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static shadows

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Everything posted by static shadows

  1. Ok, find me something and i'll read it!

  2. I like your sucky voice! :happy: <3

  3. Yay! I like your normal voice! :D


    ...actually didn't I marry your normal voice? :LOL::happy:

  4. I've already heard more than enough men coming on to me! :LOL:

  5. I said you're my Monkey Child! :happy:



    I meant to write 'lass' though! :LOL::facepalm:



    It is now! :awesome:

  6. Yes. For I am an evil Cockney my son! blademan.gif



    Noooooooooooo! :kiss:


  7. *wraps in blanket* :happy:

  8. I decided to give the Pandas a trial run, to see how we get on! Because they're cute. And strangely scary. :happy:


    I still have our beautiful crows safe in this box though:







  9. You need moose cunning to work it out!

  10. On your own head be it. Quite literally, as they may make you a sandwich hat. That's how cunning they are!

  11. Never ask a moose for a sandwich! You'll change it's sex! It's why you should never tremble with a newt.

  12. So cunning their schemes could slice a loaf of bread.

  13. No. But they want you to think they are!

  14. That's what they want you to think!

  15. He's terrible at playing cards. He once won then lost a Scottish trout farm in an hour. Ended up owing the Cardiff mafia 3 extra trout and had to go fishing in the bay each evening for a month to catch them. Turns out moose aren't good at fishing either. They literally don't know where to place the rod.

  16. Of course it must. Of course. And Daryl is a beautiful name for a moose. :happy:

  17. I did! It was drunk and funny. I'm giving it it's own paddock on our farm. :happy:

  18. I didn't! If I find who did then i'll come at them like a shark with knees!


    http://www.purplemoose.co.uk/pmb_the_beer_range_all_year.htm :awesome:

  19. It was one of those really, really bad remakes I think, so probably yes!


    My favourites were 'Summer Meltdown' (which had chinese root ginger in it), and 'Dark Side Of The Moose' :awesome:

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