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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. I must say I once got hooked on a "Create-your-own-DBZ-character"game.I suppose it was just the next step to my games.When Kame Hame Ha-style attacks weren´t enough,I´d give them weapons of another toys,creating epic battles on stages made of Lego bricks.I never drew Cell,but I can tell you how the ones who bought the manga used to photocopy their pages so as to colour them.Those photocopies were sought everywhere,believe me! Back in those days I used to draw my own comics with captions.They dealt with plenty of themes,but they often involved aliens,mutants or any kind of experiments which turned the main characters into hideous creatures.My all-time favourite one came from a movie of the Olsen sisters (yes,laughable)in which their aunt was a witch.But I changed the ending.After saving their "earthly"aunt,this one almost killed the alien aunt with a Genkidama (I still think this was one of my best drawings!).I said "almost because"the alien aunt told the Olsen sisters that they are in fact their alien daughters.So they willingly accepted being shapeshifted into their alien form,joining forces with the "evil"aunt to kill the "good"one by shooting rays.

    I´m afraid to tell you I don´t have that Bootstrap Bill drawing.He rests now,not in Davey Jones´locker,but in a notebook which those friends gave me.Maybe they wanted to boast that the drawings were theirs.


    I find it logical that you were kind of disappointed after watching I Am Legend´s ending:if you had read the book,you´d have understood it all better.I don´t want to spoil you how it ends.I have to watch 30 Days Of Night.And I got it ages ago!


    Think of this universe as one which is constantly expanding,but it has two main cores.After the Big Bang (On A Friday)the first one appeared,containing the Pablo Honey contellation.Its most famed planet ,Creep,is often cited by the Radionauts as the first place they visited,but I´d reccomend you to check the other two galaxies:The Bends and OK Computer.As you´ll see if you dare to venture into the universe,there are lots of wormholes/EPs which connect planets.I like them a lot,but I won´t talk about them now.

    The other core has four galaxies:a binary system (Kid A/Amnesiac)an independent one (Hail to The Thief)and another one,created from remains of small planets which ended up creating the galaxy (In Rainbows).They are also connected by wormholes,but they are smaller (because I´m talking mostly about singles :p ).As I see it,this constellation is the most interesting,but people say it´s too far away,so only the braves visit it.

    If you want more details,just ask me.

  2. Actually,I used to draw the birthday cards for all my friends ever since I was a kid.You can imagine,gnomes,various Pokémon...Actually,it was a Pokémon drawing which caught the attention of these young friends,and they demanded a bunch of POTC drawings.Oddly enough,the best one featured Bootstrap Bill.He looked...beautiful.

    I think the same about DeviantArt.I´ve always been the worst drawer in the world,and comparing my stuff with the ones there it´s quite...frustrating.

    I like "15 Step" as it´s one of those songs you can "use "to say "see,Radiohead are not so boring!",which is the major criticism people have towards their music.If you are interested in them,please let me know.I´ll be glad to give you a key to their beautiful universe :) Unlike Muse,they have lyrics with actual depth.Or beauty.In my humble opinion,I think that "Inmerse your soul in love" from "Street Spirit (Fade Out)"is probably the best ending (in lyrics) ever written.

    But I also like,and I´m quite ashamed to say this,the ones which fit in a cathegory I call "hooliganism in music".It might be either something like Kaiser Chiefs ("Na Na Na Na Naaa")or something like Travis´ "Tied To The 90´s".

    Enjoy those movies! I´d like to read a small review of them...

  3. I did mentioned it,even though i´m not a fan.I remember having drawn him as Jack Sparrow for some friends of mine who are huge POTC fans.In my case,I just draw for fun,and that´s why I barely draw people I like,except for some drawings I made a year ago because of some personal issues.

    I agree 100% with your thoughts about beauty (I like philosophical offtopicness,so it helps ;) )Continuing with what I was saying before,one of these drawings I made was a Thom Yorke one.He is not your average handsome man,but he has some kind of charm I wanted to capture.For four days I put all my soul on a pencil and a rubber (or should I say "an eraser"?).I didn´t draw him perfectly,but that wasn´t my goal either.Success was achieved,though:the ecstatic figure was "him".I might not have seen Radiohead live,but I know them enough to see it matched reality.And I was quite proud of it,because the one who had been drawn is not your boasting celebrity.Same goes with Matt,of course.Maybe that´s why I revere both bands.Guess who was featured in my other drawing?


    Lyrics-wise,I don´t take Matt too seriously.It doesn´t mean I don´t care about what they say,though:I think I partially dislike "Endlessly" because of the cheesy lyrics.Let´s say it goes something like 70%-30%.I just don´t want him to write shallow lyrics.And no,I´m not just talking about "Starlight".I´m also refering to songs like "Take A Bow" or "Apocalypse Please".As a keen RATM fan I´m sure you know what I´m trying to say.

  4. A Johnny Deep fangirl?I reckon that June 9th must be like Christmas for you...

    It´s rather funny,since I tried my school partners not to notice my fangirl-ism towards anything.they knew I liked certain music bands,but that was all.Good luck with your Muselim preaching:my last attempt was a disaster!

    I like horror films,but I prefer zombies over vampires.

  5. Glad to see you got them! But she´s right,there´s no need to rush now :p

    Anyway,have good luck in the supermarket.Thanks goodness there are no classes now...I´d look like a deranged fangirl,and no one wants to go throught that!

  6. You´re seated far from the podium,true...Bring some binoculars!No,it isn´t a joke.I have seen people with them in concerts.If you managed it well,you could even bring a good camera with you.

  7. My first "serious"concert was a Linkin Park one,so go figure...

    I prefer standing,but it´s useless if you´re seeing an artist which makes you want to dance.I know what I´m saying:I couldn´t move last time I saw Franz Ferdinand.

  8. I knew you would made it! :D

    By the way...I don´t know how are things there,but with a bit of luck you can stay whenever you want.

    Anyway,I´m sure you´ll have a good time.

    Personally,I´m glad I got seated tickets for my first Muse concert...I was so amazed I couldn´t move!

  9. He had to come with me last time,and it seems he liked them.

    Twilight is a book aimed at a certain age target,and that´s all.But what sickens me are "some messages" (I might sound like some kind of extremist!) which are implied in the book that might not be the most suitable ones for someone who´s growing up.I won´t tell you which ones so as not to spoil the reading.I don´t think they have read the old gems (I haven´t either,so I am no one to judge),but on the other hand it´s good for kids to read and not to fear brick-sized books.Or not-so-kids: I can tell you of someone who read "Breaking Dawn"at my History classes,and she´s 21!


    The movie...In my case,and it´s not because "it´s Twilight",the problem is that things are not how you imagined them.For example,I can tell you of people who complaied that the actors didn´t match the characters.That´s what happens when you´re depicted as "beautiful".By the eyes of whom? :rolleyes:

    Or the other way round:Robert Pattinson once said that some girls asked him to suck their blood. If it were up to me,I´d have asked something related with his Cedric Diggory role.By the way,BY NO MEANS Cedric looked like Edward in my mind :p


    (hint:click at "remember me"or whatever the name of that square at the right of the name/password is)

  10. My father WANTS to come with me to see Muse! I wouldn´t mind,if it wasn´t because I might go with some friends there.

    I´m a gamer.Not a hardcore one,but I like playing now and then.Actually,right now I´m listening to some songs from The Legend Of Zelda.

    I believe your words:not every teen has to claim that Twilight is LIEK TEH BESTEST BOOK EVA!11!! at first sight.In my case was the other way round:if I found the books quite riddiculous,the movie was even worse for me (I´ll repeat: for me).Mostly because of the chosen actors and actresses,who acted as if they weren´t there.Plus "Jasper" looked as if was too frightened...in lack of a better expression.

    The Muse reference is at the end.It was funny,since I never read the final parts of a book I want to read.Call it destiny or whatever.I´ve also read the last ones (Eclipse-Midnight Sun-yes,the draft!-)in English.


    I did tests for some of the Twilight characters,and almost all of them were Mary Sues/Gary Stus.No,I wasn´t bored,I just had felt it while reading the books-especially with Edward:I kinda felt like like Bella in the first book,but not much after that-.


    I like the "counter" thingy.Shame you can´t take it with you :p

    Talk as much as you want.As you might have noticed,I love reading.

  11. Musically speaking,I suppose that the style I listen to the most is "the one with rock influences which is supposed to be cool and indie" (I can´t remember where I read that description,but I liked it as it´s fairly accurate),but nowadays I´m on a Radiohead/Dropkick Murphys/videogame music diet.Quite schizo,I know.

    Parental-wise,my parents also liked that music,with some prog drops and Queen here and there (no wonder I like Muse...).

    The presale for me will be in a matter of days.I´m quite worried,but I´ve seen Muse a couple of times and getting tickets was never difficult.And no,I´m not a regular gig goer,but the ones I´ve been to were in arenas.

    I suppose that you´ve translated a Dutch line: as far as I know it doesn´t exist in English,but I reckon there must be a similar proverb or something (English in not my first language!).By the way,what´s a"counter"?It makes me think of the game,Counter Strike,but I suppose you were not talking about that :p


    Don´t worry,no one´s going to throw books at you for liking Twilight.I´ve read all the books,some of them before the craze (when New Moon was released because of the Muse reference),but I didn´t like them at all because of various reasons.But I liked some of the characters,namely Jasper or the Volturi.And I went to see the movie just because of the soundtrack.

  12. There´s no need to rush :)

    I don´t think I´ll ever change.Dunno if it´s a good or bad thing,but I´m fine the way I am.

    In my case,I listen to lots of different stuff,and metal is (almost)always welcome.

  13. I´m also intereted In Communism.Not that I think it´d really work,but I find it amusing how the different Russian factions started a war between them,thus closing the Eastern Front in the WWI,etc.I had to explain it all to a school partner,from 1905 to the first plans,filling the whole class blackboard of stuff I knew by heart! Luckily,I´ve studied History since then,having a subject which included talking about the USSR for months! So I´ll see if I can find the book :)


    As far as I know,"Anastasia"wasn´t a disney cartoon but a Fox Animation Studios one.You see,I´ve never been the "pink princess"one.I´m still really tomboyish.

  14. When "Anastasia" (the cartoon version)movie was released,I wanted to know more about the last days of the Romanov dinasty.I found a book about it at school,but I thought I couldn´t take it because it was "for grown ups"(our school library had two parts,and mine was the one for Primary School alumni).But I asked the one in charge of the library...and I could take it!

  15. My,what a story!

    I forgot to say I am interested in History.

  16. YOU are the one who created them,so therefore you must know how their mind work!That´s what documentation is for.The novel you´re writing allows some kind of depth,but I´m no one to tell you what to write.Keep this is mind,though:

    Self inserts are also considered as some kind of Mary Sueness.

  17. I like those Mary Sue tests.And I know what does it feel being "the shy one".But I prefer my characters not to mirror who I am.

  18. Hmm...I´m afraid it is.But it is also true I find these kind of stuff quite cheesy.Nonetheless,you have the chance of improving it by giving the characters some degree of depth,for example.Especially the main character,who screams "Mary Sue!!"

  19. Would you tell me about the novel plot,please?

  20. JulNaWriMo? :wtf:

    I´m watching "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood"on YouTube,even though I watched the original series.Let´s see if it´s more accurate to the manga.

  21. Same here.Plus I´m sick of seeing slaughtered anime.

  22. My last Dragon Ball moment?Right now I´m hooked on Chrono Trigger,and the characters were designed by Toriyama-san.No wonder I renamed the characters with DB people names...

  23. I´ve never written a fanfic in my whole life,but I´ve been a DB fan since I was...four?

    I´ll check the site...

  24. I love RATM,I like Muse a lot and I want to be an author too.Therefore you have stolen my identity! :D

    Enjoy your stay and feel free to PM me.

  25. ...good weather stole my Christmas time.Apart from homework.

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