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^ :wtf: .... awww :p

:LOL: Did he break the bird's neck shortly afterwards?




I was at my friends party, and I was about to drink some bright green alcohol thing, but then I looked down and realized that I was like 6 months pregnant :stunned: I got really annoyed that I was the only sober person there and then my cousin was trying to teach me New Born on the bass but I couldn't play it because my huge belly was in the way.

Then next thing I remember I am on a bed, my belly is even bigger and I'm holding all of Muse's CD's, which are all somehow connected to my headphones (How I was listening to them all at once, I have no idea..) and I was crying.. then my mum came in and was like "Put the CD's down.. listening to his music isn't going to help you forget about him. Matt is an asshole for running off like this." and walked out.


So, Matt got me pregnant then ditched me?! What a bastard. :phu:


.. :chuckle:




:chuckle:.... your the pregnant lady he was paranoid was going to find him, in my previous dream! :eek:.... :chuckle:

lolzy dreams ftw :D

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Guest QueenOfNerds

I had one last night! It was a bit boring really. I was shooting a video for the band. They were on a building opposite so I had this zoom lens. After the shoot I was taken back to meet the band but it turned out Matt just wanted me to be part of this weird atheist cult :LOL: He was quite flirty :eyebrows:

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After an extremely long dry spell, I have finally had another Muse dream.


I was walking around my living room in a gas mask playing my violin when I see Chris run up to the sliding doors in the kitchen. I let him into the house and he thrusts his head under the sink and starts drinking water. Matt and Dom come running in after him and see me with the gas mask on. Matt screams like a girl and stops abruptly and says, "Oh. I thought you had a black hole in your chest. Never mind." He walks over to Chris and says "I told you not to eat the sulfur." Dom starts toasting a scone and says, "here...this will fix it." I take off my gas mask and say, "I doubt a scone is going to help with poisoning." Dom whirls around and throws a tin of butter at my face and says "YOU KNOW NOTHING." Matt picks up the butter and says, "Was that necessary?" Dom just shrugs and Chris puts himself in the sink and sits there. He takes the scone and says "Detox....detox." Matt starts looking through my cupboards, pulls a strainer out, and wears it as a hat. The dream ended with all of us looking at him like :stunned:

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After an extremely long dry spell, I have finally had another Muse dream.


I was walking around my living room in a gas mask playing my violin when I see Chris run up to the sliding doors in the kitchen. I let him into the house and he thrusts his head under the sink and starts drinking water. Matt and Dom come running in after him and see me with the gas mask on. Matt screams like a girl and stops abruptly and says, "Oh. I thought you had a black hole in your chest. Never mind." He walks over to Chris and says "I told you not to eat the sulfur." Dom starts toasting a scone and says, "here...this will fix it." I take off my gas mask and say, "I doubt a scone is going to help with poisoning." Dom whirls around and throws a tin of butter at my face and says "YOU KNOW NOTHING." Matt picks up the butter and says, "Was that necessary?" Dom just shrugs and Chris puts himself in the sink and sits there. He takes the scone and says "Detox....detox." Matt starts looking through my cupboards, pulls a strainer out, and wears it as a hat. The dream ended with all of us looking at him like :stunned:


That had me LOL'ing all the way through!! :LOL:

Awesome dream!! :happy:

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After an extremely long dry spell, I have finally had another Muse dream.


I was walking around my living room in a gas mask playing my violin when I see Chris run up to the sliding doors in the kitchen. I let him into the house and he thrusts his head under the sink and starts drinking water. Matt and Dom come running in after him and see me with the gas mask on. Matt screams like a girl and stops abruptly and says, "Oh. I thought you had a black hole in your chest. Never mind." He walks over to Chris and says "I told you not to eat the sulfur." Dom starts toasting a scone and says, "here...this will fix it." I take off my gas mask and say, "I doubt a scone is going to help with poisoning." Dom whirls around and throws a tin of butter at my face and says "YOU KNOW NOTHING." Matt picks up the butter and says, "Was that necessary?" Dom just shrugs and Chris puts himself in the sink and sits there. He takes the scone and says "Detox....detox." Matt starts looking through my cupboards, pulls a strainer out, and wears it as a hat. The dream ended with all of us looking at him like :stunned:



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After an extremely long dry spell, I have finally had another Muse dream.


I was walking around my living room in a gas mask playing my violin when I see Chris run up to the sliding doors in the kitchen. I let him into the house and he thrusts his head under the sink and starts drinking water. Matt and Dom come running in after him and see me with the gas mask on. Matt screams like a girl and stops abruptly and says, "Oh. I thought you had a black hole in your chest. Never mind." He walks over to Chris and says "I told you not to eat the sulfur." Dom starts toasting a scone and says, "here...this will fix it." I take off my gas mask and say, "I doubt a scone is going to help with poisoning." Dom whirls around and throws a tin of butter at my face and says "YOU KNOW NOTHING." Matt picks up the butter and says, "Was that necessary?" Dom just shrugs and Chris puts himself in the sink and sits there. He takes the scone and says "Detox....detox." Matt starts looking through my cupboards, pulls a strainer out, and wears it as a hat. The dream ended with all of us looking at him like :stunned:



Also... are you a Doctor Who fan or have you seen the Agatha Christie episode?

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^I wish that would happen in my class :awesome:


After the Denmark concert I dreamt Muse knocked on my door and asked if they could park their tourbus in my garden and sleep in my house. I called my mum who was shopping, to check if it was okay, and she asked if they wanted anything from the city. Then she bought us all pizzas :LOL:

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^I wish that would happen in my class :awesome:


After the Denmark concert I dreamt Muse knocked on my door and asked if they could park their tourbus in my garden and sleep in my house. I called my mum who was shopping, to check if it was okay, and she asked if they wanted anything from the city. Then she bought us all pizzas :LOL:

I love pizza :awesome:

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i hardly have any real muse dreams but i've been having a few lately,


in the first one, i was at a muse concert somewhere and i was really pumped but as soon as they stepped out on stage this guy next to me asked me whether i had any tights he could borrow. i said "no shut up and go away" but then i looked and i was holding a huge bag of tights. So i gave him a pair but he made me come with him while he put them on and when we finally made it back, the concert had finished and everyone had gone:mad:. I was about to slap the guy but matt walked past and winked and smiled at me and then i woke up.


in my most recent one, i think matt was in my bedroom giving birth or something and i was standing outside my room with dom:wtf::confused:

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Ooh, I had a weird one the other day!


I went round to one of my friend's house (she's a non muser btw, prefers P!nk and random Disney songs), she had 4 younger relatives staying at the time and they noticed two CD cases in my hand and asked what they were. I held out the CDs to them which turned out be Black Holes & Revelations, and Hullabaloo Soundtrack.

Much to my surprise it turned out that all four LOVED Map of the Problematique and insisted that I play it for them, so I did and while they were happily listening to the song they started talking about how they'd love to know how muse sounded live. So I let the song finish and told them how much more amazing Muse are infront of a crowd, then I put disc 2 of Hullabaloo into the stereo andskipped onto the live version of Microcuts (which IMO is the best track on that disc :p). They were all like :wtf: until the scream/falsetto in the second chorus where their faces all went to :eek: and all they could do was stare at the stereo and comment on how superior Matt's voice is! Even my friend was highly impressed! :D


I also had this one aaaaaaages ago:


I was Matt dressed in that black jacket with the shortish rolled back sleaves, black trousers and red spikey hair. The dream was set out like the Bliss video but I was playing guitar as I was falling. I can't remember if much else happened but it was a pretty cool dream. :)

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I just woke up from a dream that felt oddly realistic :p


It seems Muse wanted to know whst was life like in Estonian countryside. Somehow they got in contact with my grandma and arranged a vacation at her place that looked a "bit" different from what it is in reality. The garden was huge and in the middle of everything there was a barn - and for some reason I lived up in the barn with my sisters. Around the barn was a low fence and there were dozens of chicken everywhere. My granny actually does keep chicken, but not so many :p


I remember choosing what I should wear, I was torn between wearing colourful tights and a skirt or putting on my brightest trousers. I think I went with bright trousers. Then I went to my granny's house and Muse had just arrived. They walked around in the garden for a while and I walked past them, thinking "Omg, I'm only a couple of metres away from Muse!" I tried to take some photos, but it was a bit hard to pretend I was photographing flowers and trees, when I was actually trying to aim Dom :chuckle:


There was some odd exotic fruit in the garden, I ate a couple and went to the other barn - there were two for some reason. Sander from this forum was playing the drums in the barn. I took this as completely normal behaviour and offered him some fruit as well. Then I went to the other barn and climbed up the ladder to wake up my sisters and try to convince them to let me use the better camera. "For... uh... macro shots of flowers!" They were not convinced.


I went down the ladder and saw chicken flying over the fence and towards the barn. Dom was picking up the chicken that were outside the fence and throwing them back in :LOL: "Dom!" I shouted to get his attention and jumped over the fence. "Dom! The chicken can fly so they will just come back over the fence in a moment, you know." He kinda shrugged, threw the last chicken over and continued walking. He was wearing that leather jacket and I wondered why he hasn't melted away yet, because it was summer. And on the other side of the barn, the chicken were already flying out to continue their hunt for food in the garden :LOL:


For a moment, I went to grandma's house and saw Matt going upstairs with Gaia. Chris was probably still in the garden. Suddenly I was walking in the psychologist's office (what was that doing in my granny's house?) and sat down opposite to dr. House, who was in quite a cranky mood. He told me off for spying on the band and especially for following Dom around with the camera. Then I woke up and was rather confused about why I'm not in the barn :LOL: My dreams of summer ended completely when I looked outside and saw huge snowflakes fall over the town. Yup, it's winter. No Doms chucking around chicken in the summertime. Damn. :p

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^ :LOL: Dom throwing chickens?! :awesome:


..I had a dream that it was my last day of school (it will be tomorrow because I'm moving to England) and I was in the music classroom with my friend, and for some reason we had music accounts or something on the computer, and my friend (who has been a Muse fan wayyyy longer than I have) was like "All of this is Muse!" so I was like "yep. :awesome:" And I somehow had the really old Random 1-8 CD and she was jealous. (I don't actually have it, lol) and then I was in England with my other friend, and we went to a Muse gig randomly, and Matt had a bright pink frilly shirt on. :LOL: I couldn't see Dom or Chris on the stage though.. then she had to leave and I was really sad, but I gave her a Muse calender (she isn't even a fan of them) so that anytime she looked at it she would remember me.. and then I woke up.



After an extremely long dry spell, I have finally had another Muse dream.


I was walking around my living room in a gas mask playing my violin when I see Chris run up to the sliding doors in the kitchen. I let him into the house and he thrusts his head under the sink and starts drinking water. Matt and Dom come running in after him and see me with the gas mask on. Matt screams like a girl and stops abruptly and says, "Oh. I thought you had a black hole in your chest. Never mind." He walks over to Chris and says "I told you not to eat the sulfur." Dom starts toasting a scone and says, "here...this will fix it." I take off my gas mask and say, "I doubt a scone is going to help with poisoning." Dom whirls around and throws a tin of butter at my face and says "YOU KNOW NOTHING." Matt picks up the butter and says, "Was that necessary?" Dom just shrugs and Chris puts himself in the sink and sits there. He takes the scone and says "Detox....detox." Matt starts looking through my cupboards, pulls a strainer out, and wears it as a hat. The dream ended with all of us looking at him like :stunned:



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I just had a dream last night that muse was playing a gig right across the street from me, and my sister had this giant caramel square. Matt was really interested in it and watched her as she turned it into a guitar sculpture then she gave it to him and he looked very happy. haha Then when the show was about over I asked Matt and Dom if they could take a picture with us but I realized my camera was inside my house. They said thats okay we will come with you and we raced up my driveway then we took like a million pictures and Matt raided my fridge and ate all the carrots we have and half of a carrot cake. :LOL: I love having weird dreams especially when they have Muse or another band I like in it haha

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My friend went to brum last night, and I had a dream I went there and everyone was sitting down in the nia, being serious and I was like what the...? Then I realised that matt was behind me (as you do) and I had a spaff and asked for a picture but he looked really old and horrid, and he held his hand out to take the camera and I recognised his hands and I was like, 'oh, so you really are matt bellamy!'




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I saw the music video for I Belong To You/ Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Ta Voix in my dream. It was brilliant actually.

The first sequence (From the beginning to Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Ta Voix) was filmed in the autumn. The band was playing as the leaves were changing colours and falling slowly. The camera was focused mainly on Mattew, of course. Then, there was this weird part in the middle before Mon Coeur, after he says you are my muse, when his voice is extended and echoed a lot more as he sings the "Ooh ohs". As Mon Coeur begins, it begins to snow and they continue playing. Then Matthew twirls his arms and spirals around while falling into the snow. The transition was the snow turning into rain, and flowers began to bloom for the second part of I Belong To You. Then the whole band is running through the falling petals and Matthew looks desperate to catch someone and sing that he belongs to them.

It was quite nice and vivid. Perhaps I fell asleep while listening to that song.

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Can't remember too much but..


I remember being lifted by short-haired Dom and he like squeezed me really tightly, and Matt was on a sofa somewhere holding his stomach because he was in pain from eating too much sausage rolls.


And when I fell asleep in the car earlier, I dreamt that me and a few people I know were all gathered around a dining chair, and there was a tub of ice-cream sitting on the chair. We were just staring at it when Dom ran in and said "I've got something to tell you!" so we were like "WOT!? :eek:" and he said "Nothing! Muhahaha!" grabbed the ice-cream and ran away, so we chased him.


I'm sure there was more.. but that's all I remember. :chuckle:

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^ :LOL: @ Dom stealing the ice-cream


I tend to have Muse dreams quite often, but usually they are just random additions, in "minor roles". Yesterday it was rather random as well, but at least they had a bigger part.


The dream started with something I can't remember, but I do remember getting married somewhere in a foreign country. My husband was someone random, don't really know him. Anyway, we got married and my idea of the perfect wedding night was to take all the guests and go to a Muse gig :chuckle: We got rather nice seats near the stage (on Chris's side) and nearly took the entire sector for all the guests. My grandparents were there as well. Some people were rather amused to see a bride in a long wedding gown jumping up and down on her seat :p


I still had my bouquet with me, so I threw it on the stage when a song finished and waved a big sign around. I can't remember the exact words, but the sign said something like "Please throw the bouquet, Chris!" He picked it up, grinned at the sign and turned his back to the audience. He then chucked the flowers behind his back and peeked over his shoulder to check if it reached the audience. It did. Then the concert carried on as usual.


As a Muse fan, it would be kind of logical if I had seen the dream continue with me meeting the band or something like that. But no, not in my insane brain :p Suddenly Tokio Hotel joined them on stage and the two bands performed a cover of some random Lady Ga Ga song. They all seemed really excited :LOL:


...and then my alarm clock woke me up. Damn!

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^ awh, alarm clocks are evil. EVIL. :chuckle:


I think my mind has gone Muse crazy. :LOL:

Had a really weird one.. I dreamt I woke up in a hospital bed and I couldn't move. I just looked at the door for ages.. then Dom in a doctors coat jumped over to me and gave me a thumbs-up, then put his hand out for a high-five but I just layed there. He gave up and walked out, and then Matt appeared, also in a Doctors coat, and he was drinking water from a bottle. He came up to me and said in a weird sexy voice "All you have to do is grab the water.." and held the bottle out to me, but I couldn't move, so I couldn't grab it.. then he just went out and turned the lights off and I woke up like :wtf:

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^ awh, alarm clocks are evil. EVIL. :chuckle:


I think my mind has gone Muse crazy. :LOL:

Had a really weird one.. I dreamt I woke up in a hospital bed and I couldn't move. I just looked at the door for ages.. then Dom in a doctors coat jumped over to me and gave me a thumbs-up, then put his hand out for a high-five but I just layed there. He gave up and walked out, and then Matt appeared, also in a Doctors coat, and he was drinking water from a bottle. He came up to me and said in a weird sexy voice "All you have to do is grab the water.." and held the bottle out to me, but I couldn't move, so I couldn't grab it.. then he just went out and turned the lights off and I woke up like :wtf:


:LOL: Thats a weird one, I wish Muse Dreams lasted longer I always wake up at the good parts

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Funny...I just happen to dream last night of Matt being shirtless, wearing black leather jeans, and had lots of tattoos!! Not only that,but they brought along a psychobilly band..."Zombie Ghost Train" to open up for them and I was watching all of this on t.v with my friends... :stunned: weird I tell you!

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