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Lick My Face

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Everything posted by Lick My Face

  1. N'awwww! 'S alright. I've been wondering where you went, actually.


    Yeah, that'd be nice. =] I'll text you mine once I get yours, ya seen?

  2. Haha, n'awwwwwwww! Donnae worry about it. =]


    Haha, well, everyone's sappy and smilie after work, non? As for the weekend, well, Sunday I'm working, tomorrow I'm chilling and possibly going out, too. lolz


    How about yourself?

  3. Ahhhhhh, so it's just designing a variety of things, eh? Sounds alright, I guess.


    And, INORITE! I honestly didn't think I'd be smiling so soon. But meh, I'm complicated. lol


    OOS = Origin Of Symmetry. n00blite. :facepalm::p:LOL:

  4. I didn't even get to bed until about half 3, must've been another hour until I went to sleep, methinks.


    As for me, I'm actually quite happy thanks, for the first time in days. It's good to be back to some amount of normality. :happy: Must be the OOS action helping, along with the wonderful folk here. Hehehe :) How about yourself, apart from sleepy.


    So what do you actually do at work? Just design things? Or do you do other things too?

  5. I didn't even get to bed until about half 3, another hour until I fell asleep, methinks.


    As for me, I'm a bit happy, the first time I've been so in a number of days. It's good to be normal again. :happy: Perhaps it's this OOS action doing it for me. Hehehe


    So what do you actually do at work? Just design stuff? Or do you do other things, too?

  6. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! :( Bad times.


    I don't have work today, work called me and told me I wasn't needed. :D

  7. :LOL: And you'd only just learnt who I was before, too. Sorry man!


    Although to be fair, I had been threatening a name change for a while. Just never expected this.

  8. Meh, I know nothing else about you, tbh. I'm just going by that fountain of knowledge, the Muse Board Wiki. :LOL:

  9. Ask for Lick My Lips? I dunno, I know you're obssessed with lips (or words to a similar effect), run with that?

  10. Haha, I saw that, did a bit of editing too. :LOL:


    Wish more people would edit my wiki, I've whored it in t'Sig, so hopefully it might attract some people?

  11. Oh my days! I totally didn't notice your little message until just now! I suck! :(


    All the same, dankeeeeee! =D

  12. <3 That Drum and Bass break was SOOOOO hard to record to it's unbelieveable! But, that's what I love so much about that song. That, and I get to start it. Woolly Mammoth FTW!
  13. Haha, he's only been singing properly (as it were) since last November, trust me, he will only get better with time. We've advised he takes singing lessons if he wants. As for the Bass, well, the good Bass mix is partially due to me. I'm VERY picky about the Bass in the mix, if it can't be heard clearly, it's terrible. My lines aren't usually lines you stick right at the back of a mix, in No Reply, they're more or less the melody! lol And thanks very much my friend!
  14. Today, The Drift FINALLY received the last 2 out of 3 songs we recorded a few weeks back, and they are sounding GREAT! =D Check 'em out: http://www.myspace.com/thedriftlb
  15. The Drift shall be releasing their first EP on Monday, entitled "Second Glance" (the brainchild of yours truly ). More info, you ask? http://www.myspace.com/thedriftlb <- Go right here!
  16. Finally I can post something with soul in this thread! As you will not be aware of (until you read this post), I am the Bassist in a band known (for now) as The Drift. It's a 5-piece, and we're gonna be playing a bands night at my school in 12 days time. *Hopefully* the band's line-up is permanent. lol Anyways, our Myspace, where you can find more info, band photos and even a couple of recordings (done with a £5 Argos mic into an MD Recorder...FTW! ), is found at http://www.myspace.com/thedriftlb
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