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Lick My Face

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Everything posted by Lick My Face

  1. I have another cover! For the first time in forever, ahah. Q_O77cRqUK0 Coming in at the right time is nigh-on impossible without a timer.
  2. I would probably go with Apocalypse Please, but on the basis of the immense pride I take in what I did with its Bass line.
  3. As in, rattle coming from the frets? Otherwise I may just need to dial down at about 1k on the EQ or something.
  4. And the mandatory Muse addition: 0tLhf4jAW-E Apocalypse Please - Muse, with some noodling on the Bass line.
  5. Used to cover these two in my old band: WFGT5ZNe3ms Helicopter - Bloc Party dS8SJouH6QI When The Sun Goes Down - Arctic Monkeys
  6. I can blend my distortions already, kind of. The ODB-3 has a Balance control, switching from complete Dry to complete effect. Hence I'm whacked my Fuzz in front of it, so I can retain some Fuzziness and also overdrive that. EDIT: Just read the manual for the LS, switched it to A+B Mix -> Bypass...oh mah gaaaaaaahd. And yes it is. Read an article somewhere about how to setup EQ properly, and I just kind of went from there. Might need to lose some low mids (left-two sliders), but I'm otherwise quite happy.
  7. Aye. I like to use multiple effects at the same time (especially the ODB-3 and Big Muff), so I use the Line Selector to switch between the clean signal and effects without having to scramble to turn each effect off.
  8. It's simply so that the wah is available to me at all times. Don't have to switch to the loop just to use the wah. I figured the way in which the wah activates lends itself to being outside the loop. As for the SFX Thumpinator, I can't say I've heard of it. Just been doing some reading, though, and it seems like quite a decent little item! I'm just trying to EQ my amp so that it's nice and clicky, whilst also still fairly Bassy. That's as good as I've got it so far, after some cheeky Internet research.
  9. I find it endearing. Plus, it's a Bass I bought for £250 when I was 16. Like I care for its aesthetics. As long as it suits me, which is dooooes. Plus it's been with me for every gig, including the same day I bought it.
  10. I think I'm going for that kind of sound; going for a Timmy C-esque sound, which I recall being quite attacky and clicky. I think the audio is also picking up the sound of my fingers actually striking the strings too, which may give the impression I'm attacking to death. Wish I had the gear to record properly.
  11. 6G7b_mWeep8 Some more Fraaaaanz, with added hammer-pull actionz!!!11!!18 xWUix8gcQ38 And to round off this video frenzy, some Atreyu.
  12. And, because no Muse board would be complete without it: Mtjlu93OLt0 EDIT: To avoid a quad-post, here's some more Muse! eJVsRjCnO74
  13. SfCHa7yaAOg Inspired to do this by a kid on Friday evening at a local open mic night who played this. nJ4UZ09mF5E Bit o' Franz, yo.
  14. jI99uvkJp0E Bit of early Arctic Monkeys for you, kinda liked the Bass work in the first album, actually. Also, please excuse the dancing. cWtd64nx_0E So I missed the start. And what? Ahah.
  15. No probs.

    It's a subtle Radiohead reference, for the record. ;)

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