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I had a disturbing dream.


Me, Chris and Dom are in a maze at night, looking for Matt. Suddenly i end up surfing in the sea with Matt.

Matt: Isn't this electric surfing great?"

We end up on the beach with the tour bus there, by that time me and Matt are both soaked.

Me: We better go get changed in the tour bus then..

-Matt takes of clothes and stands nude in from of me-

Me: :stunned:

Matt: Nothing like a bit of fresh air to get dry!

-Chris and Dom come out the tour bus-

Chris: Matt inside now! -to me- Don't worry this happens all the time :rolleyes:


My brain is fried now. All i can see is naked Matt. :LOL::stunned:


I'm walking along a dark corridor. I bump into something. A wall? Or a door? "Through here please" a voice says. I open the door and walk out onto a huge stage. It's some massive open-air festival. There are thousands of people. They all start screaming and cheering when I appear. I look around and see Chris and Dom waiting with their instruments. "Where the hell you been?" Dom asks me. I am bewildered. A stagehand puts a guitar in my hands. Chris starts playing the bassline from Muscle Museum. The crowd goes absolutely wild. I recognise my cue, but miss it totally. I look at the guitar. I've no idea how to play this thing. I strike some random chords, they sound awful. Chris looks at me angrily and starts again. The crowd cheers, but less. I stuff up again and mumble something about not feeling well. I hear Chris say to Dom "He's full of shrooms again." I turn to them. "You guys play, I'll just sing." Chris starts the bass. I hear myself singing "She had something to confess to" My voice sounds weird and I am horribly out of tune. Chris and Dom stop and stare at me. The crowd starts shouting things like "You suck Bellamy" and "Get off you junkie." I pick up the microphone and say "I'm not Matt Bellamy. I'm someone else trapped in his body. He's probably in mine." The moment it comes out, I can't believe I said something so stupid to so many people. They're laughing and screaming. Chris taps me on the shoulder. "You better get off now." As I'm walking offstage with tears in my eyes, I hear Chris speaking to the crowd. "We have an annoucement to make. Matt Bellamy is no longer a member of Muse. Instead, Billy Joe Armstrong, formerly of Green Day, has accepted to be our lead singer..." I can't believe my ears, but that's where it ends.


What does this mean Dr Woteva? Am I going mad? Anyway, it would have been funny if it hadn't been so real. I can just see Billy Joe singing Feeling Good...


Billy Joe? lol the songs would sound so wierd


More of a day dream but Dom got stuck in the drum riser at some festival and Matt was literally rolling on the floor laughing. But Chris just stood with his arms folded telling the hysterical audience "its not funny. How would you feel in that situation?"


Omg :LOL:

Some of the dreams in this thread are hilarious. :LOL:

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I dozed off on a break from playing my drums. I then wake up and notice my blue jeans and red/blue stripy shirt have changed into a pair of silver Converses, orange skinnies and black shirt. I also notice I'm not wearing glasses and that my hair is more uniformally longer and blonder than my hair - and my sideburns have gone. A look in the mirror confirm what I think - I see Dom staring back at me.

On the table is a piece of paper. I read it. I notice it's a gig setlist. It reads:

"MOTP - Hysteria - New Born - SMBH - B&H - Citizen Erased - Space Dementia - Feeling Good - Apocalypse - Osaka Jam - TIRO - Invincible - Starlight - Dead Star - Stockholm - S4A - PiB - Bliss - Harmonica - KoC"

There is soon a knock as Matt walks in. He is wearing the Glastonbury labcoat, a black shirt, red trousers and black shoes. He soon speaks "There you are! You must've dozed off." I say "Er... yeah. Why?" Matt replies "We're on in 10 so get ready." I go "Good good" and pick up my drumsticks before walking towards the stage.

The satellites begins glowing and Jupiter and Beyond begins playing before I walk onto a stage bathed in red light. I am followed on by Morgan, Chris and Matt. Soon, I click my drumsticks together and Matt at the front begins the opening riff to Map of the Problematique.

We play the gig. It goes very well until the drum and bass interlude between Apocalypse Please and Invincible when I mess it up. The crowd laugh at it, as do Morgan and Matt. Chris sighs and says to Matt "I told you he doesn't do drum solos." Matt just laughs again then realises he's returned to the stage without a guitar.

We finish the gig, and we then get hoarded escaping menacing over-zelous fangirls screaming "OMGZ! MYOOZE! I LOVE YOU!" We then head off towards Dublin, coming up with a setlist for the upcoming gig there which will be used for the V Festival gigs immediately after.

Then I awoke - back in normal clothes with my normal battered kit facing me rather than Dom's shiny one. I sighed, then got back to drumming.

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Oh! Oh! I had one last night; and right when I woke up the first thing I thought was OMGIHAVETOPOSTTHIS!!!1!one :D


So, I was at my house, in the kitchen. Upstairs, there was some commotion - some chick was giving birth, and my family was assisting her (already, wtf?). Apparently that chick was Matt's girlfriend/wife. It wasn't Gaia, but, it was. ...you know how dreams are. I was trying to stay away from the whole deal, I presume, so I was just hanging out. Suddenly the phone rang, and when I had a look, the caller ID read 'matt bellamy's cell' (oddly specific, eh.) Naturally I freak out, and answer with a hello. And I magically had a British accent. Matt asked for Gaia, but I replied 'No, it's Sophie.' He began bumbling and such, embarressed about having the wrong number and nervous about his phone number getting out. 'Oi, love,' I explained. 'Gaia's here. When are you getting here?! She's giving birth, mate.' He was a bit frantic, and didn't seem very into holding a conversation with me, just nervous about not being there. We carried on for a bit & I woke up :rolleyes:



...So fucking weirdd.

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I dozed off on a break from playing my drums. I then wake up and notice my blue jeans and red/blue stripy shirt have changed into a pair of silver Converses, orange skinnies and black shirt. I also notice I'm not wearing glasses and that my hair is more uniformally longer and blonder than my hair - and my sideburns have gone. A look in the mirror confirm what I think - I see Dom staring back at me.

On the table is a piece of paper. I read it. I notice it's a gig setlist. It reads:

"MOTP - Hysteria - New Born - SMBH - B&H - Citizen Erased - Space Dementia - Feeling Good - Apocalypse - Osaka Jam - TIRO - Invincible - Starlight - Dead Star - Stockholm - S4A - PiB - Bliss - Harmonica - KoC"

There is soon a knock as Matt walks in. He is wearing the Glastonbury labcoat, a black shirt, red trousers and black shoes. He soon speaks "There you are! You must've dozed off." I say "Er... yeah. Why?" Matt replies "We're on in 10 so get ready." I go "Good good" and pick up my drumsticks before walking towards the stage.

The satellites begins glowing and Jupiter and Beyond begins playing before I walk onto a stage bathed in red light. I am followed on by Morgan, Chris and Matt. Soon, I click my drumsticks together and Matt at the front begins the opening riff to Map of the Problematique.

We play the gig. It goes very well until the drum and bass interlude between Apocalypse Please and Invincible when I mess it up. The crowd laugh at it, as do Morgan and Matt. Chris sighs and says to Matt "I told you he doesn't do drum solos." Matt just laughs again then realises he's returned to the stage without a guitar.

We finish the gig, and we then get hoarded escaping menacing over-zelous fangirls screaming "OMGZ! MYOOZE! I LOVE YOU!" We then head off towards Dublin, coming up with a setlist for the upcoming gig there which will be used for the V Festival gigs immediately after.

Then I awoke - back in normal clothes with my normal battered kit facing me rather than Dom's shiny one. I sighed, then got back to drumming.


That's one vivid dream you've got there!

I can barely remember what someone said in my dreams afterwards, let alone a whole setlist. :LOL:

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I had one last night.


I was in my friends bedroom. We were getting ready for a muse gig. She was looking for a weeeeeeeeird necklace with all sorts of teeth hanging from it.

Then we were at Wembley, Muse were performing, Biffy Clyro & George Sampson were the support acts. Biffy start playing. Dom walks towards us, gives me his green skinnies and leaves. I am jumping around and shouting "OMFG DOM BE GIVING ME HIS JEANS OLOL WTF!" My friend tells me to shut up. Dom comes back, gives me a hug and punches her in the tits, then starts singing "i'm a little teapot, short and stout"

Then a giant cat with massive tits tried to kill us.

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I had one last night.


I was in my friends bedroom. We were getting ready for a muse gig. She was looking for a weeeeeeeeird necklace with all sorts of teeth hanging from it.

Then we were at Wembley, Muse were performing, Biffy Clyro & George Sampson were the support acts. Biffy start playing. Dom walks towards us, gives me his green skinnies and leaves. I am jumping around and shouting "OMFG DOM BE GIVING ME HIS JEANS OLOL WTF!" My friend tells me to shut up. Dom comes back, gives me a hug and punches her in the tits, then starts singing "i'm a little teapot, short and stout"

Then a giant cat with massive tits tried to kill us.


For serious??! :LOL: WTF?! :LOL:

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I had one last night.


I was in my friends bedroom. We were getting ready for a muse gig. She was looking for a weeeeeeeeird necklace with all sorts of teeth hanging from it.

Then we were at Wembley, Muse were performing, Biffy Clyro & George Sampson were the support acts. Biffy start playing. Dom walks towards us, gives me his green skinnies and leaves. I am jumping around and shouting "OMFG DOM BE GIVING ME HIS JEANS OLOL WTF!" My friend tells me to shut up. Dom comes back, gives me a hug and punches her in the tits, then starts singing "i'm a little teapot, short and stout"

Then a giant cat with massive tits tried to kill us.


That is fucking awesome.

What was the rest of the dream?

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I agree....the childrens programmes that I watched as a...er...child were far superior to the ones on now....telletubbies...urgh.....I don't know the names of many others, but most of the ones with the fat brightly coloured costumes on look shite.

Totally agree

teletubbies are disturbing

and let's not forget the dehydrated purple grape known as Barney...ewwww!! :p

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My dream with MUSE :D??


I was in this London, from 'Sing for Absolution' video. And I'm looking something. Ha! Not something, but someone. When, I was looked a men, he's liying on ground. And I'd walked to him, and this men, was Matt :stunned:!! He isn't be alive :(. And when, I was cried, and scream: 'Matt, don't leave me!! I love you! I need you!!' :stunned:

And in this moment, Dom's crop up, and he was hug me.


Terrible dream... :S

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My dream with MUSE :D??


I was in this London, from 'Sing for Absolution' video. And I'm looking something. Ha! Not something, but someone. When, I was looked a men, he's liying on ground. And I'd walked to him, and this men, was Matt :stunned:!! He isn't be alive :(. And when, I was cried, and scream: 'Matt, don't leave me!! I love you! I need you!!' :stunned:

And in this moment, Dom's crop up, and he was hug me.


Terrible dream... :S


I love your english :LOL:

Shame about the bad dream though *hugs*

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I once had a dream that Matt and Dom were in a bath outside, fully clothed, talking about where they were going to order pizza from this time. :stunned:


& another where my friend was wearing a tux, and Dom was next to her in a wedding dress and he was really small. Like, really really small. They were just standing there. It was weird...

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i had one last night where i felt like i had to go outside my house, i don't know why but i did. Matt was there videotaping my street so i said "hi Matt. i love Muse. you rock". He sort of just mumbled and didn't say much :( . then Dom and Chris appeared with some guy with an earring on the top of his head. i went over and hugged Dom and Chris and told them i was a fan of Muse. Then my mum came out and went "hey! i just made pizzas, who wants some?" so we went inside - except for Matt, he kind of disappeared :indiff:. we were eating pizza and talking then i woke up.

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I once had a dream that Matt and Dom were in a bath outside, fully clothed, talking about where they were going to order pizza from this time. :stunned:


& another where my friend was wearing a tux, and Dom was next to her in a wedding dress and he was really small. Like, really really small. They were just standing there. It was weird...



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I want to be a heart surgeon when I'm older so..


Chris came in for a check-up and we discovered he needed a replacement aortic valve. So I operated, he recovered in 3 months instead of the usual 6. I discovered that he was named after his uncle who he had not seen for ages, Anthony McCaskie (or at least he was in my dream). Tony is my grandad. So I'm theoretically Chris' second cousin.


Cool dream.

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in my weird muse dream, i was standing on my mate's pool table with her and her brother and we were playing exo-politics. i was on guitar, my mate singing (she doesnt sing by the way) and her brother on drums. and we sounded really good, exactly like muse. it was weird but awesome.

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should post this in here


i had the best wolstie dream last night


i was at uni and they were playing in one of the dorms i was right infront but my camera died and for some reason i was wearing a jacket made out of tin foil

and matt commented on it saying it was very shiny

and then after the show i went up to chris and he gave me a hug and kisses


then later on in the odd dream i was working in a store that delivers beer and guitar tabs......(dont know why....)


and we get an order for a case of heineken and jimi hendrix tabs

i go to the room and dom and matt walk out and chris comes to the door and invites me in and we sit drink the beers and talk about magic schools



then my mom woke me up and said it was 11:30 what are you still sleeping for..........

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