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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. A UK series where a Manchester policeman, Sam Tyler, has an accident and wakes up in 1973, and doesn't know if he's travelled back in time, is in a coma, or has gone mad. It's a pretty weird and cool show! Basically runs like a gritty historically accurate 70's cop show, with Sam Tyler's modern policing set against 70's cop Gene Hunt's old fashioned brutal gut-instinct policing. It has loads of funny lines, serious issues, and scary surreal bits. Especially the little girl who keeps coming out of the TV. She terrifies me!


    It was really good! Loads of weird and wonderful ales and ciders! :awesome: Just back back from the Royal Albert Hall in London too, where I saw Jeff Beck! Good times. :happy:

  2. I went to a BEER FESTIVAL! :awesome:

  3. I am indeed an original Mark. But beware, for I have many clones. An army of Markai, stalking the earth for tea, wine, and sexy times. :yesey:

  4. But I rarely post in Banter! :LOL:

  5. Are you always such a shameless flirt?:stunned:


    Stirring up banter is fun! :awesome::LOL:

  6. Yay! I can't wait to open this farm. :happy:

  7. Link :awesome:



    I'm a cruel cruel man. :happy:


  8. But... :supersad:


    I'm worried if it is true that Tim Burton will try to make it a gothic romance or something very un-Alice. But it might just be bollocks speculation anyway and turn out that they are doing it straight.

  9. Helena and Christina Ricci are the only actresses i've ever developed a crush for. :happy:


    Don't know! But I hope it's soon! Although apparently it might not be the Alice In Wonderland story, and just use the characters.. but as I know the story so well anyway it might add surprises if they do that so i'm not that fussed!

  10. I was in a similar state when I saw Helena





    Ok not the most attractive she's looked but still... :awesome:




  11. in a good or bad way?




    You would like the tea? :awesome:


  13. The man in the pink hat is amazing :LOL:!


    Not yet. It might be sunny on sunday though! :awesome:


    Why? :(

  14. Mud IS fun! But it doesn't make good soup. And I feel a craving for soup.


    I'll try not to! *licks* :happy: Any particular reason you needed a hug?

  15. IT WILL! ...possibly. It's magical! I just need to mix the first riffy bit slightly so it doesn't sound muddy and record some vocals. Which I shall then bury. :happy:





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