always the same name,but a different nickname (The Brave,The Gambler)...in every story,which was set in various points of space and time.We had sword and sorcery,sci-fi themes,mythology...I wonder why the writer didn´t include zombies or ninjas :p The only character who was always present was The Doct...eh,a knowlegeable man who looked old and young at the same time.It was a good book,but it became dull.I remember we were pretty scared about the exam.We were told to write about one of the stories.


    Good to know that the Doctor love is being spread across the world! And trust me,you´ve won an avid reader ;)

  9. I didn´t write anything.I just changed some parts of the guide so as to make it credible as a proper book.In one of my sleepless nights I thought about how to make a book seem as a fanfic.I especially thought about a book we had to read for school,years ago.It resembled BHAR,as it took parts of everything to make it original.I realised there was even a nod to Doctor Who in the figure of a scholar who traveled thought space and time with a (young female)companion.

  10. Believe it or not,we once had to write reviews of books he had read as homerwork,and I once used a Red/Blue guide (I had,and still have-right in front of me!-the Red edition)as a regular book due to the way it had been written:"Ash headed for Cinnabar Island,where he found a Missingno,etc."I changed some names...and it worked.My review was an account of the story of a young boy who works for a well known scholar,rivalring Gary because of having pulled strings,etc.They were involved in a biology project:indexing all the animal species in the world.Eventually,the main character faced a terrorist group,partially defeating them in the end.

    It seems that the real Pokémon manga wasn´t so different from this.


    After having read your fic properly,I have to say I liked the way you dealt with the dream issue and the final cliffhanger.And I agree.They did the same in Tochwood in a more harsh way,but I reckon they did it for a greater good.

  11. I suppose that´s logical...

    I like the fanfic! And no,I´m not going to praise everything you deliver from your mind to this world...it´s just that you´re doing it well,lass! I´ll read it again tomorrow,as I´ve spent hours and hours using a cheat device with my Pokémon Gold cartridge.Since it can´t save anymore ( :( ) I can do as I please without ant fear.So today I´ve witnessed how my character got all starters,used a bike when he pleased,or bought odd items (what the hell is a Teru-Sama?)from any shop.And don´t get me started on mutating my character into a mess of numbers and limbs...

  12. No,I haven´t read it...because I don´t know where to look for it!

    What are Timelords supposed to sense?Dreams...or regenearion changes?

  13. I know what you mean.I almost always look for perfection,and I often go angry if my hands are not as skilled as I want them to be.This last one is fine...as long as you don´t know who is being portrayed :p Seriously now,I´d rename this as "Doctor Who:Adventures in Gallifrey High"...they look so young! But I like it.By the way,I´ve always wondered whether an already regenarated Timelord can be recognised by a close friend who doesn´t know about it.

    Draw the costumes only if you like them.I do...

  14. Any time! I know there´s always a lot of efford put in these kind of art.Plus I like both the "topic"and the way you draw.No matter if the drawing doesn´t resemble Tennant.

    I tend to think twice (or thrice)what I´m about to write/type,especially if it´s a public text.Right now I´m watching a movie (Doom-featuring the infamous sheriff from KoC´s video-back to Mars again!)so my mind is somehow idle at the time.I have to "slap"it,making it work,whether it likes it or not.

    I find him nice too,and I don´t know why (as well :p )He has a kind yet sly face which made him perfect for the last Master arc.I´m sure I´ll like his drawing (if you want to post it tomorrow,of course :) ).


    If you ever watch the first Torchwood chapter,you might find sime links between the way Gwen is recruited and how Rose ends up with the Doctor.As far as I know,Eve Myles did appear in a DW chapter as a sevant from late XIXth century,Gwyneth,if that´s the one you´re talking about.Since she dies in the chapter,it´s unlikely that Gwen is Gwyneth´s grandgrandgrandetcdaughter.

  15. I for one don´t have English as my first language,and it can be quite difficult to use the right word,especially if the one you are planning to use doens´t mean exactly what you want to say,is it´s softer or whatever.Language can be also confusing if you´re trying to communicate something and it all turns out to be the opposite of what you were expecting.Here,take a look at the time I posted the last message.My mind "didn´t work"the way it works right now.

    Attachment can be really painful sometimes,especially in the "impossible cases".We often learn it the hard way.Delusions are dangerous.They can hurt us in a more intimate way than a physical attack,altering our views and making us do silly stuff which lead us to sadness.

    My father also liked this drawing :D And I liked it as well.Now that you have menctioned John Simm,I can now explain you that Life On Mars issue.Due to his resemblances to Ok Computer era Thom Yorke,I used to talk about him when a friend of mine said that David Tennant looks a bit like Matt.And...the other thing I used to yell while watching Life On Mars was,"Master,Master!",echoing that line from Metallica´s "Master Of Puppets".

  16. I like clever messages as well.Basically because they show a commitment which goes beyond the causal usage of that site (at least,thats the way I use it).The problem is that having an opinion,specially if its not the "mainstream"one is not "in",thus leading to keep your mouth shut when you should speak up.It has its own name (Spiral Of Silence)and it was the theory I liked the most this year.Theres another major problem.According to what Ive read-and you have well pointed out-most of the flame wars happen because B misunderstood A.Thats why I always try to use the correct words in their right context.


    I do like your writings! Ive also thought about the way The Doctor must stay away from us human mortals.It reminds me of the way "classic"Jedis were told to stay away from attachment for their own good,as emotions would affect their powers (traditionally,emotions=Dark Side).

  17. This reminds me of a quote I read in the booklet of The Strokes"First Impresions of Earth":"Religion is never the problem:Its the people who use it to gain power".

    Its quite funny,as my mother grew up in a "traditional core"and so are most of her beliefs,wheras my father hates politicians and clerics.


    I used to look for mistakes in the newspaper,announcing them to my parents as if I had found a treasure or a major conspiracy.Nowadays I cant be bothered to do that-tinternet had "toughen me up".I often find those silly internet arguments,but the YouTube ones are often ridiculous.Especially if they use stuff like "shut up u faggot"as answers...It gets on my nerves when I see people typing "do it better","why are you criticising X in their fansite?"and things like that.

  18. I can´t say I´m the most religious person out there,but I respect people´s beliefs.Look,my mother found yesterday a bunch of books with tons of Bible/God/Jesus references,but we decided to keep them.I´d like to understand how this people think,or how their "bosses"make them think.

    In my case I´ve grown up in a catholic surrounding,but I disagree with some of the aspects of it,so I barely go to church,but I pray in my own way whenever I feel like.As I see it,God isn´t neither here nor now,but I guess there´s something "bigger"out there.Call it god,call it aliens,call it whatever.That´s why I understand both believers and atheists alike.

    I can´t stand rudeness,specially if there´s no reason to use it.For example,I am some kind of grammar nazi,and my eyes bleed when people type odd things on forums,but I don´t say,"it´s__,you fool!"if I don´t know the user.I hate "forum know-it-all"s,but that´s a different issue.

    No,he didn´t know who he is,but after telling him about Doctor Who,he said,"so this is the Doctor those guys from Torchwood talked about?".Oddly enough,he recognised the main theme when I played it.This series were aired here,but they had a lack of continuity.Ye Olde Doctor Who looked quite crappy and B movie-like,but that was part of its camp appeal.I suppose the Fourth is the most well known.I liked the way he appeared twice in The Simpsons.

  19. I do like it! :D And so does my father (yes,he has seen it as well).

  20. I was also trapped in those silly arguments as well.And I´m not keen on calling names.Actually,I´m not the swearing type.Unless I´m really angry.If I reach my maximum,I go green and...well,not really.I just keep on swearing in English.Dunno why.

    I´ll wait for your drawings.Matt Smith is aware of who (no pun intended)he is about to portray,and I´m sure he´´ll do it well.Trust him,he´s a doctor! :p

  21. You´re right without knowing it.Look,this group was the one I was on holidays,meaning I only saw them for one month in a year,thus not knowing what had happened in those previous months.It comprised not only my friends,but their friends and even their little brothers and sisters.When I went there,the group had already disbanded:they didn´t want to act chidisnh anymore,and the siblings had formed groups of their own.I could only talk to this friend...because he had some "benefits",if you know what I meant.On one hand I understood it.On the other hand,he should have understood I´m not they type who goes around with a phone everywhere.Actually,my phone doesn´t work anymore-that inner card has died!

    I really miss them,but I reckon it´s better to keep their memories rather than being teased and doing things against my will.

    The ones I had in school were awesome drawers,and I was quite pleased when we sat together.Apparently,my teacher knew they were the only ones I considered my friends.


    I might be wrong,but I think it was all because of the way of life of those times.No matter what they were doing in their-they were knighted after all!,but their manners weren´t the best ones.Funnily enough,occultism and the lot was something which people loved in those days.

  22. The problem was that there wasn´t a "next time".Alright,the group was bound to split up eventually,but...not wanting to see me?That´s ridiculous...and harsh.

    My school group often fantasized about being in charge of the school.That included tongue-in-cheek,detailed plans about killing the ones we couldn´t stand.Of course,we all were meek people who had fun watching the other doing silly things.I will always remember those moments filled with stinky bombs,screams on top of your lungs for no apparent reason and corridors with fire extinguisher foam.

    I found the Queen Victoria&Torchwood thing interesting due to my "alternate/hidden history" fondness.I don´t question History,but I want to know what is behind and on both sides of all of that.I reckon it´s my fault for wanting to know it all!

  23. I´ve been "betrayed" a lot of times.Some of them were conscious decisions,whereas some of them were unintended.Those ones were the most painful,as I never knew whether they felt empathy or not.For example,it hurt me a lot losing a friendship because I forgot carrying the mobile phone,thus not being able to tell him why I didn´t go out with the group.I´ve never seen/talked to those friends since that fateful Tuesday morning.


    On the other hand,talking to those school partners while the teacher (who was right in front of us)was some kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,so I even replied my teacher,child style,"But...but...we´re talking about The Who!"They didn´t see it coming,so they used to let me talk for a while,as if it was some kind of reward.

    I also had really dumb conversations with my friends.For example,we called ourselves "The Recycle Bin Worshippers"because we used to gather around a...well,you can imagine.We´d yell "All Hail The Bin!"randomly in our conversations.


    I am still proud of my Dragon Ball figure collection.Okay,most of them have a broken limb and are shirtless,but I like to keep them around.I´m 80% sure the reason behind that was due to a traumatic experience-losing my Super Saiyan Goku with detachable hair.


    Regarding Doctor Who,the writers need to keep their stuff together,so to say.When the series started,the companions were mere tools.Now they´re fullly empowered,deep characters who are less dependable.Martha is a good example-think of her ties with Torchwood.Still,the Doctor wants to keep them safe and sound,knowing there´s always a risk of danger.

  24. I know what it feels like,with a difference:no one really knew what I wanted to do "when I grew up".I just worked relatively hard,staying far from y partners because I couldn´t fin any link with them,and most of them teased me.There were good people in my class as well,and I would talk to them.And I won´t mind if my teachers told us to shut up.Especially if the conversation was about something I really liked,but I never thought my partners would like as well.In the end of the final year I used to be with different people,but with that "weirdo/different"halo as well.

    But that was the way I liked it:we talked about everything,from politics to conspiracies.Sure,we often had light hearted conversations as well,but it was common to find us talking about history or the way we´d rule the country.


    Roleplaying wise,I learnt not to use maincharacters since the day,aaaaaaaaaages ago,I fought with my by-then best friend because we both wanted to be Pocahontas.Since then,I learnt the value of secondary characters.For example,I´ve always loved Tapion,and I highly regret not to have bought a figure of him when I had the chance.

    Speaking of creating characters,I have to admit I often end playing those "dressup"games.This is an advanced one you might like: http://www.ugo.com/channels/comics/heroMachine2/heromachine2.asp

  25. I´m a loner as well,both for wanting to be alone (eg studying while people was having fun in class)and not finsing people who suited my tasted,especially in music.Look,I´ve never found the light hearted conversations as something I was comfortable with-especially if they were about going out.So I would stick with the weirdos.they talked about interesting issues.Okay,there were times in which hearing someone talk about how he defeated that final boss for the ninth time was plain boring,but we shared our thought and respected each other.We even felt sad when the group split up.Nowadays I talk to two of them,and we like to remember our old school adventures.

    By the way,what´s Frysian?

    And that´s why I´ve always liked characters like Koji or Rika instead of Tai or Takato.

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