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Drive-by posting again! :kiss: to the PCT!


Oh, hey Missy! What a shame! It's terrible when you can't use the internet often, isn't it? :kiss: Thanks for these lovely words :happy: It's great "talking" to you again ;)

Wow, a videogame :ninja: I wanna play it :D

:LOL: @ recreational crap

hope seeing you around soon :)




:kiss: Hi, Aline! I hate being without the Internet, but it's probably good for me since I was online too often anyway. And yes, we have some pretty epic arcades around here (unless they've recently shut down, I don't know) And I love the Pedro TIRO gif.



:stongue: Awesome video, thanks! Such playing, just look at those hands go :stunned: And congrats on the twitpic, einafets!


He ripped it himself. :chuckle:


:yesey: Well actually the crowd ripped it during a brief, quasi-crowdsurfing moment, and then he just rips it off. Rawr! Someone should link the gig, but I'm on my mom's computer so I can't access my vids and favorites and stuff, and don't remember which it was off-hand. :(

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:yesey: Well actually the crowd ripped it during a brief, quasi-crowdsurfing moment, and then he just rips it off. Rawr! Someone should link the gig, but I'm on my mom's computer so I can't access my vids and favorites and stuff, and don't remember which it was off-hand. :(

I think it was Rock Am Ring. :erm: But I'm not sure. And I must watch True Blood now, will try to find that video later. :chuckle:

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His legs are perfect :supersad:....for a woman :LOL:


I wonder what it's like, having such a bony ass :chuckle:

A bony ass isn't fun. I had one most of my younger years. :noey:


Come on,that can't be possible. :LOL:






Granted he's been looking much thinner these days, but still.





I still haven't seen this gig. :supersad:




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I'm on my phone so I can't multi-quote or post pics, sorry! I checked Rock am Ring but that wasn't it, it might be portugal, but I couldn't find it on a quick youtube search.



Heidi, where are you?? I know she would know, she can usually answer these questions quickly.



Also, I really enjoyed the literature chat y'all were having earlier. :awesome: I started reading War and Peace last week (being stuck with no tv or internet frees up so much time) :LOL:



And, Melanie, my copy of Clockwork Orange had a glossary, so they do print them if you're interested. /long ranting...sorry!

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I'm on my phone so I can't multi-quote or post pics, sorry! I checked Rock am Ring but that wasn't it, it might be portugal, but I couldn't find it on a quick youtube search.



Heidi, where are you?? I know she would know, she can usually answer these questions quickly.



Also, I really enjoyed the literature chat y'all were having earlier. :awesome: I started reading War and Peace last week (being stuck with no tv or internet frees up so much time) :LOL:



And, Melanie, my copy of Clockwork Orange had a glossary, so they do print them if you're interested. /long ranting...sorry!


You rang? :LOL:


If you were talking about the gig with the ripped shirt, that's from Portugal in 2004 :)




Oh, if only Chris would still crowd surf...:eyebrows:


I've been so busy lately I feel like I haven't really been able to keep up with the pct :(

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His legs are perfect :supersad:....for a woman :LOL:


I wonder what it's like, having such a bony ass :chuckle:


Yeah, I wish I had legs like him :LOL:


I should have touched it :chuckle:


And that's coming from a PDTer? Shame on you. :p


Well, he's still hot :phu: He should just eat more and he used to have a bum not long ago :LOL:





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Hi,girls. :happy:

I'm in such a good mood. Today is my nameday so I made risotto and ice cream for my family. And got awesome presents.

It's really nice being in the center of attention for one day. :happy:


Well, he's still hot :phu: He should just eat more and he used to have a bum not long ago :LOL:

Got any proof? :p

A bony ass isn't fun. I had one most of my younger years. :noey:

Like a big bum is any good. :indiff:






Granted he's been looking much thinner these days, but still.



:LOL: Oh,Mateh.... *wipes tear*

Also, I really enjoyed the literature chat y'all were having earlier. :awesome: I started reading War and Peace last week (being stuck with no tv or internet frees up so much time) :LOL:


We also talked about LotR. :chuckle:


Just started reading The Witch of Portobello by Paul Coelho. And it's so good! :awesome:

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Is nameday the day where you celebrate the saint you were named after or something?

/wild guess. :LOL::facepalm:

I love wiki. :happy:

A name day is a tradition celebrated in many countries in Europe and Latin America of celebrating on a particular day of the year associated with one's given name. The custom originated with the Catholic and Orthodox calendar of saints, where believers, named after a particular saint, would celebrate that saint's feast day. In many countries, however, there is no longer any explicit connection to Christianity.

In Latvia, name days (in Latvian "vārdadienas") are settled on certain dates; each day (except for February 29 in leap year) is a name day.[3] Usually Latvian calendars list up to four names each day - around 1,000 names a year. Recently an extended calendar with around 5,000 names was published, and there are also a few extended calendars found on the Internet listing names even on February 29.

Dear God,that means there is saint called Marta? Wow. :LOL:

:rolleyes::noey: My aunt gave me that book for my 18th birthday...I didn't like it :D, I think it's too weird for my taste :D


btw: how are you? :D


Well,to be honest, it is really weird. But somehow I just can't stop reading it. :rolleyes:


Amazing! :awesome: Today is my name day and got a box full of Corona beer bottles( i absolutely love it) from my best friend and there were Muse lyrics written all over the box! :happy: Of course,that's not the only present I got but still.

Also, my brother came home when I was sitting with my 2 friends in the kitchen and drinking that Corona. His expression was just priceless. :LOL:



So what you've been doing today?

Edited by HullaGirl
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This is pretty random... but my headphones, for whatever reason, and only with my Zen, tends to remove the vocals from random parts of songs. Now why is this relevant?


Because I can hear Chris's backup vocals in full force! :awesome:

note that I recorded this with my laptop's internal mic through maxed out shitty headphones, so it's not gonna sound great... but CHRIS'S SINGING! :dance:



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