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I had this really cool Muse dream the other night!

It was like a map of the world but all of the land was like orange and the water was dark blue (I think it was like the Eurasia treasure hunt map but I forgot what that looked like) anyways, it had Eurasia and North America and South America and all the continents and stuff and then they all started moving towards the middle of the map and then they all collided and became one! It was pretty cool because when they all hooked up there was a little "ching!" sound.


awesome dream.

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Guest QueenOfNerds

Strange one last night.


I went to the 02 and there was Muse were playing a secret gig. I went inside and it was in a tiny little room and there was nobody there decided to get right up close to the barrier.

Matt came out with his guitar but he seemed to be just rehearsing. He lifted the guitar and did a cheesy face and then just walked over to where I was standing and jumped over the barrier next to me. There was a computer right next to me and he just proceded to surf the net :LOL:

I was like "ok so Matt is next to me that's cool but wtf?"

I tapped him on the sholder to ask him if the gig was happening today or not and he ignored me.

Then after a while I noticed that security were behaving strangly, like there was something wrong. So I tried to talk to the security guard closest to me and he wouldn't talk to me. Then I tried to ask Matt if there was something wrong and he took my hand and threw it off of his shoulder without even looking at me.

It was at this point that everything went slow motion as the moon came crashing through the ceiling to crush us all :stunned:

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Strange one last night.


I went to the 02 and there was Muse were playing a secret gig. I went inside and it was in a tiny little room and there was nobody there decided to get right up close to the barrier.

Matt came out with his guitar but he seemed to be just rehearsing. He lifted the guitar and did a cheesy face and then just walked over to where I was standing and jumped over the barrier next to me. There was a computer right next to me and he just proceded to surf the net :LOL:

I was like "ok so Matt is next to me that's cool but wtf?"

I tapped him on the sholder to ask him if the gig was happening today or not and he ignored me.

Then after a while I noticed that security were behaving strangly, like there was something wrong. So I tried to talk to the security guard closest to me and he wouldn't talk to me. Then I tried to ask Matt if there was something wrong and he took my hand and threw it off of his shoulder without even looking at me.

It was at this point that everything went slow motion as the moon came crashing through the ceiling to crush us all :stunned:


it would have been better if a UFO had come and picked him up... :LOL:

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i had a dream the other night that matt was in the kitchen at my house cutting a pizza with a pizza cutter. I walked in to get some pizza and matt started singing 'it's the circle of knife!!' y'know. like the lion king...


Haha! That's brilliant!


I had a strange dream about being in Matt & Dom's old house, and we had to tidy it up, because all my nan's old childhood things were scattered everywhere...

I was chatting to Chris and Matt about something, when Matt spotted Dom talking to a load of fangirls and went over to join him. Chris and I just chuckled at his silliness. :rolleyes:

There was also some sort of double cot, which had special bits attached where you could keep your feet warm and Matt and Dom went to sleep in it.:confused:

Very weird! :LOL:

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So this was my first MUSE dream...


Before i fell asleep I was supposed to watch the Vma's but they weren't dued for that night but for the next night and i was a bit mad cause i had to wake up at 3.00 am to watch them (i live in bosnia,new york is on the other side of the planet)...


And i dreamt that Muse were somewhere backstage and all of these lights,green lights were around me like the ones when Muse performed Starlight at Ema's and everything was really dark but in this corner I saw Matt,Dom and Chris sitting and Dom's former girlfriend Jessica (remember her?) was there and was doing a lap dance in MATT'S LAP!

I remember that i ran to them and started screaming at Jessica "You slut,bitch-skank,WHORE,on MY MATT,YOU WHORE,I hope you die,SLUT",and the four of them were just looking at me and i was really hysterical,screaming and yelling....

and then I woke up....


the dream was really really weird....

and even in my dreams I was possesive about Matt LOlz....

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Ive had quite a few dreams involving Matt :happy: , but last night I had the worst nightmare... I turned the TV on and the news said that Matt DIED because a poisonous snake bit him, which was like the worst combination ever - I have a phobia of snakes and of Matty dying :(

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Had 2 Muse dreams last night:


1) Simon Pegg was reading out Muse-related news and regular news bulletins from the past year (I'd been watching Spaced stuff recently, which is why he was in it). He mentioned that Chris had had a son then went on to say "...he got shot. Oh wait, that was someone else's son who got shot, not Chris's"


2) I was going to see Muse at what was supposed to be the Echo Arena, but which looked like a sports hall. I met up with my friend and we were about to sit down, but she wasn't listening to what I was saying. To get her attention, I headbutted the chair I was about to sit on, and it made me pass out for a bit, and I felt really sick. This meant I couldn't stay to watch the gig, because I felt really ill. I woke up with a headache. Very weird...

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Had 2 Muse dreams last night:


1) Simon Pegg was reading out Muse-related news and regular news bulletins from the past year (I'd been watching Spaced stuff recently, which is why he was in it). He mentioned that Chris had had a son then went on to say "...he got shot. Oh wait, that was someone else's son who got shot, not Chris's"


2) I was going to see Muse at what was supposed to be the Echo Arena, but which looked like a sports hall. I met up with my friend and we were about to sit down, but she wasn't listening to what I was saying. To get her attention, I headbutted the chair I was about to sit on, and it made me pass out for a bit, and I felt really sick. This meant I couldn't stay to watch the gig, because I felt really ill. I woke up with a headache. Very weird...


hahahahahahahahahahaha,weird dreams...

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Had 2 Muse dreams last night:


1) Simon Pegg was reading out Muse-related news and regular news bulletins from the past year (I'd been watching Spaced stuff recently, which is why he was in it). He mentioned that Chris had had a son then went on to say "...he got shot. Oh wait, that was someone else's son who got shot, not Chris's"


2) I was going to see Muse at what was supposed to be the Echo Arena, but which looked like a sports hall. I met up with my friend and we were about to sit down, but she wasn't listening to what I was saying. To get her attention, I headbutted the chair I was about to sit on, and it made me pass out for a bit, and I felt really sick. This meant I couldn't stay to watch the gig, because I felt really ill. I woke up with a headache. Very weird...


:D Simon Pegg is :awesome::yesey:

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I can't remember much of my dream last night, I don't think it was Muse-related apart from this one bit that I remember really clearly. Matt (quite young, Hullabaloo period, I'd say, maybe even Showbiz) was hugging someone who I think was unconscious and singing a song I've never heard before to them, and I think he was crying. And I was just standing there, watching :eek:

Oh, and the other night I dreamt that my Dad was setting the new episode of Top Gear to record and did the programme information thing and it said that the next star in a reasonably priced car was Matt Bellamy. I had to ask my Mum in the morning if it was true :LOL:

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I had the best dream ever last night! I was just hanging out with Dom and Matt, they were really good friends of mine in the dream, we were al driving somewhere and it was just so much fun talking and joking areound with them, it's just funny because they're the type of guys who could be your best friends, so the dream was awesome. :)

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:stunned: I had a Muse dream a few days back. I can't stop thinking about it. Strangest dream I think I've ever had. I usually don't remember too many dreams, but I unfortunatly remembered this one.


Matt was dressed up in a golden monkey suit swinging from these iron stairway rails and chasing Dom and Chris around calling them butt monkey f*ckers because they wouldn't make him mac n' cheese. :stunned::facepalm: None of that dream makes the least bit of sense to me.

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I feel that the closer "my" concert gets, the more I dream about Muse :happy:

Last night I dreamed that they gave a special gig in what in the dream was my school, and I sat quite far from the stage, but then a lot of people left and I went all the way to the front :awesome: I don't remember any particular songs, but just as they were starting another song my mom woke me up :(

Still, nice dream :D


The best dream was a couple months ago however, when I dreamed I was actually AT the concert. I was in the stadium's bathroom with a couple of old friends (who I'm not friends with anymore and who've probably never heard of Muse ^^) and thought to myself, "Wow, the time until the gig passed really quickly!" when suddenly IN the dream I realized: "Oh crap. This is a dream." :LOL: And then I woke up :D

Edited by haarpuna
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