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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. Only partially! I stole "I shall be The Stagman! Like Batman, but with antlers... I'm going to have to rut you!" from the original Mighty Boosh radio series! Vince becomes his sidekick "Bulbous bald boy, the bubonic bitch" after contracting the plague from a bat he refuses to have removed from his hair. :LOL:


    Our evening started with me and Nicole watching Blade Runner and talking about cake... then the spiced rum came out... then we were playing chess whilst watching Blade Runner, shouting "TAKE ME!" at various intervals... then moved onto Simpsons cluedo... and ended playing poker whilst giving each other foot massages with lavender oil... Good evening!


    It is a damn good song. As long as 'The Resistance' and 'Guiding Light' don't turn out to be horrendous, like a old shoe full to the brim with brie, then this may end up being an awesome album! :happy:


    Ew. Not an image I need whilst hungover!


    EDIT: That high pitched vocal in the final Uprising chorus is hilarious! :LOL:

  2. + to last post


    Night of poker, foot massages, simpsons cleudo, and an entire bottle of spiced rum. :happy: +




    = :dance:

  3. I get to be Julian! Win. :D


    Batman?! Have you not heard? I am Stagman! I was dismantled like a lego fort, then built back up again in the form of a man-deer. Stagman they call me, Stagman I am! Like Batman, only with faintly ridiculous antlers. Beware my fine hooves and deceptively soft, furry coat! Come stroke me it calls, come, come my pretty little thief in the night! BAM! It will merely draw you in 'till I lower my head and rut you like the villain you are! You'll wake up in Rome, covered in pizza crusts and sporting a faintly ridiculous accent. OOOH! How do you like them sausages? Two for the pound, two for the pound? HA! :phu:

  4. but...but... :supersad:


    Can't wait till monday! :D


    I'm listening to the original Mighty Boosh radio show! :awesome:


    No I didn't! ...I think.... Had I been drinking? :unsure:


    Look it's the new Muse singe! Ok you're angry it wasn't, but you like it no? :awesome: I don't think that would go down well! :LOL: I tried on a 'Bands That Sound Like Muse' thread once, which got about 2 people before it was swamped by Fightstars, 30 Second To Mars and various other non-muse sounding bands. :LOL:

  6. I'm going to get one on my penis. :happy:



    I'm really not. :LOL:


    I'll go with that! I keep feeling the desire to try and spam Main Muse into liking IAMX. I'm sure 70-90% of them would love them, but will never get to hear of them. And this makes me oddly sad. :(


    Meh, their loss!

  7. Muse always say that, and then always put on a second date due to popular demand. You'll see!


    I want to learn to drive, simply so I can go down the road blasting Negative Sex. :happy:

  8. Futurism is OOS, I already have that! Actually what are the OOS b sides? It gets confusing because the Hullabaloo Soundtrack is made up of Showbiz and OOS b sides.


    The :'( because I can't choose! :supersad: I'll just go to all of them. But especially OOS. Maybe i'll go to that one twice. Especially if Dead Star and In Your World get counted as OOS era. :happy:




    Have this to make it up (only minutes old on youtube!):



  9. Compare the Hullabaloo version of Unintended to the HAARP version. Murder I say! :phu:


    So add Spiral Static/Agitated/Forced In, or Fury/The Groove/Endlessly Missed into that battle... :'(


    I've seen Glorious live btw! :awesome:

  10. OOS definitely. I would just say Showbiz (because I've only heard Sunburn, Showbiz, Unintended, and Muscle Museum live from that album), but Matt so murdered Unintended at Wembley that i'd be worried he might not be able to sing them... So i'd be torn between Showbiz and Absolution.

  11. I'd definitely want to go to the OOS day! :D

  12. I'd rather they play Fillip tbh!




    It makes me > :happy:

  13. Uprising (so far) makes me :dance:

  14. Oh, and I saw the Harry Potter movie!

  15. I've finally got to hear it!


    The "eeurrray SIA!" bit had me rolling about in silent laughter, but I really like it! :LOL::D

  16. I'm liking that arabic twist! :awesome:

  17. *messes with gently* :happy:

  18. Hadn't you ever wondered why he seemed a little too obsessed with young boys?

  19. I have a really violent craving for quiche now! :supersad:


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr1vMmY4Dog :awesome:

  20. So i've heard. So i've heard... :shifty:


    YOUR QUICHE! :eek:

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