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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. Bwaha, amazing pic of thom in your profile. kudos :p

  2. and thus you, yes you yourself, are rendered null and void. good day sir!

  3. merry xmas clungeface...!


    still the last poster :cool:

  4. "yoooooooour time is noooooooow"


    guess the song.....!

  5. Repppppppppyyyyylllling.

  6. I revoke my vote for best photographer :phu:

  7. Sloooooosh, I don't know if you saw in the glasgow meet thread but I have to be in Edinburgh early on Sunday for a geology trip so I can't stay on Sat after all. Thankyou anyway <3

  8. Oyyy, come to scotland!

  9. Meep

    Just a few times :D


    I'm fairly fab, but Summer at home is starting to get a bit tedious. Can't wait to be back at Uni! I have had a nice little bit of money just come in though so I can afford lots of train tickets into the countryside throughout the rest of August, which should keep me happy :happy: How about your good self?

  10. Curious cat is curious O_o


    [last week]Happy birthday![/last week] :ninja:

  11. Meep

    Hello thaarr Mr 1%. How are you? :D

  12. Why thank you :D Even my relatives still spell it wrong occaissionally though, heh.


    I would feel all exposed but then I realise that you also know my uni, home town, half my interests and possibly my edinburgh street address :LOL: Muse board: stalker friendly :ninja:

  13. Mmm I really expected it to be ace too :(


    But it didn't tarnish the good stuff :D The dentons <3

  14. You are officially awesome :LOL: So glad someone got it! Not enough people watch the league :noey:

  15. My name is not to be thrown around so lightly pfft :phu:

  16. Meep

    Social whore.

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