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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. I preferred Jacob´s part.Actually,he became one of my favourite characters...until he became a Pedowolf.

    That issue...well,thing is,I´ve never felt that,but I agree with you.I don´t want to change who I am in order to get what I want.Maybe I´m a daydreamer,but I don´t want to be another sheep in the cattle.That makes my life slightly difficult,but I am confident It´ll be better in the end.

  2. Remember this:Vote For Saxon.

    I believe what you said:my father almost ordered me to watch the final episode of Torchwood:Children Of Earth.We had been watching the previous chapters together when he returned from work,but I was watching a documentary the day the final chapter was available.So as soon as I told him we could watch it,he said,"Turn off the tv and look for the chapter".

    And yes,knowing that you can´t be with the one you love is painful to say the least.It´s quite ironic,since I struggled with New Moon because of that,but I´m pretty sure I´d have "my Bella days".Especially knowing I´m not the "I can have boys around when I want to"type.There are days in which I partially understand "Starlight"´s lyrics thanks to my empathy :p

  3. I´ll tell you the rest as soon as you find it out.

    My first contact with fan fiction (sort of) was a booklet which came with one of those aimed-for-teenager magazines.I used to buy them when I was 7,which was the time in which you had not only that boy band/girl band explosion,but that Titanic craze.This booklet was a story in which Jack´s body was taken from the sea by one of those life boats as he was still alive (just a bit frozen :p ).Some time after that,he awok with no memories at all.When he was trying to get a life as a drawer,he found out that he had been in Paris (this is not a plot gap,just a memory gap due to not having read it in ages),so he went there.After another memory plot,he finds out that Rose is going to get married (memory gap)and they find each other again until...well,let´s say that old Rose was lying,as Jack was safe,old and sound.

    It wasn´t so terrible.In fact,I think that story was my first step into loving "what if..." stories.


    P.S.This Jack and Rose coupling sounds like a DW fanfic pairing!

  4. John Barrowman is the Cap´n,whereas John Simm is...I don´t want to spoil anything.I´ll just say that "Life On Mars"´chapters always started with the same line ("My name is Sam Tyler...")and I would say,"___"!(referring to Doctor Who)pr,"don´t lie!You´re Andy´s brother!"(he reminded me of Andy Yorke´s brother.Actually,I joked with a friend...ouch,I can´t continue due to major Doctor Who spoilerage).

    I am not the crying-while-watching-something type.My mother,on the other hand,is the one who ´d cry even watching "Ghost" for the 7467336th time.

  5. Well,that´s a saying.I am not the brightest out there.But I can see that Matt´s political lyrics are not "too risky",so to say.Maybe he´ll be able to write "advanced"ones in a future,but that´s up to him.Until today,lyrics have been used to "stress"the music,and that´s not a bad thing....Muse have always been known by their powerful gigs after all!


    To be honest,when I saw Matt Smith as the Eleventh I thought two things;"Is it over?" and "This guy´s too young to be the Doctor!"As a Doctor Who fan,I´m afraid they´ll reach the final regeneration in short.This will be the third regeneration in few years,and we know this can´t go on forever...I have nothing against Matt,except for replacing Mr.Tennant,but we have to think that David himself was in the same situation,as Christopher was a superb Doctor.By the way,I wouldn´t mind having John Simm around as well again.I´ve liked him since the day I watched 24 Hour Party People.And Life On Mars is one of my favourite series ever.

  6. Of course,USOE (for example)is not a carbon copy,but Muse themselves wanted it to sound like Queen,in a way which was so obvious that it became ridiculous.Listen to Liam Lynch´s "Fake Songs" and you know what do they wanted to create.And no,"United States Of Whatever"doesn´t count :p But if you want a Queen example,listen to The Darkness:Queenies do exist.I liked them,by the way.

    II didn´t lose track because dealing with sensible writing pieces is my writing equvalent of listening to,say,"Paranoid Android".That´s why I agree with you (great minds think alike! ;) ).

    I once read that a music album is like a photo album of a certain moment of the history of the musicians,and so we can say that the songs are like Polaroids.Some of them might have been "taken in chronological order",thus creating a concept album,whereas you can get a bunch of random photos (picture the video for The Street´s "Fit But You Know It")as well.In 2000/1 Matt felt like writing "Hyper Music",and so we got a picture of a wailing Matt.Not he is in love,so we got a sunny picture in which he was cuddling Gaia (Starlight).People go through various stages in their lives and that´s okay-well,not always-.But if there´s something I dislike is how people change "for worse".I´m not saying that writng love songs is wrong,I just say that Muse have always wanted to be different,and writing shallow stuff doesn´t fit them.Same goes with the bland politics lyrics.As a RATM fam,I´m sure you know what I´m talking about.Anyway,if that´s what Matt feels he has to give the band...let it be.


    I´m all for music experimentation,and I often end criticising the ones who´d shoot themselves if Matt rapped.What´s "just to spit in your face",then?Apart from a tribute to RATM,it´s a rapping line.I´m sick of people dissing rap.Mainstream gangsta has given rap a bad name :(

    Apart from the examples I gave you,there are some rap attempts which were nice,such as Radiohead´s "A Wolf At The Door".I don´t know why so many people hated "Who Knows Who",being as it was a friendly song with the sole purpose of being a piece of fun.


    I don´t think your example fits with this,sorry.At least,not fully.You wrote of what you knew/were able to write.No kid would write a dystopic novel...because he/she doesn´t even what is that! Now that you have acquired years of practise and reading,you know what you want to write about,and how you want to write.

    For the record:I hate romantic books&songs.Biased much?Yes,but I want my tastes to stay away from my way of thinking and reasoning.


    But I like the Bolero,no matter it makes me think of Ogremon causing havoc in Odaiba.My prants had a tape of it,and I snatched it.The tape´s still in my room.

  7. My pleasure :)

    By the way,you joined the board the day I blew some candles...

  8. I couldn´t agree more with you! Of course,Muse sounding like something I love (call it Doctor Who,call it Queen,call it whatever),but I´ve always wanted to listen to Muse without saying,"hey,this sounds a lot like Y!"As I see it,Muse are like Tarantino:they mix stuff from everywhere in order to create songs which sound unique.Plus we have to think that this is their second (being HAARP the first)selfproduced album,so sounding "Mainstream" or "unmusey"is their fault.Actually,we can´t say that "it doesn´t sound like them",since this time they´ve done what they wanted.


    I want Muse to experiment and do different stuff,but there´s a fine line between experimentation and losing what a band was.Quoting Matt himself,"remember who you were".For example,he used to say that love lyrics meant nothing to him,so he´d never write songs like...Endlessly?Starlight?Don´t get me wrong,I´m a huge Muse fan,but it´s a crying shame when I see Muse dong what they promised not to do.


    The Mars Volta first album was produced by Rick Rubin.And it was an adventurous album.Nonetheless,they decided to self produce their following releases,and so the madness began,keeping their "calm"side too.They like to mix sounds from everywhere,so they often sound like acts like Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd...yet they still sound original!That´s why I used them as an example.Actually...I think they released their newest album through Warner.

  9. I don´t know.I´m pretty sure he was already rolling on money.For example,he is Dr.Slump´s author too! I didn´t watch the movie,just the scenes I was interested in (Goku turning into Ozaru and Shenron´s being summoned.That´s all).


    Speaking of people doing the same over and over and Doctor Who,is it just me or that Uprising snippet sounds a bit like Doctor Who ´s opening?I wanted to link it because people complain because "it doesn´t sound like Muse".Alright,I can´t say I love neither BHAR (or even Absolution!),but I also like Muse to try different stuff now and then.People complained because Rich tamed them too much,and now they say Muse need a producer ASAP?My reply to those is simple:The.Mars.Volta.Sadly,Muse will never be like them.they don´t have the guts to do something like that.I want to be wrong...

  10. Actually,it was Toriyama himself who sold the rights.That´s why the action movie was created,apart from the majority of OVAs.

    So I managed to introduce you to Doctor Who?That´s great! :D

    Regarding The Doctor,it is stated to be apart from love,but he can´t do that for a long time.When the new series started,that treatment slightly vanished,so yes,you can say that The Doc liked her from the first time he saw her.

  11. The "they keep killing X but they come back"issue...I see it as a nod to the original Dragon Ball viewers.I once read a funny yet true line in a blog post:"Dragon Ball was the only series I know in which dying was a good thing,as the characters (namely Krilin)returned more powerful than ever".They should have returned as zombies :p Having said that,I don´t care what DBZ is "in the real world":it was a series I loved a lot,and I still love and watch,along with Captain Tsubasa.

    I think the same about that now.Plus it had a terrible,terrible dubbing here.

    If this soothes your pain,DBGT wasn´t a Toriyama idea.

  12. Goku ALREADY was a Gary Stu,at least since DBZ.It became the almighty character,whereas the ones from the first DB (Yamcha,Ten Shin Han...)became nothing.Think about Son Gohan: he was supposed to be stronger than he father,and he ended trying...like the Great Saiyaman.Think about how many times Krilin died!

    Well,our story was set in an American high school,so it had some kind of explanation.Even worse:it was set in the one from Sabrina:Teenage Witch. :facepalm:

  13. That story sounds interesting.Once again,Fearion and Coldina sound like Pokémon names to me.Fearion could be a Dragon-type,while Coldina would be Jynx´s evolution (I don´t know if it already exists-I didn´t play further than Pokémon Gold).Sorry for having turned your characters into that.

    It somehow reminds me of a story I wrote with my by-then best friend.It was about a cheerleader who wanted to destroy their high school building,hiding a bomb into her pom poms.From out of the blue,two characters (yes,you´ve guessed it.Mary Sueness at its worst)came from out of the blue,stopping the cheerleader and the bomb.We once wrote another story about (more Mary Sueness!)two Amazons who saved a guy (my friend´s boyfriend)from a dinosaur.We stopped writing it because...it ended being a competiton of "my Mary Sue is better than yours".

  14. That´s an interesting story.The further I went was doing those captioned comics,which I gave up shortly after finishing Primary school.But I still keep them dearly.My class drawings tend to be small things.Checking my Language notebook,I can tell you I drew stuff like a leg of that dragon I told you about (holding a...yes,Dragon Ball),a mouse over a cheese piece,the Fullmetal Alchemist Ouroboros symbol and the sigul from The Crimson King (The Dark Tower),apart from a sketchy character which once appeared in a dream I had.I also had a text about myself,all coded.Almost all of my notebooks had those kind of drawings.I used to keep the writings in the same place:my Language notebook.Mostly because I had to pretend I was taking notes..of stuff I barely understood.

  15. Same goes with mine...and believe me,they do it for your safety!

    Since I am a good student ( :nerd: ) I have all my notes there.But,if you look at the final pages,you may find drawings or random texts.I even managed to draw a detailed one featuring Ao Kuang,Sun Wukong and a sea soldier.

    I don´t mind watching "ahem"scenes...as long as I´m alone.If that´s not the case,I try to focus on elsewhere.I suppose it´s partially because I can´t have that :p

  16. At least you wrote it...I can tell you I once failed an exam because I forgot to write my name! I always use average blue pens,and red ones in case I need a second colour.I´m not the kind of people whose notebooks look like rainbows.


    I knew little of Torchwood when I started watching it,but I knew it´d be something I´d like.The problem came when I had to watch it in front of my mother and my grandparents.I didn´t know where to look at when that episode about an alien which fed on sexual energy was aired.This third season nearly get rid of it,focusing on :srsb33f: (I couldn´t help using it!)instead.

  17. I noticed that too,and I found it slightly funny.

    There was a time in which I used to watch Big Brother,but just the first editios.I only resumed it when I found out that in one of the commecial breaks there were aired both "Insolence"and "Midnight Poison"adverts ;)

    Now I find that silly.I often find myself telling my mother to read a book instead.

    My handwriting is pretty clear,but too tiny.I can tell you that my Philosophy teacher asked me if I wrote like that so as to "trick"the one correcting the exam,making him/her think I had written the right answer.

    I like the poem! I have planned to watch Doctor Who online,now that I have finished watching Torchwood ( :( )thanks to my father,who got hooked on it.

  18. Even if it hadn´t been targeted to kids (Yu-Gi-Oh! wasn´t),parents should know about what their kids watch.Okay,maybe not always (my parents don´t know I like horror movies!),and they should watch a bit of it with the kids.There was a time in which I was told that The Simpsons were "cow shit",but soon after I could watch them without any restrictions.

    The telly is not a baby sitter,but it can be used in a sensible way so as to select interesting stuff.My grandffather is surprised that I spent the whole evening without turning it on.But there´s an easy answer to that:I only watch it ONLY if there´s something I really want to watch.My grandmother watched it 24/7.

  19. Our teacher was/is a female.And a nice form tutor.She was the one who allowed me to sit by my best friend´s side when I started to get bad marks in Maths.

    What 4Kids do with Digimon:The Movie was not only a rape.They also slaughtered it for the sake of censorship.What Kerpymon did was,simply,kdnapping them and wait until they all died.It was the same they did years after with Yu-Gi-Oh!´s "Shadow Realm".Think about it:how people were so afraid of going there if that was the place in which they played their duels?In most of the cases,the Japanese threat was a simple one:they´d die.

    I´d like to know why Americans feel that people would feel offended or scared with that...

  20. Same here.I can´t understand why do they accept that money.I don´t think people can be so greedy.Luckily,the only teams surrounding my house are the ones from kids,and they´re not right in front of my house.We just have to deal with people who like to use our street as a racing circuit.

    I never intended to use Digimon.I drew a sketch of a Lara Croft-like character at first,but I didn´t know what to do with it.That afternoon I saw that Pumpkinmon&Gotsumon chater,and I thought,"what if they could have defeated Myotismon?".Then I came up with the boxing idea,and developed it properly,as I had enough time.

    By the way,I still remmeber what our teacher told us before starting:"I don´t want attempts of drawing Goku,I don´t want a character who looks like Homer Simpson,and I promise that the one who draws South Park-esque characters will fail".

    In my case,my Dragon Ball stories were created by using my figure collection+the ones from other series/another random toys.

  21. I am also tired of seeing who teams buy obscenely pricey players saying that they are worth it,etc.I call them "L´Oreal Players/Teams",no matter mine is one of the worst cases of L´Orealism in the recent history.I still have some eye twitches when I think that there were no elections because the ones who wanted to be a president did´t have the money to start the campaign.There´s something called Credit Crunch,right?

    It´s not only you.Experimenting is something really important as well as amusing.We once had to create a short comic for school,and I had no idea about what to do.I knew that creating an aaverage human character wouldn´t suffice.After watching Digimon,I created a character,The Smashing Pump King,which was basically a Nanimon with some Pumpkinmon traces.He was supposed to be a boxer,who had to fight against The Melon Collie,a...melon with some collie features.The SPK launched a kamikaze attack,which ended with our hero crashing into the ring.Apart from the story I cared about the way those characters moved.For example,in the scene in which The SPK realises he has failed,his eyebrows were drawn out of the scene.I got a good mark.By the way,the comic had some clear homages to DB.

  22. My team hasn´t won anything this year.And I´m not sure that having bought those stars will work.They should try to do something in the defense line instead of buying more and more offensive players! I do like football,almost as much as I like music.Do you want an example?During the last World Cup I get infuriated as soon as I realised Italy was bound to win.You can why :p

    I like the comic! Poor legless Doctor (especially in the cover)...

  23. Haha,I knew he was Dutch,but that´s what happened,so it´s just a happy coincidence..Back in those days he was the coach of FC Barcelona,which was eventually dubbed as "Dream Team".My grandmother had a vinyl in which he sang.I can´t tell you whether his qualities were the same as the ones he had as a football player,as I´ve never listened to it.

    Exam-wise,we had the chance of organise them by voting,and there always were some "fights"between the ones who wanted to do all the exams in a row and the ones who preferred to do two in a week so as to have time to study.

    Well,the television which is placed in my living room is technically mine (my grandparents gave it to me as a present),so I often find myself remembering my parents my rights over it.If everything goes wrong,I have an old one in my room,so the three of us can watch whatever we want.And there´s always the chance of using the computer...

  24. I always was a good reader.According to my mother,people thought she was boasting when she told everyone I knew how to read properly.It seems that the first thing I read-and understood-was an article in a sports newspaper about Johan Cruyff.If that´s true,it means I´ve been interested in football since I was almost in diapers!

    They also noticed I had a lazy eye,so I had to wear a patch and glasses until I was ten or so.Now I only have to read glasses only in case of watching TV.Actually,if I´m watching it and doing another thing (namely use the computer)at the same time I often end with fatigue!


    There was a time in which I used to get incredible marks.For example,in my last Secondary year I got an 8,4.There were some people who considered me some kind of teachers´pet,but I wasn´t like that at all.

    To make things "better",I started to feel apathy towards school in the days in which I had to study harder than ever.Luckily,my good memory and paying attention in class saved,and still save me.


    If this makes you feel better I have to say I am proud of not having listened to Rihanna´s "Umbrella"in my whole life,except for the vocal part in that Hysteria/Umbrella mashup.And I´m almost completely unaware of what´s going on right now,musically speaking.But I can tell you that today I´ve been listening to the albums of a band I wanted to listen carefully (...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead)and I´ve found a song which has haunted me like few songs have before: "The Betrayal Of Roger Casemet And The Irish People"-eat your heart out,Fall Out Boy! :p -So.Damn.Epic.There´s an abridged version in their new album The Century Of Self,"The Giants Causeway",which is used as an intro.

    Needless to say,I´d like to see that Doctor Who comic.By the way,these days I´ve been watching Torchwood:Children of Earth with my father,who also watched the last Season two chapters with me.It´s what I always wanted to see in Torchwood!

  25. It´s sickening.Reading has been my passion since I was three (no kidding),and I find it ironic I have to read &write because a teacher considered I hadn´t been up to what was expected.I wanted this Summer to come so as to be able to read those books.Not because of mixing them ("and then Gavroche ran to the alley,so as to find...Arthur Dent punching Mark Renton?!)I have to read the ones I already read for Writing,so I´ll trust in my memory,reading only the ones in which I rushed so as to cram everything:Primo Levi´s If This Is A Man,Guy de Maupasant´s Bel Ami and Saint Exupéry´s Wind,Sand and Stars.I also have to write over 30 exercises,some of them quite difficult.


    It makes me cry as I´ve always been a good pupil,even thought there were times in which I spent the time sketching stuff.For example,I once filled a nook page with the OOS "forks".I´ve always cherished my books,but drawing random stuff seems okay to me.The problem came when I once sat with a guy who liked to fill my pages with graffitti,no matter I wanted it or not.On the other hand,I didn´t mind when we started "music fights".For example,it started wjhen I wrote a band name.Then he would write another one+ "rules","even shittier than that one"...We even ended in a childish "your mum"written fight once!

    Potter Puppet Pals! Too many "p"s!

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