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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. *licks wrist*


    *laughs at*


    err... noooo! :LOL:


    Yes. Yes I am. :happy: And it shall talk! :phu:


    You can't drink with lego cups. Believe me i've tried. :(





    Yes! ...but it seems to have been mostly/all taken down from youtube. But there's the first series 4 episode here:



    It's an unusual episode because it's mostly in the country rather than city flat/office/pub, but it's quite a good one!


    They call me the rice demon, on account of my great love of rice. I like organic rice best. Each grain is given it's own field and allowed to roam free. :happy:


    Nearly 2 bottles each! Impressive my padawan. :yesey:

  2. I actually just unconsciously did those tongue movements whilst reading that. It seems my tongue will operate by written or verbal instruction! :LOL:


    *eats pie*


    Mayyybe. I'll see when I next get my hair cut. Which will probably be within the next week.


    I want a dog man of my very own. :happy:


    But that would also involve buying a cloning machine. Or building one out of lego. And I just don't have the resources. But here's some inventions made throughout time:







    I want to show you Peep Show, but it doesn't really work in tiny clip form. Imagine The Office, but far darker, and spending most of the show (quite literally) inside those two people's^ heads!


    Then i'll...errr.... deny you...umm.. rice?

  3. How do you train it?


    *covers in almonds*


    No! I am in full control of my own limbs! Although I have been watching a lot of old OOS era interviews. Which has made me want to have blue hair.


    Not a new salad fingers one, but this one:

    Which shall give me nightmares! :happy:


    I want a Viking Goblet Horn Thing. :yesey:


    I think... I may have shown you some bits from their Sketch Show - about Sir Digby Chicken Ceaser, the tramp Sherlock Holmes?! :awesome: Here's some other stuff though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7samYP0uKE


    Boo! You should do!

  4. That's quite a tongue you have there!


    :eek: *slaps with wet fish*


    Oh they get everywhere. But eventually everything gets pulled into those SMBH's. :yesey:


    With the nettles? Yes, that one is a bit wrong! I've been re-watching a load of those David Firth cartoons, and finding new ones. Sooo sooo dark! :LOL:


    Wow! And all because you had a goblet of awesomeness. *ebays*




    Do you know David Mitchell? I'm guessing neither "Peep Show", or "The Mitchell and Webb Look" ever got to America, but he's/they're awesome. :yesey:


    Speaking of comedy, ever since the Fox News network (bless them) informed the UK that we're living under a totalitarian Orwellian system of Death Panels (probably with a phone-in vote), i've started to become mildly addicted to the John Stewart Daily Show. He's fantastic! :LOL:

  5. :awesome:


    You are untutored in the ways of order! It's beer before wine you'll feel fine, wine before beer you'll feel queer. And if you're drinking spirits then only mix them with other spirits (and even then beware of mixing vodka or whiskey). These are my words of wisdom my padawan. Take heed! :yesey:






    I want a goblet. :(

  6. Well you have to shake tongues. It's only polite. :yesey:


    You have a lot to learn my young padawan. :noey:


    I have many smoky limbs. They appear from all angles and caress you like a liquid bonfire.


    A delightful treat did you say? A feast for the senses? And did you stir them with the rusted spoons? :awesome:


    It's 4.30am. I should probably go to bed.

  7. I like to become acquainted with such friends. :awesome:


    I haven't been sick through alcohol since... nearly two years ago maybe... I'm hardcore. :yesey:


    Well, not quite TRUFAX. :LOL: There is admittedly a reason why it was deleted by me, which will become apparent if you quickly skim down: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=50228&page=557 This is what happens when I get too high on coffee! :LOL: Don't worry though, you really didn't miss out on anything much! It was all smoke and mirrors. Smoke and mirrors...


    Oooh! How will you bake them? :happy:

  8. :eyebrows:


    Ahh that's what you meant! No there was no throwing up! :LOL:


    I recorded a video of me playing guitar earlier for Anna and Lynda, but photobucket deleted it for being just too sexy. TRUFAX.


    I don't cower! I'm a man of action. I'll sprinkle raisons over you and make you look silly. "Raison Hair" they'll call you. You'll have children following you wherever you go.

  9. Tongue transplant. :yesey:


    I had an amazingly spicy Tom Yam soup, and a beef (neua) Panang curry. Omnomnom! No there was no rain. Only rainbows of joy. :happy:


    So do I! :phu:



  10. You better just start liking mushrooms! :awesome:


    I went for a Thai meal tonight for a friends birthday! It was awesome. And I re-learnt from the waitress how to say thank you in Thai. And we had beer and wine and baileys and sexy fun talks. :happy:


    It sent me about 50 messages to my hotmail account. About 50.


    Shhhhhhhh! I didn't post there!

  11. I dunno... Bellamy's can sense mushrooms from a distance of 4 meters.


    The CD/DVD was £14 so there's quite a big difference! The DVD is a 45 minute "making of" documentary! :awesome:

  12. EDIT: I didn't post on my own wall by mistake, no... :shifty:

  13. You can substitute the beef for lamb and it becomes Shepherd's Pie! :awesome: Which is exactly the same thing! :LOL: But mushrooms are awesome! :phu: Bellamy would be ashamed! :noey: Nah, as long as it's red meat mince (not chicken i'm afraid!) with some kind of gravy-esque sauce and a few random root vegetables thrown in with a mashed potato topping it counts!


    Rawr! :pussy:


    No, just the CD/DVD. I was tempted by the box set, but £60 just to get an extra USB stick and Vinyl didn't seem quite worth it! Especially seeing as I have no money.


    It does look more like beer. Or urine samples. Frothy urine samples.

  14. I just looked at the recipie (reci-pie - recreational pie making) and noticed it's a bit weird on that link! I've never had one with parsnip in! Sounds good though! I think you just add whatever you want. Here's one with mushrooms: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1559/quick-cottage-pie :awesome:


    slagpie (slag-pie) - a sexy thing to eat


    Yes. Yes it is. :yesey: And i've just got my Stockholm Syndrome live in Kuala Lumpur! :awesome:


    He does look far too excited to be really Chris! :LOL:

  15. Sends: Cottage Pie


    Compromise (Com-promise): A promise made via the internet.


    It's the cover of the Uprising single! :happy:


    I love Tom Kirk peering out and waggling his head! :LOL:

  16. Shepherds Pie? It's pretty dull. Mince beef, gravy, carrots, peas, covered in mash potato and cooked for ages. Nice, though!


    Good. :yesey:


    But then they'll be a whole album of invincibles and starlights! :supersad:






    Awww! :LOL:

  17. One of our friends (John) basically eats almost nothing exciting. So Nicole just ended up making a big Cottage pie, and some of those chocolate puddings with liquid chocolate in the middle.


    Bad choices are good. :yesey:


    I think Matt needs to break up with his girlfriend, get angry, and have some kind of mental crisis. That'll make him make good music again. :yesey::ninja:



  18. Quite quiet this weekend. Two friends came over for a student dinner party, which was fun, and I spent yesterday in the park writing and exploring hidden paths in old cemeteries.


    I'm not a fan of pineapple curry myself! :LOL: Any kind of red curry (panang) is awesome though. :yesey: Oooo bad choices eh? :eyebrows:


    American soap opera... Well that fills me with confidence. :LOL:


    I've never seen the cupcake dog video!







  19. Goood! Well here's something for your future entertainment:






    EDIT: Oh and check the IAMX thread! :D

  20. I told you to heed, but you didn't heed, you choose to ignore the heed. Now i'm going to set the dog of doom on you:





  21. If you don't reply i'll come at you like this:




    Creeping around unseen in the bracken! They call me the 'Shadow Slicer'... when they can see me

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