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So it was the day before Muse's gig in Tampa w/ U2, and I randomly met them at McDonalds. So I was talking to them, and I asked them: "Hey? Can I write out the set list for you guys?" and they said yes! I was happy, so I got to writing it, and I walked out of McDonalds, and I end up near my pool (Apparently McDonalds are in backyards). So I'm writing it, and then some jack ass jumps in my pool and gets the paper wet, and I freak out. So I go to type it out and I don't have any ink in the printer. So I find a pen and write this out.




The Small Print

Anti-Recess (Which is an Anagram of Resistance)


New Born

Pink Ego Box


Stockholm Syndrome

Drum & Bass

Exogenesis 1, 2, 3

Citizen Erased

Knights of Cydonia



Jimmy Kane

Knights of Cydonia (Again)



New one (A new song apparently, it sounded like KoC meets Muscle Museum meets Starlight meets some Jimmy Eat World,)


Then I saw them live and it was amazing. I was so sad it wasn't real.


Neat-oh dream! :awesome:

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The Small Print

Anti-Recess (Which is an Anagram of Resistance)


New Born

Pink Ego Box


Stockholm Syndrome

Drum & Bass

Exogenesis 1, 2, 3

Citizen Erased

Knights of Cydonia



Jimmy Kane

Knights of Cydonia (Again)



New one (A new song apparently, it sounded like KoC meets Muscle Museum meets Starlight meets some Jimmy Eat World,)


Then I saw them live and it was amazing. I was so sad it wasn't real.


WOW you actually remembered the entire setlist?! Talk about amazing memory! :ohmy:

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I actually don't remember most of my dreams with Muse in them :(, but last night this one was really prominent...


I was at my house, which suddenly had an extra floor, and along one side of the upper floor was a glass wall, which seemed to be divided into two by all these posters. I went and read some of them, realising that one half was devoted to cuttings of what critics had said about Muse and their stuff that was positive. the other half was devoted to negative remarks. There were loads of people upstairs, so I figured it must be a party or something. I remember seeing some of those pictures of Muse back from the BHandR photoshoots (with Matt wearing the white shirt and pants with the long black scarf).


So anyways I think I went downstairs, then came back up and realised that new info had been put on the wall. I read it, and critics are now hurling insults at each other about the new Muse song. Apparently Dom wrote a song about... marriage :stunned:


I thought "oh yay Dom wrote a song! Must be awesome!" and looked around to find someone who could help me listen to it. Nope. So I got upset and headed downstairs into my backyard. I think I was still searching for the song...and then I woke up.


Uprising was playing all throughout the dream in my head, that was pretty cool :D

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^ that's a pretty intricate dream! :awesome:

at least your having muse dreams! Last night my friends and I broke in to Franz Ferdinands house (yeah apparently they all live in one house....i was the lookout:rolleyes:) and proceeded to have a car chase out of there:p Pretty good I suppose... kinda wish it was muse though:p

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^ that's a pretty intricate dream! :awesome:

at least your having muse dreams! Last night my friends and I broke in to Franz Ferdinands house (yeah apparently they all live in one house....i was the lookout:rolleyes:) and proceeded to have a car chase out of there:p Pretty good I suppose... kinda wish it was muse though:p


thanks :D


yeah, sometimes they creep me out though :p


oh hey, you had a proper FF dream :awesome:

I just got into them recently, and I have only dreamed of Alex once :p

:LOL: i wouldn't be surprised if they really did all reside together ;)


car chase :awesome:

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Well, last night I was clearly really good friends with muse, 'cause they sent me their entire discography. Like all the different versions from other countries etc. And they were all signed too. Then I got three muse bobbleheads, though they were all just ordinary dog bobbleheads but I didn't realise that at first.


When I did, I also realised "omzg this is a dream!" and had a nice lucid-dream the rest of the night :awesome: it also involved muse but it was kind of.. private. You know.

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Well, last night I was clearly really good friends with muse, 'cause they sent me their entire discography. Like all the different versions from other countries etc. And they were all signed too. Then I got three muse bobbleheads, though they were all just ordinary dog bobbleheads but I didn't realise that at first.


When I did, I also realised "omzg this is a dream!" and had a nice lucid-dream the rest of the night :awesome: it also involved muse but it was kind of.. private. You know.


I've always wanted to have a lucid dream, and a lucid dream with Muse...well anything could happen:eyebrows:

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I dreamt a week ago that a few Muse fans identified the hotel situated next to Matt's house in Como. A bunch of us arrived there, scouring the corridors and there was this one plant I recognized because it was in a picture with Dom that Matt had taken and posted on twitter.


Then we snaked around and found a wooden gate (like the old forts you see in films) with lots of tree limber waiting to be transported. Behind the lumber was a message from Matt saying that we were in the right place but we couldn't go into his house yet.


I keep having dreams about being in Matt's house. :wtf:


I also keep hearing the new songs in my head during my sleep. It's mostly USoE and the piano outro, but hardly ever Uprising.

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Guest Octazooka
i had a dream that muse updated their myspace status with

"we made some slight alterations to Undiscovered Paths to Oz"


and i couldnt even listen to the song!


No Muse dreams as of yet, but I did dream of Matt. And sex. :$:$:$:$:$

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Guest Lauren_Guyott
No Muse dreams as of yet, but I did dream of Matt. And sex. :$:$:$:$:$


I had a dream where they were like the cameo...Was a dream of me and Rammstein at the Kerrang Awards, and i got to meet Muse, for a couple of minutes...


I use to have a lot of dreams about them, but not anymore lol.

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I've always wanted to have a lucid dream, and a lucid dream with Muse...well anything could happen:eyebrows:


oh man me too!

lmao the things you could do with a very big man a very little man and a relatively normal sized man... PERV ALERT *snaps out of it*

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Last night I dreamt that my dad (of all people) introduced me to Matt. I shook his hand and said "hi" and then just stood there with a huge grin and tried not to start jumping around or making odd squeaking noises because I was so damn excited but didn't want Matt to think I was some ditsy fan girl. Unfortunately the dream didn't last long and ended soon after but hey; I'm not complaining. :D

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dreamed i was at a concert and all the twilight fans/people that only heard muse through fuggin nova were there... and they were trying to play the old favourites and stuff, but the twibitches etc kept screaming out for uprising and smbh and not paying attention and being stupid and throwing stuff... then matt got really upset and distressed (awwww! :() and dom was really pissed then chris yelled at everyone and dom was trying to comfort matt and they basically told us 'fuck you" and walked off... :supersad: worst dream ever.


felt so sorry for matt :'(

i guess im really scared about bandwagoners ruining concerts :$


when they walked off everyone was being all violent and then all the true muse fans were really sad and we all had a good cry :'( then i woke up... very depressing :unsure:



and my FRIEND had a dream that matt came to our school and was in our science class and was talking to me and being all sweet :happy: and then we went off in a corner and she THINKS that i was lying on him or something :eek:


wish i could have a dream like that

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Last night, my dream started out with my best friend and I lounging around in my game room playing "Guitar Hero Virtual: Muse Edition" :awesome:.

My dad opens the door and says "Matt and Dom are here. Oh, and Chris is on the balcony drinking some beer." I sit there in total shock for about a minute before handing them the proper Guitar Hero equipment. (And somehow, the standard GH controller magically turned into a Manson :rolleyes:) Then I switch on the game and it magically becomes a virtual stage right there in my house. Muse performs a whole entire concert for me and my best friend. Then they stop and the whole room goes back to normal. Chris says, "Well, I need a beer," and walks out onto the balcony. :happy: Then, they Matt and Dom decide to head off to my room. I follow them, not knowing what to expect. I find them looking through my vinyl collection and my iTunes. Dom puts on my Abbey Road album whilst trying on my all of sunglasses. :LOL: Matt just watches me and Dom with an amused expression on his face.


And then the dream ends. :supersad:(Thanks to the aforementioned best friend who woke me up. :facepalm::mad:)

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Guest Octazooka
Last night, my dream started out with my best friend and I lounging around in my game room playing "Guitar Hero Virtual: Muse Edition" :awesome:.

My dad opens the door and says "Matt and Dom are here. Oh, and Chris is on the balcony drinking some beer." I sit there in total shock for about a minute before handing them the proper Guitar Hero equipment. (And somehow, the standard GH controller magically turned into a Manson :rolleyes:) Then I switch on the game and it magically becomes a virtual stage right there in my house. Muse performs a whole entire concert for me and my best friend. Then they stop and the whole room goes back to normal. Chris says, "Well, I need a beer," and walks out onto the balcony. :happy: Then, they Matt and Dom decide to head off to my room. I follow them, not knowing what to expect. I find them looking through my vinyl collection and my iTunes. Dom puts on my Abbey Road album whilst trying on my all of sunglasses. :LOL: Matt just watches me and Dom with an amused expression on his face.


And then the dream ends. :supersad:(Thanks to the aforementioned best friend who woke me up. :facepalm::mad:)


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Last night's was myself in some industrial estate. It was pitch black out and frezzing. I jumped up as high as the cranes, and when I was about to land all the way back down into some sea I saw Matt below me. After calling him for ages he finially heard me say, ''Catch me, Bells! Catch me!'' He started walking casually towards me and just when he was about to catch me, his face turned into mine! :LOL:

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dreamed i was at a concert and all the twilight fans/people that only heard muse through fuggin nova were there... and they were trying to play the old favourites and stuff, but the twibitches etc kept screaming out for uprising and smbh and not paying attention and being stupid and throwing stuff... then matt got really upset and distressed (awwww! :() and dom was really pissed then chris yelled at everyone and dom was trying to comfort matt and they basically told us 'fuck you" and walked off... :supersad: worst dream ever.


felt so sorry for matt :'(

i guess im really scared about bandwagoners ruining concerts :$


when they walked off everyone was being all violent and then all the true muse fans were really sad and we all had a good cry :'( then i woke up... very depressing :unsure:


:supersad:That's not a dream, that's a nightmare!!


Last night, my dream started out with my best friend and I lounging around in my game room playing "Guitar Hero Virtual: Muse Edition" :awesome:.

My dad opens the door and says "Matt and Dom are here. Oh, and Chris is on the balcony drinking some beer." I sit there in total shock for about a minute before handing them the proper Guitar Hero equipment. (And somehow, the standard GH controller magically turned into a Manson :rolleyes:) Then I switch on the game and it magically becomes a virtual stage right there in my house. Muse performs a whole entire concert for me and my best friend. Then they stop and the whole room goes back to normal. Chris says, "Well, I need a beer," and walks out onto the balcony. :happy: Then, they Matt and Dom decide to head off to my room. I follow them, not knowing what to expect. I find them looking through my vinyl collection and my iTunes. Dom puts on my Abbey Road album whilst trying on my all of sunglasses. :LOL: Matt just watches me and Dom with an amused expression on his face.


And then the dream ends. :supersad:(Thanks to the aforementioned best friend who woke me up. :facepalm::mad:)


I wish Guitar Hero Virtual: Muse Edition actually existed:rolleyes:

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I had a confusing dream last night. I didn't remember it until I was drinking my coffee though. The coffee spread all over the table when I started laughing about it.

I was driving a car with Matt. Or actually Matt was driving, and we were listening to The Resistance. MK Ultra was horrible, but I didn't say anything 'cause poor Matt was so excited "yeah this is our best album, this is probably the best song in it" and stuff like that. He just kept talking about the album, and I was really happy about that.

Then Matt said he didn't want to drive anymore, so he put me to the wheel. Of course I didn't know how to drive, but he taught me "you press here and the car goes faster and press here and it stops". Then I could drive, though I drove on the wrong lane the whole time.

So we continue driving the car, and then I start wondering "what if I drove down from here". Then I drove the car down from a mountain (apparently we had been driving on a mountain or something). Then it turned into this really cool panorama thing, it was like in a rollercoaster or something. The car didn't come down though, I think it just stayed up there and I fell with Matt to the bushes. Then we had this cool sex scene and then Matt steals a plane from a farmer that was watching and he flies away.

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I can't really remember my dream from last night all that well, but from what I do remember, Rosie (who hosts Super Request on Triple J, a radio station, here) joined the forums and posted something...then the next thing I remember is that I was at this beach and I think Rosie was there and so was Matt. And thats all I remember :LOL:

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I can't really remember my dream from last night all that well, but from what I do remember, Rosie (who hosts Super Request on Triple J, a radio station, here) joined the forums and posted something...then the next thing I remember is that I was at this beach and I think Rosie was there and so was Matt. And thats all I remember :LOL:


All our tweeting is totally getting to you :LOL:

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I thought I was a freak, but heaps of people have dreams about Muse!

Anyway, I've had a couple. In one of the dreams, I was in the studio helping them record the album. (Don't ask me why). On one of the tracks Matt started rapping, and it sounded like crap, but I just let him keep going because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

In another dream, I was at a Muse concert, on the stage, and Dom decided to let me have a go on the drums. I decided to play Assassin, but the drumsticks were made of straw, and I couldn't reach the drums, so I sounded like crap. I looked up and Dom was looking at me like I was an idiot.

I've had many more, but I can't remember them.

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