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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. Right back at you ;)

  2. Meep

    Thanks for posting that CV template on the Uni thread, big help <3

  3. Ahhh awesome taste, my favourite too :D Love leeloo <3


  4. Best username ever.

  5. :D I am quite pleased with it.
  6. Meep

    Glasgow seats just came on sale, just in case you come online in time to seeee: https://www.seetickets.com/1seez/orderform.asp?showcode=398209&pricetype=2&filler1=gigsandt

  7. yeah snagged 2, but not for me, saving my money for radiohead :p


    did you get through easily? :confused:

  8. you can rely on me oh yes.

  9. really? :dance:


    how come?

  10. Best username ever.

  11. howdy, bobster. I almost thought you had left this place forevs.

  12. Meep

    This eye on springfield blog is amazing :awesome:





  13. Meep

    Aw you live in Oban! :happy: Such a cute little place :happy:

  14. Yep, and people have been bringing me lots of tea and food :LOL::happy:


    Lolz at your fb message :chuckle:

  15. you have me on facebook :phttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=649113361&ref=name I took off the fb button from my muse board profile so yeah, I do have to keep reminding people who is the random fb adder :chuckle:


    I do tbh :( I'm coughing quite a lot so I've felt like I've had to keep away from people, and I keep feeling quite light headed whenever I move anywhere, hmm.. going to the health service place this afternoon I think, I've had 4 days of this, boo!

  16. :happy: thankyou!


    how are you btw, I've not been online much recently?

  17. Hey thankyou so so much for the reassurance in the girlie thread :happy:


    I always think my image worries must seem so silly to other people. Trying to kick them one by one this year as I feel quite upset that I've wasted so much energy in the past over what, a few cms of skin or the odd few blemishes, or something? This always comes out wrong when you're talking about something negative but it's so helpful hearing that someone else feels/has felt the same.. :LOL:


    Hopefully we'll both feel a little more free in the future :happy:

  18. Meep

    Is The Talented Mr Ripley on your films to watch? It should be! ;)

  19. better :phu:


    oooh, sorry to disappoint, or maybe not.. :LOL:

  20. image? tell meee, I'm nosey! :D

  21. pffft hardly a revelation, I complain about them all the time :p


    but yeah, honk away :awesome:

  22. wait, why would you say honk honk? :LOL:

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