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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. Puppedcast?

    I know what boring classes are like.Back in Primary I spent a whole year of a certain subject drawing some kind of world which was divided into different parts because of their nature (jungle,city,ocean...)Not only I drew the beings,I gave them names and features (A eats fruits,X usually hunts B...).Come on,I even depicted the way those civilians had fun while trying to survive!

    I have to read,but not for fun :( I´ll start in a matter of...hours.

  2. Ah,change of names...I like Perkamentus,as it sounds like a cool spell (try to say it loud),but Sneep reminds me of a Pokémon. :rudolph:

    Sadly for me,I know how it ends,and I can tell you that the ending was the lamest one I read until the Breaking Dawn one.Okay,maybe not,but the epilogue shouldn´t have been written.It was like an attempt of solving everything.

    That´s why I gave you some "different"names.Those give rap a bad name (not that I´ve listened to Dutch rappers...)." I don't know how I like unknown rappers, since I don't know them"is the quote of the year.Period. :p

    i also knew you were you talking about.POD also hold good memories to me.

  3. Bliss was the reason I started to love Muse.Not only because of the incredible video (and,ahem,the looks of the three of them),but of the music that came from the telly-yes kids,there was a time in which MTV did aired music videos!-Those arpeggios,the drums...everything was...blissful.And so I was,floating in my living room. That very evening,I realised that Muse weren´t a Placebo ripoff.Oh,no.They were special.
  4. I understood it this way:Sirius died because of falling through the veil.If this helps you,try to imagine Sirius evading a shot,but finding an electrified wall.Anyway,I lost interest in the story after being infused with the hormones of half Hogwarts alumni.I haven´t read the last book and I won´t read it until some acquintance wants to lend it to me.I want to see what happens in "the final battle"...well,I know what happens,but still...

    I like Coldplay,but I can´t be arsed to listen to their last album again,even though I´ve only listened to it,and it was track-by-track.

    Nickelback?They finished their career with "All the Wrong Reasons".At least for me.

    Audioslave was a different case:I liked them a lot,had a poster of them in my room,and "What You Are"still means a lot to me,but I barely listened to anything which wasn´t on their first album.I can´t say I cried when they split up :p

    I like rap.I always have,but only if they have good background music and meaningful lyrics,like...RATM you say? I´ll try to listen to them.

    You can find good rap music out there,such as MadLib or Sage Francis.

  5. I like Coldplay,but to be honest I don´t like their latest album.Having said that,I have to admit that last year I was about to apply some Tipp-Ex upon a quite large picture of that Delacroix painting when I saw that I couldn´t ruin it.

    I liked the programme which was aired before Zane´s:I think I heard a new Lostprohets song!

    Have fun watching the movie!

  6. In my case,I wanted to correct a word ("Buddhist")and add that the same happened in that chapter when Bertha (.mu server)died,showing the RATM-like image (I thought the same too!)or a message on a blank background saying:"Resistance is futile (Bertha broke) Viva La Resistance!".What a way of mix languages...

    I wanted to follow the end of the NY treasure hunt,so I moved to Muselive.It barely worked.Same happened to Twitter.Several hours later-in which I listened to Radio 1-part of the previous programe and a full Jay-Z interview),I was told it had been completed (I wanted to see what happened if we failed :( ),so I headed for the downloadable song,which I got while Zane was airing it.My veredict?It was a disappointment when I saw Matt covering another artist,but I liked the background childish voices.

    Right now I´m listening to your Last FM radio.Needless to say,I like it! Well done!*waves back*

  7. Yes,that´s it.I quite enjoyed that book.Accroding to what I know,"we"got the Japanese version with some changes here and there,such as some of the names.For example,in the chapter Sora and Joe fight against that giant Bakemon,Joe manages to make it weaker by chanting Buddist prayers.Furthermore,when Myotismon searches for the 8th chosen kid,there are people who listen to it so as to avoid its minions.In the American dubbing,Joe only says something like "Bakemon,lose your power".I don´t know what happens in the other chapter.The comics followed the American dubbing.

  8. I´ve started to watch A Scanner Darkly.I think I´ve never told you I like dystopic literature."Brave New World"is one of my all-time favourite books.I´ll try to read "A Scanner Darkly"soon.Last book I read was "The Wave",which I had considered reading since I saw that German film.But now I have to stop leaisure reading...because I failed Writing for not having read Bel Ami.

    I could have got the movie some time ago,but I prefered to watch the subbed Japan OVAs because of the whole "americanization".I remember having felt like that when I watched Pokémon 3 in a cinema.Not because of the movie itself,but of the voices (which were completely different from the ones the series has/had).And being surrounded by four kids and their parents :p

  9. Well,I do like your drawing! :D My mother,who was around,liked it too,but she found the eyes quite sad.

    I also like USOE,but it´s not a killer tune but a Killer Queen (baaaaad pun!).My father says it sounds like "Queen meets The Mummy".

  10. So it´s already confirmed that Muse will be there too? I wonder whether we´ll (yes,I´ll watch it even if if it´s crap,provided Muse and RH/TY are there)hear new songs or not.Aaaaand speaking of new songs,I´ve enjoyed the "-sia!-sia!-sia!"part.Brian May must have seen it as another birthday present :p It´s going to be awesome live.Let´s hope we´ll get Collateral Damage as well.


    I like the manga eyes.How did you draw them?

  11. Haha,I can imagine.It all started when Muse posted the tracklist on Twitter,followed by "who fancies a treasure hunt?"which made people go nuts,until Matt said it would start in a week or two.Then the new.mu launched after a countdown,along with the treasure hunt on the Ununited minisite.People had to look for USBs,upload a pic or a video as a proof,and then they´d meet Muse,having the change of getting two tickets for a concert.At first I tried to follow it in real time,but the forums were filled on comments and the Treasure Hunt became a pit full of nonsense,both here and on Muselive.Actually,I´ve realised that ML is losing what made it differerent from this forum.What a pity.


    Now I just check the sites as usual,waiting for the new audio snippets.I can´t say anything,but so far I think Muse are clearly taking the piss,creating a fully OTT piece on purpose,which is not a bad thing-that´s what KoC was! Once again,we´ll have to wait for the whole album...


    Regarding Manga drawing,it takes quite a lot of practice.I´ve always been hopeless at drawing human figures,but my last manga-style drawing ( a chibi Thom Yorke)looked pretty nice.By the way...I´m proud of telling you that there have been discovered two moons orbiting around Planet Tchock! One of them,"All For The Best", is said to have been created of debris from other bodies (remarkably the Andy comet),whereas the other one,which was already spotted some time ago around the Radiohead Galaxy,is yet to be given an offical name.Scientists believe that The Creator named it "Present Tense",but them,in their mortal lack of knowledge,have kept on calling it "In You I´m Lost".

  12. I take they played once or twice in a festival.As far as I know Muse never were their guest band,as it´d be their dreams as you have well stated.I knew of Audioslave soon before they released their first album,but their were refered as "RATM/Cornell"because one of them said that their recordings weren´t by no means RATM ones.Yes,I got that magazine years after being issued.

    Congratulations!As you might see,you´ve missed quite a lot... :p

  13. May,2001!The month in which I first heard of Muse.In this magazine they appear as three young men who are about to release their new album.Any hints? They say that "Plug In Baby"will be in their album,as well as "New Born",which will be their first single.They also say that "Feeling Good",which had been also played live,will be a B side.Matt says that their biggest influence for their album was RATM,who played with them a bunch of times (whaaaaaat?! And I missed it?!!)


    But now they won´t,because according to ZDLR,"no one dared to take a step further,musically speaking.It was easy to predict how a RATM album would finish.It´s quite logical,in a way,if you want to keep your status and give a vision few people share.But the artist in me,and not only the activist,says that the art I create has to be criticised.But that turned out to be impossible because of our personalities and the terrible state of our relationships.It´s quite heartbreaking.When I came up with the idea of RATM back in 1989 so as to give a name for an Inside Out album I never thought that it´d become meaningless.I didn´t think I´d care if they continued without me,but...I came up with that name!That name is part of me,and I believe that if they keep on using it they might ruin what we did together.But Rage is also their musical identity.If that´s what they want to do,I´ll accept it.I´m not gonna tell them what to do with their lives".


    I know what´s it like.I can tell you I kept for a year a copy of "High Fidelity"because it was nowhere to be found.And believe me if I tell you that I asked everyone I could think of so as to look for it all over the country.I found it in English,though.And that´s when I can relate again to your story.I found the English edition on a library which was part of a centre which my grandmother visited twice a week so as to swim.I would go with her when I was on holidays because I liked to read all those books.I remember I somehow liked one in which the main character was literally Matt!He wasn´t a musician but a writer (there you go! :D )who found a massive conspiracy,though.

    I also have some "how to draw manga"books.I can´t say they were the best thing out there,but they somehow helped me.

  14. Well,I have an interview with ZDLR from the days he left the band.If you think it could be interesting either for you or the board I can find it.Yes,I do collect old magazines.

    I once wrote a small Muse Japanese logo on the door of one of the bathrooms with a pen.

    It seems I wasn´t the only one who learnt to write &say (and spell!) floccinaucinihilipilification easily.

    I didn´t like its ending.There was NO NEED for the Digimon to return to their world.In the first Digimon seasons they could stay around. in their baby forms.

  15. I know what´s it like.Don´t ask me how,but I am often misunderstood.And I hate it with a passion.You try to help...and the rest of the people understand that it´s not like that. :(

    Speaking of RATM and awards,I really liked what Mr.C (I think it was him)tried to do when they lost againt Limp Bizkit in those video award,because he was completely right.


    I hate when people makes massive mistakes which could have been sorted out if they knew a bit about what they´re talking about.I remember having read a review of a Muse gig I attended in which the writer seemed to have seen another band.If I hadn´t been there,I would have thought they had turned into My Chemical Romance from The Black Parade era!


    I also like that word.I even written it in the desk I sat in my class.Maybe it was because I chose the first rows (I´m a bit shortsighted),but the desks were kinda clean compared to those behind me.I used to read what people wrote there,and I often read references to bands I like.Shame I didn´t know who had written that.I´ve always been careful with my desk,but I couldn´t help carving "Radiohead Rules"on the leg of my school desk.Still,if I was going to carve something,I always do it in an alphabet I invented.

    I used to attend to extra English classes (because I wanted to learn more)and I often ended the exercises sooner than the expected,so I spent my time carving stuff (especially Muse and System Of A Down lyrics)with the pen over the surface of the piece of plastic which was intended to be a table.One day we were doing our exercises when someone said,"Miss!Someone has written something in the language of the Dwarfs!".I couldn´t help giggling.

  16. I would lie if I told you I don´t care about awards...because I love to do some votefixing now and then! I suppose that what I hated the most about the Grammy Awards were the ones commenting them,because they seemed to know little about what they were talking about.I remember when Loretta Lynn won an award that the people commenting said,"a man comes with her,he must be the producer..."He was Jack White,who had been playing with Meg shortly before.

    Muse recorded most of their old stuff there as it is property of John Cornfield.

    Speaking of phone stuff,I always tell my parents to answer them if I don´t know the phone.I just don´t want to deal with the ones calling.


    Physically speaking,my case is the other way round.Not only I´m small,I´m also plump and...not even the best football club has such a great forward part as I do have,so to say.Plus I like baggy clothes.

  17. I share your opinion about TBOLA and their first album.

    Here´s the same,musically speaking.I remember that the first time I went to see Muse I thought,"why is there so many people?Are they hidden behind of a rock or something?".Actually,so far I´ve only found two people who know who they are around me.Of course,most of the people you menction get more attention in the US,but you must think that there also listen to so called R&B and mainstream pop.Take a look at the Grammys awards if you dare.I used to watch it/listen to it,but I gave up.This year I made an effort because of 15 Step.


    It´s Daphne du Maurier.:) By the way,did you know that she lived in Fowey,where Sawmills studios are?I liked Bridget Jones´Diary,it made me laugh.I remember I read it on holidays some years ago,on the beach.I´m afraid to say I can´t remember any Digimon Tamers song except for the opening.


    I don´t know why,but we have to cope with dozens of people calling us by phone,trying to sell new Internet offers.God bess the one who invented the way to know who´s calling you.

    By the way,my hair must be similar to yours! I hope no one knocks at the door right now because I don´t look any good.Not only I have that ponytail which makes my forehead even wider...I´m wearing a tight tee,which I hate because I prefer baggy clothes.That´s why I´m wearing a pair of old baggy long trousers.And it´s rather hot in here.All because of my laziness.I only go to my room to (try to)sleep.

  18. They weren´t going to talk about news but of their story,I guess.The host namechecked a bunch of artists and she said they´d talk about their careers.By the way,I´ve noticed that the booklet of "The Battle Of Los Angeles"smells like the booklet of "Absolution".

    I´m a bit bored too.I´m also waiting for my final marks.My plans for today?I´d check some websites,listen to music and I might play some videogames.I might resume Digimon 3,as there are always some evolutions to get.Some people would call it routine (it is!) but I know how to make it more amusing.

    I could get no sleep yesterday.But I saw how the morning awoke.I hadn´t seen something like that since I had to wake up early in the Tuesdays mornings to go to Uni.I finally fell asleep at 7am...and I woke up at 4 pm.

  19. You´re welcome!Don´t worry,Akira is much more than that.Here´s a fact:the whole manga had to be published into various books,both in black and white as in colour (I recently downloaded this one:my house already looks like Tetris:The Live Action Movie).

    speaking of RATM,I thought of you last night.I couldn´t sleep,so I decided to listen to the radio.There was a programme on the only real good radio station here about experimental electronic music.It made sound "Kid A" like a light pop album.That music relaxed me,but I wanted to stay awake to remember the name of the musicians (the only ones I was already heard of were Sunn O))) plus I didn´t want to kill my mp4 player)So when the programme ended I listened to the intro of the next programme.They were going to talk about RATM! I couldn´t help whispering,"Oh come on,I want to sleep!".Luckily I found out that I can find podcast of both programmes.

  20. It was all because of the character having special powers after an incident which is fully (or not so:I´m still trying to figure out the full meaning of the endings...)explained in the end by scientists/doctors.It might be a bit spooky,but that´s what I like :D I got the anime and the manga after having searched for it and I really liked them.I might not be the biggest otaku out there,but I´m interested in everything ,as you might have inferred.I also watched some of the most popular ones,but I because a specialist in looking for stuff in the most unexpected places.So they´re airing Wolf´s Rain at 3am?Let´s record it.Which is a shame because I remmeber that anime here used to get a more decent airing.If my memory doesn´t fail me,I used to watch Digimon Adventure and Slayers before going to school after having eaten my meal.


    I often write in English so language won´t be a problem.My Ultimate Novel wasn´t,except for the lyrics.I sensed I had to write it in my first language.I´ll read your stuff carefully,and then I´ll tell you what I think of it.

  21. It´s not my case.I suppose it´s just because I barely have people to ask or force :p

    So basically I´ve given up writing long stuff and now I just write some personal ramblings which could end up in a diary if it wasn´t because I like to encode it all.For example,Matt would be "the axe-wielding rat".

    Nonetheless,feel free to ask me for a copy of any text I write you about.I´d like to read your texts,too.

    I didn´t finish my story because of the plot,it´s just that I didn´t feel like writing it anymore.Now only the prologue and the story which started ethe idea are the remains of what could have been my ultimate text.By the way,your story reminds me of "Akira" (in case you´ve watched/read it).

  22. It might be,yes.Maybe not an in-depth analysis,but the basics (which she has a lack of)are ALWAYS taught.

    I am not the "read my stuffplzplzplz"kind of writer,but it´s always good to have an outer figure who judges your stuff.It was a shame I didn´t finish my stuff,but it was worth a laugh when I started to ask my friends,"would you rather be a granny or a crazy fan?""what would you say if your son announced that he has discovered the truth about your wife?" and so on.

    A Johnny Depp screenplay/fanfiction/biopic?That sounds interesting.I´ve never done something like that,but I have to say that the story I´ve told you about was loosely based on Muse´s Origin Of Chaos tour,with stuff of another bands such as The Libertines,The Vines...Years ago we were told to write two short stories about a party:one written from the point of view of someone who is enjoying it ("Chris"in my case)and one written from the point of view of someone who has to cope with it (a random guy who works on a catering company).That short story made me think about a longer (and better)novel about a young man who finds out that...well,I never developed that part,but it involved lies,conspiracies and whatnot.

  23. I don´t think you get Biology classes if you´re studying English,so it might be the problem.But I´m sure she must have heard of documentation.You do know about its importance,though.

    I once came up with an idea to make characters as realist as possible.I asked my friends if they could "roleplay" a character and tell me how´d they react to certain situations.One of my friends even gave me drafts of songs he had been working on!

  24. Still,if we considered vampires as undead creatures,it should be like Van Helsing (the movie):they´d give birth to dead children.But it´d be impossible anyway,as a)females don´t have the blood to create the placenta and b)males wouldn´t have any sperm left.Unless we´re talking about venom sperm :p

    I remember that I thought,"what kind of doctor are you?"when I reached that part.My own mind replied soon after:"a doctor who was created by someone who has no clue about biology".I also noticed how Bella stayed quiet after hearing the explanation,but then I thought that one of the traits of Mary Sues is exceeding at everything (even if she deems herself as clumsy and stupid)or,better said,seem that they know about everything when it might not be true,such as in this case.That´s another of the laughable issues:how to portray a "nerd" character and failing.But I suppose that´s what happens when you don´t deal well with using the first person while writing.

  25. I suppose we can see the whole thing as a lame attempt to give a scientific explanation for something which can´t be explained at all.If we talk about vampires,I´m pretty sure I read female vampires can´t have children.That´s a bit sexist,isn´t it?Plus if venom is a substitute for all the vampire fluids,Bella could have been turned into a vampire if she had had a contact with Ed´s saliva while kissing.

    I also expected for pages Jane´s death.And yep,it´s weird when you,"the thing that should not be",MUST love your mother´s former love interest.It reminded me of those marriages which happen between the girl of a certain family and that old rich man.

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