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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. I'd never get caught by the others :phu: I would totes try to be all jason bourne/ripley if we were on the island.

  2. :chuckle: Aww.


    So, you would betray your friends for waaaaalllllt? :phu: FINE. I'll let you off if your vincent theory is right, because it would be awesome.

  3. You're clearly michael anyway.



  4. Posting on your own wall, noob :noey:


    Sawyer is lame :happy:


    Locke wasn't happy though :( You should be evil locke instead. I'll be jacob. We can fight.

  5. No tears for JuJu? :supersad: Next you'll be telling me sawyer is your favourite character :phu: I thought you were cool.


    Lol, you can't be ben AND have a beard like desmond's. Too much win in one quadrant.

  6. He's a tortured soul!!


    I knew you would love it :cool:


    When is desmond coming back though :( Season 5 finale made me cry so much. Juliet :supersad:

  7. You are a BEAST :cool:


    BUT HOW CAN YOU HATE JACK?! :supersad:


    Sooooo. WHat do you think. Satisfied with the show so far? :D Frozen wheel? :p

  8. Hmmm well I think the next half of the show will give you loads to think about ... the time travel does get sciency in the next two seasons BUT there's also more supernatural stuff to come at the end of S3 for you to chew on, sooooo....

  9. I was initially quite annoyed when time travel came in to the show because it always confuses me :$ Like, I love back to the future but when I was young I used to spend aaaages overthinking it all and getting confused, ha.

  10. :LOL: I know. Oooo psychic tattoo lady. Ignore it, his tattoos are basically never mentioned again. Generally considered his/the shows worst flashback ever (apart from maybe expose, also coming up in S3).


    Did you like Desmond's episode? :D Flashes before your eyes?

  11. :LOL::kiss:


    A couple of weeks before potter book 7 came out, the entire thing somehow ended up online so I just had to disconnect the internet until the actual release date :indiff: [/potter nerd]

  12. Meep

    I don't like the way he stares :'(

  13. :happy:


    Season 3 is when Ben starts getting ridicuawesome.

  14. Meep

    your avatar is terrifying.

  15. Quite right too, <3 des :happy: I cried quite a bit when he did the failsafe key bit. Pretty much when I started reeeeally hating Locke after he caused that :LOL:

  16. Yeah :( 'specially because I LOVE Sayid, poor guy...

  17. Locke just gets more and more despicable, imo :LOL: Season 3 finale is a highlight :ninja:

  18. :chuckle: *poke*


    How much did you pay for blu ray? reeeeeeally want.

  19. Excellent new sig :happy:



  20. that picture! :LOL: wiki says he used to be a police officer, oh man :stunned: he looks like he could actually take a bullet.

  21. :LOL: best gunshot cutscenes ever.


    Hmm he only weighs...400lbs. Glenn Ross would squish him:




    how are wrestlers allowed to be that big? :LOL: takes the term 'smackdown' to scary possibilities.

  22. :LOL: How could it possibly be that scary? Were you scully? I bet you were scully.


    Live wrestling actually sounds fun :chuckle: I'd rather watch something like 'world's strongest man' though, actual strong people :p

  23. :chuckle: I don't remember! The cabin one I remember was where the forest was host to a swarm of insects that killed you only in the dark. I have every series on dvd though so I can find that one some time, hah.


    I went to see muse recently though, bet you'd never do that :p

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