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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. :phu:

    This upsets me.

  2. That is truuuuuly awful, what have they done to him :LOL: Jack has many faces but gormless isn't one :phu:

  3. It just reminds me one of my favourite simpsons moments ever:




    .... er, in spanish.

  4. I just read that Charlton Heston had a random part in True Lies :LOL: Quite want to watch that tonight now.


    Clearly Oli, cleeeearly.

  5. When the woman swallows the car keys! :LOL: And the whole driving to the edge of town and reappearing is classic. IMDB says he has things "in production" but then I read the forums and they say they've been promised for yeeeears, so not hopeful then...


    :chuckle: Defintely oh dear.


  6. Yeah the ending, him just laughing in the cinema :LOL:


    For being grumpy? That's settled then :D I'm going to watch this grass tournament in Germany in June, really hope Fed is there :supersad:

  7. Yeah well, if they're not going to release it here then... :phu: It was really good, I've never appreciated Sam Neill before. I loved the bits with the old woman and the bike, how creepy :LOL:


    Only if you're the grumpy scot!

  8. mymouth.jpg


    It was making me laugh so much on the train yesterday :LOL:

  9. Show meee.


    Guess what I watched yesterday?

  10. I like the sound of this :happy: I'll miss Jack faces <3


    Haha! It's full of angsty teenagers and humour, and it's brightly coloured and fast paced. It makes me happy :happy: I'd post a good clip but fox are pretty vicious on youtube copyright!


    Niamh just asked me if I was going out with Mozza :LOL:

  11. I can't belieeeeve it :( Hopefully lost memes will live on.


    Treme is just starting, right? Yeah, probably will do :yesey: Fill the void. Though Glee has just come back on, which I love :chuckle:

  12. Errr it's all very interesting actually :phu:


    Only 4 episodes left isn't it? :supersad: Season 3 Ben was better :p

  13. Aww well then I'm sorry for being such a bad influence.


    These exams seem to cover everything :supersad: The worst module is learning about retrograde synthesis of molecules, as in looking at a molecule and working backwards at how it was made. Meaning you have to know about 376 billion possible reactions in the first place :rolleyes:


    My flatmate still had most of his dissertation to write the week before he had to hand it in. Madness. Yay for you finishing soon :happy:


    Yes :shifty: It's like, the first thing I do on Wed mornings :LOL: Locke is a very bad man.

  14. Stop pretending to be sad :p


    Pretty good :yesey: There's a lot to remember but I'm quite good at that..

    How long until you finish your project??

  15. :chuckle:

    I'm so happy for you :awesome:

  16. Meep

    Chemistry skilzzzz. I like that. Chem will be cool one day.

  17. Aah thanks anyway <3 I'll have to rent something else... I haven't seen They Live :happy: I live literally opposite this cool little rental shop in Edinburgh, lots of great films :happy:

  18. Boooo that sucks. I need crazy sam neill.


    Ahh I've never heard of Ghosts of Mars. But I see it has Natasha Henstridge, Ice Cube and Jason Statham ... what the actual fuck? :LOL:

  19. Oh and I am definitely tracking down Mouth of Madness :D

  20. :chuckle: Which is your favourite?

    I have The Thing and The Fog but I've seen quite a few others too.

  21. :LOL: So. Mean.


    Next time you walk into a lampost, I'm going to shout the same.

  22. Ha, how generous of you. 10 kills it is.. proud? :p


    I mainly tidy the shop :D My manager does think I'm slightly crazy for being enthusiastic about it. Lol so many ladies so little time, Oli. Maybe you shouldn't tell them about your errrr smooth moment with the lampost.

  23. I'll let you beat me at resistance then, make up for it :p


    I volunteer for shelter when I can. There are loads of homeless people in Edinburgh, especially where I live in the city centre. I don't tend to give them money anymore so I thought shelter would be a good idea!


    :LOL:! He doesn't even look like John Peel! Can't believe you laughed in her face :p


    Ahaha, that poor guy.... I bet he never came in again. I almost did that with a lampost once, stupid iphones :$

  24. General sisterly sillyness :LOL: She knows how to make laugh so easily.


    OK, I take back calling you mean this morning :happy: You're actually awesome, thankyoou <3 Hopefully this will be good revision music :shifty:


    When I worked at this charity shop I wasn't allowed to choose the music... my manager would only ever play Abbey Road or the best of R.E.M., not Arctic Monkeys thankfully :p Funny stories? :D

  25. Meep


    I walked out to portobello one morning to see the sunrise there, t'was awesome: http://i779.photobucket.com/albums/yy76/liapp/IMG_1608.jpg

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