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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. Wooooooah dude that's a big statement :LOL: X Files is 6-7 series of awesome + a bit of Robert Patrick + the smoking man ..... that's a bit hard to beat.


    Ahhh shame. Though honestly spoilers don't matter TOO much with lost. (Although if you haven't had the series 5 finale spoiled you will think it is AMAZING). Since character development is its backbone, you still get that when you watch, even if you know some of the story. Plus, noone knows anything about the last series so alot of the mythology is still guesswork.

  2. Oh, absolutely consistent! There are a few filler episodes, mainly due to 'love triangle' rubbish but most of it revolves around the mythology aspect of the show and the best provocative characters Locke and Ben.


    I need to watch more of Fringe. Exactly the sort of thing I have a soft spot for :LOL:

  3. just because you seem to have really got into the wire... and it's the same sort of addictive, character driven show I think!

  4. do you not watch lost...?

  5. Meep

    I'm so diplomatic :cool:

  6. Well Jackson. You too Bobski.

  7. Isn't it? :D Would be the best christmas present ever.

  8. We are leeeeeeeeeeet.

  9. I looked at google maps for limoges and I was right about the map being totally fucking wrong :LOL: Rue de cavou is miles away from the airport, not even parallel to it, like the map suggested. Not our fault :noey::p

  10. Very welcome mdear :happy:

  11. Yup, exactly.


    Alcohol + O2 ---> CO2 + H2O


    Carbon monoxide formed when in a lack of oxygen.

  12. Aww, you're welcome <3


    It won't be immediate but it should be within 7-10 days. Many credit card transactions are like that.

  13. Post me a link to your blog, ste... can't access sigs on iPhone and my flat haven't paid the Internet bill :facepalm:

  14. Not allowed to whinge. Lauren says sooo.

  15. Here, I uploaded the Question Time video for you: http://www.zshare.net/download/6743828490035790/


    Hope you can use zshare!

  16. Aww, chilled. Not bad :happy: Merciii.

  17. Meep

    Hey, thought I should say I'm getting the 11:21 from sheff to ed on the 3rd dec to get back. Not bothered booking derby-sheff since I don't know how long it'll take to get out of the airport.


    But yeah, the limoges-stansted flight back is 1p if you book really soon, so that might be better for you?

  18. Meep

    I have now! I'm pretty much done with travel now though! Only so much cost minimising I can take before I say fuck it and book things :LOL:

  19. Mega.


    Thanking you :happy:

  20. Send me your single track exo? :supersad: Audacity keeps failing on me.

  21. Meep

    Film club. You're it.

  22. Oooooooooooh. I see. Kudos, this may win you my vote :awesome:

  23. What is your undertitle about?

  24. Hello there. How's life?

  25. Things are great thanks :happy: Looking forward to a new year of HARDCORECHEM.


    Hope you're well x

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