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Lick My Face

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Everything posted by Lick My Face

  1. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    Well, I see how 3/4 and 6/8 are split up, but...how are 4/4 and 8/8 split?
  2. Finally I can post something with soul in this thread! As you will not be aware of (until you read this post), I am the Bassist in a band known (for now) as The Drift. It's a 5-piece, and we're gonna be playing a bands night at my school in 12 days time. *Hopefully* the band's line-up is permanent. lol Anyways, our Myspace, where you can find more info, band photos and even a couple of recordings (done with a £5 Argos mic into an MD Recorder...FTW! ), is found at http://www.myspace.com/thedriftlb
  3. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    Ohhhhhhh, I think I see it. You slide the foot down the pedal (towards you), aye?
  4. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    I heard about that one from a friend, but he wasn't very precise about it, so I'm still confused about it. lol My lack of technique knowledge is due to being a toe-person (if that makes sense).
  5. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    Funny, those are the measurements I want. I only really want one splash: the 11" Oriental Trash Splash. =] And well...yeah, it is. But hey, surely it's good if other people want it too?
  6. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    Lucky fucker! I want those Crashes! =[ Along with K Custom Dry 'Hats and Ride, and an Oriental Trash Splash and China Trash.
  7. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    That's a sweet looking Kit there. Any cymbals to share with us, possibly?
  8. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    Heh, I admit, I only heard them a fair week or so after learning to play the song. They didn't take long to incorporate into the song though. Now it's pretty flawless. Plus, I could do it with my eyes closed.
  9. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    I presume you know now that the Chorus of SD has VERY light off-beat Snare hits in it as well, which are not evident here?
  10. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    I've been able to play Space Dementia for a while now, actually. I'm pretty sure you could play a lot of other Muse choons that I'd struggle with, though.
  11. Lick My Face

    Doms Drums

    Fuck. Ing. 'Eck. That's some sweet stuff right there my friend! *tips his invisible hat to ADAM*
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