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I've had a few Muse dreams. first one:

there was a tv show or something, with a lot of kids (9 year olds) and they were all cheering because Muse was going to perform 0.0 and they did, and I was standing on some stairs but the whole ceiling consisted of stairs, it kinda looked like an Escher painting


but anyway I fell down from the stairs and I went to sit on matt's lap 0.0 and then everything suddenly went silent. like everyone had just dissapeared, and I left the building with matt and we were talking about construction workers.

another one was also about Muse performing, but they were watching their own show at the same time :S and I was one of the six people who were watching. so well I started talking to the Matt watching the show and for some reason we were talking about periods and tropical islands and he talked like he knew everything about it xD and then my dad said something to him but it was in Dutch so I was like 'you gotta talk in english dad, or he won't understand what you're saying'.

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I actually had a dream about llamas thanks to this board! There was one very tiny baby llama bucking and kicking me, and apparantly that was a sign of affection! :stunned:


then I had a different dream that included Matt and Dom laughing and making sexual references about each other :LOL: ... all I remember is that Dom said something about him and Matt and I asked him if I could PLEASE quote him as having said that on these boards haha... he just laughed.


WTF! I needs to stay away from .mu me thinks! :facepalm: (hehe yeh rite :rolleyes:)

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I actually had a dream about llamas thanks to this board! There was one very tiny baby llama bucking and kicking me, and apparantly that was a sign of affection! :stunned:


then I had a different dream that included Matt and Dom laughing and making sexual references about each other :LOL: ... all I remember is that Dom said something about him and Matt and I asked him if I could PLEASE quote him as having said that on these boards haha... he just laughed.


WTF! I needs to stay away from .mu me thinks! :facepalm: (hehe yeh rite :rolleyes:)


:LOL::LOL: llama dreams ftw! i really did lol at that!

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I just remembered one silly dream I had a few nights ago! :happy:


I was at some weird palace with Matt, Dom, Bam Margera and his friend Novak. I have no idea how I got there, but we all started walking around the palace, looking for a way out, because none of us knew where we were or how we got there.

So for some time we all just walked around there, Bam and Novak just laughed and were acting really silly and Novak was wearing ice hockey clothes.

Then suddenly Novak tackled Matt and Bam thorough a wooden door, Dom barely managed to avoid them and I ran to the door and shouted "HEY! CALM DOWN OR SOMEONE WILL GET HURT!" or something like that (Luckily Matt didn't get hurt there :happy: ), but then I realised I was looking at a giant, round pool. I looked up and saw the sky. There were loads of stars, and then some odd, old midget came to talk to us, saying that the pool was actually a giant clock and then he flew away.


There was a door on the other side, so I suggested we should swim across, but then Matt started talking about aliens and conspiracy theories, Bam and Novak were like "Umm, dude wtf?" and Dom started saying he'll never stop talking about the "ancient clock made by cydonian aliens" -theory. And then I woke up.. :rolleyes: What an odd dream, must have something to do with me

1. having a cold

2. watching Finland vs Canada ice hockey match

3. my hyper imagination (they say if ya have color in ya dreams you've got a good imagination, but i can TASTE AND SMELL STUFF IN MY DREAMS :eek: )


(and sorry if there are any errors in the text. ^__^ )

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I had my first MUSE DREAM!!!!!!! :D


Alright, from what I remember, I was backstage, but it wasn't like backstage, it was kind of like an attic. It had several levels because there were stairs. Dom had cut most of his hair off and dyed it orange for some reason, and his eyes were further apart and bigger. And that's pretty much all I remember of the first part. Then they were doing a gig, and I was sitting like right in front (sitting because the gig was sooooo itty bitty. It was like in a tiny cafe or something. THAT tiny). And they were playing, and then something got messed up. Then Matt nearly tipped his mic over, but he caught it, and I'm just like "Don't. Break. The mic. Too." Then he started laughing one of his wacky laughs. And then I was talking to a bunch of people on teh Museh boards that I just kind of dreamed up. Then (apparently this wasn't the actual gig) I went home to find a Muse t-shirt, and I had to decide which one to wear, and that's where the Museness ends. :LOL:

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There were loads of stars, and then some odd, old midget came to talk to us, saying that the pool was actually a giant clock and then he flew away.


Oh my god :LOL:


And I thought Muse themselves were random :LOL:


Anyway, my first dream - which I had two nights ago :D


I finally got to my first Muse gig. It was so loud, and so epic seeing the guys play in real life. However, they were playing the penultimate song - Map of the Problematique - before ending with Stockholm Syndrome.


The song ended, and he blazed into the RATM Maggie's Farm riff... and he headbanged around the stage, as he does.


But then, he tripped, and he fell. He was wearing his guitar, of course, and it crushed his picking hand when he fell on it :(


His hand looked properly fucked up... he got up again, and held his wrist with his good hand, wincing in pain, and the hand he fell on looked really bent and bruised, as the guitar had crushed it when Matt fell on it :(


He went up to the mike, still holding his bent hand, and said "fuck... man, we had ONE last song on the set list. We were meant to play Stockholm Syndrome. Sorry guys."


And I heard this, and yelled "MATTEH!" and waved my hands. I got his attention! He managed to climb off the stage, and he came towards me. He went "Yeah?" and I said "You can still sing, right?" and he said "Yeah, of course" "Well, I can play Stockholm Syndrome... on guitar, that is"


And a huge smile came to his face :D


He said something to a security guard, and the guard let me through the barricade, and I walked onto the stage with Matt. He said into the mike "We have a replacement guitarist!" and the crowd went wild, while I stood there looking sheepish. "Be right back."


We went backstage. He needed some ice for his hand. When he got it, he came to me with the Manson Delorean, which he had been using as his Drop D guitar that night. "It's in Drop D, you've got everything you need. Chances are, you don't know your way around my pedalboard, so I'll work the pedals for you. They're under the mic, anyway" "Okay, awesome, man.". With that, I strap the aluminium coloured beauty over my shoulders, and walk out with Matt back to the stage. The crowd went wild :D


"And we have been Muse... we leave you with one last song. Thank you to all of you for coming, and to our unexpected backup guitarist here, for what I hope will be a good performance...! Thanks again, hope you had a good night... now this is STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!!!"


The crowd goes nuts. I initiate by playing the hard tapping in the HAARP SS video, before the actual riff... I hear Matt go "Woah" :D


Then, I kick in with the actual riff, and the whole song goes brilliantly. Matt sings better than he ever had before - probably because he didn't have a guitar to worry about at the same time - and he pumps the pedals, and I'm just on fire.


The song ends, and, right away, I come in with blazing powerchords and harmonics - I look at Dom and Chris as if to hint as to what I'm doing. I start the after-song improv from HAARP, and, thankfully, they play along. The crowd went electric after it all ended.


Then I woke up :LOL:


Epic dreamage :D

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Anyway, my first dream - which I had two nights ago :D


I finally got to my first Muse gig. It was so loud, and so epic seeing the guys play in real life. However, they were playing the penultimate song - Map of the Problematique - before ending with Stockholm Syndrome.


The song ended, and he blazed into the RATM Maggie's Farm riff... and he headbanged around the stage, as he does.


But then, he tripped, and he fell. He was wearing his guitar, of course, and it crushed his picking hand when he fell on it :(


His hand looked properly fucked up... he got up again, and held his wrist with his good hand, wincing in pain, and the hand he fell on looked really bent and bruised, as the guitar had crushed it when Matt fell on it :(


He went up to the mike, still holding his bent hand, and said "fuck... man, we had ONE last song on the set list. We were meant to play Stockholm Syndrome. Sorry guys."


And I heard this, and yelled "MATTEH!" and waved my hands. I got his attention! He managed to climb off the stage, and he came towards me. He went "Yeah?" and I said "You can still sing, right?" and he said "Yeah, of course" "Well, I can play Stockholm Syndrome... on guitar, that is"


And a huge smile came to his face :D


He said something to a security guard, and the guard let me through the barricade, and I walked onto the stage with Matt. He said into the mike "We have a replacement guitarist!" and the crowd went wild, while I stood there looking sheepish. "Be right back."


We went backstage. He needed some ice for his hand. When he got it, he came to me with the Manson Delorean, which he had been using as his Drop D guitar that night. "It's in Drop D, you've got everything you need. Chances are, you don't know your way around my pedalboard, so I'll work the pedals for you. They're under the mic, anyway" "Okay, awesome, man.". With that, I strap the aluminium coloured beauty over my shoulders, and walk out with Matt back to the stage. The crowd went wild :D


"And we have been Muse... we leave you with one last song. Thank you to all of you for coming, and to our unexpected backup guitarist here, for what I hope will be a good performance...! Thanks again, hope you had a good night... now this is STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!!!"


The crowd goes nuts. I initiate by playing the hard tapping in the HAARP SS video, before the actual riff... I hear Matt go "Woah" :D


Then, I kick in with the actual riff, and the whole song goes brilliantly. Matt sings better than he ever had before - probably because he didn't have a guitar to worry about at the same time - and he pumps the pedals, and I'm just on fire.


The song ends, and, right away, I come in with blazing powerchords and harmonics - I look at Dom and Chris as if to hint as to what I'm doing. I start the after-song improv from HAARP, and, thankfully, they play along. The crowd went electric after it all ended.


Then I woke up :LOL:


Epic dreamage :D


oh my god, that is just fucking awesome :LOL::D

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Oh my god :LOL:


And I thought Muse themselves were random :LOL:


Anyway, my first dream - which I had two nights ago :D


I finally got to my first Muse gig. It was so loud, and so epic seeing the guys play in real life. However, they were playing the penultimate song - Map of the Problematique - before ending with Stockholm Syndrome.


The song ended, and he blazed into the RATM Maggie's Farm riff... and he headbanged around the stage, as he does.


But then, he tripped, and he fell. He was wearing his guitar, of course, and it crushed his picking hand when he fell on it :(


His hand looked properly fucked up... he got up again, and held his wrist with his good hand, wincing in pain, and the hand he fell on looked really bent and bruised, as the guitar had crushed it when Matt fell on it :(


He went up to the mike, still holding his bent hand, and said "fuck... man, we had ONE last song on the set list. We were meant to play Stockholm Syndrome. Sorry guys."


And I heard this, and yelled "MATTEH!" and waved my hands. I got his attention! He managed to climb off the stage, and he came towards me. He went "Yeah?" and I said "You can still sing, right?" and he said "Yeah, of course" "Well, I can play Stockholm Syndrome... on guitar, that is"


And a huge smile came to his face :D


He said something to a security guard, and the guard let me through the barricade, and I walked onto the stage with Matt. He said into the mike "We have a replacement guitarist!" and the crowd went wild, while I stood there looking sheepish. "Be right back."


We went backstage. He needed some ice for his hand. When he got it, he came to me with the Manson Delorean, which he had been using as his Drop D guitar that night. "It's in Drop D, you've got everything you need. Chances are, you don't know your way around my pedalboard, so I'll work the pedals for you. They're under the mic, anyway" "Okay, awesome, man.". With that, I strap the aluminium coloured beauty over my shoulders, and walk out with Matt back to the stage. The crowd went wild :D


"And we have been Muse... we leave you with one last song. Thank you to all of you for coming, and to our unexpected backup guitarist here, for what I hope will be a good performance...! Thanks again, hope you had a good night... now this is STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!!!"


The crowd goes nuts. I initiate by playing the hard tapping in the HAARP SS video, before the actual riff... I hear Matt go "Woah" :D


Then, I kick in with the actual riff, and the whole song goes brilliantly. Matt sings better than he ever had before - probably because he didn't have a guitar to worry about at the same time - and he pumps the pedals, and I'm just on fire.


The song ends, and, right away, I come in with blazing powerchords and harmonics - I look at Dom and Chris as if to hint as to what I'm doing. I start the after-song improv from HAARP, and, thankfully, they play along. The crowd went electric after it all ended.


Then I woke up :LOL:


Epic dreamage :D


Nice. :yesey:

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Oh my god :LOL:


And I thought Muse themselves were random :LOL:


Anyway, my first dream - which I had two nights ago :D


I finally got to my first Muse gig. It was so loud, and so epic seeing the guys play in real life. However, they were playing the penultimate song - Map of the Problematique - before ending with Stockholm Syndrome.


The song ended, and he blazed into the RATM Maggie's Farm riff... and he headbanged around the stage, as he does.


But then, he tripped, and he fell. He was wearing his guitar, of course, and it crushed his picking hand when he fell on it :(


His hand looked properly fucked up... he got up again, and held his wrist with his good hand, wincing in pain, and the hand he fell on looked really bent and bruised, as the guitar had crushed it when Matt fell on it :(


He went up to the mike, still holding his bent hand, and said "fuck... man, we had ONE last song on the set list. We were meant to play Stockholm Syndrome. Sorry guys."


And I heard this, and yelled "MATTEH!" and waved my hands. I got his attention! He managed to climb off the stage, and he came towards me. He went "Yeah?" and I said "You can still sing, right?" and he said "Yeah, of course" "Well, I can play Stockholm Syndrome... on guitar, that is"


And a huge smile came to his face :D


He said something to a security guard, and the guard let me through the barricade, and I walked onto the stage with Matt. He said into the mike "We have a replacement guitarist!" and the crowd went wild, while I stood there looking sheepish. "Be right back."


We went backstage. He needed some ice for his hand. When he got it, he came to me with the Manson Delorean, which he had been using as his Drop D guitar that night. "It's in Drop D, you've got everything you need. Chances are, you don't know your way around my pedalboard, so I'll work the pedals for you. They're under the mic, anyway" "Okay, awesome, man.". With that, I strap the aluminium coloured beauty over my shoulders, and walk out with Matt back to the stage. The crowd went wild :D


"And we have been Muse... we leave you with one last song. Thank you to all of you for coming, and to our unexpected backup guitarist here, for what I hope will be a good performance...! Thanks again, hope you had a good night... now this is STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!!!"


The crowd goes nuts. I initiate by playing the hard tapping in the HAARP SS video, before the actual riff... I hear Matt go "Woah" :D


Then, I kick in with the actual riff, and the whole song goes brilliantly. Matt sings better than he ever had before - probably because he didn't have a guitar to worry about at the same time - and he pumps the pedals, and I'm just on fire.


The song ends, and, right away, I come in with blazing powerchords and harmonics - I look at Dom and Chris as if to hint as to what I'm doing. I start the after-song improv from HAARP, and, thankfully, they play along. The crowd went electric after it all ended.


Then I woke up :LOL:


Epic dreamage :D


Best dream of the thread. :yesey:

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ok well I had 2 Muse dreams the last couple nights. The first one was short - we were just on some sort of Disneyland ride or something and the music being played was MoTP. That's about it. But last night I dreamt I was with Dom in my grandma's house and he was giving me a piggy back ride....and then he took his clothes off and started dancing.. :eek: I'm so messed up. It wasnt long but seriously. I'm messed up. :p

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Ah yeah! The one where I played SS wasn't my first! I just remembered my real first one :LOL:


I cycle to town to get guitar strings and go to the bank... this one night, I dreamt that Wembley Stadium was actually in that town :LOL:


I was cycling along my usual real life route, that, in the dream, passes directly by the open end of Wembley Stadium (yeah, it was an open ended stadium in this dream, rather than fully closed... like the Sam Boyd stadium, or the now demolished Miami Orange Bowl)


I was cycling by, and I heard Dance of the Knights - that classical tune that Muse use as an intro. I wondered what the hell was going on in there, so I clambered on top of a small building (where I would usually go to see what was going on in there, behind the large fence at the open end). As I get halfway up, I hear a loud BOOM... and over the wall of the stadium, I see a plume of white confetti.


I finally get to the top, and as I stand up, a loud harmonic nearly knocks me over.


It was Matt, playing the pre-KoC "Close Encounters" harmonics... I damn nearly screamed. Then a loud "AAAA, AAAA, AAAAAA! AHH, EYA, YAA!!!"... it was Knights :D


And the date that I happened to go into town for strings?


June 17th, 2007.


I watched all of HAARP from the roof of this little building. Best dream ever :D

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Ah yeah! The one where I played SS wasn't my first! I just remembered my real first one :LOL:


I cycle to town to get guitar strings and go to the bank... this one night, I dreamt that Wembley Stadium was actually in that town :LOL:


I was cycling along my usual real life route, that, in the dream, passes directly by the open end of Wembley Stadium (yeah, it was an open ended stadium in this dream, rather than fully closed... like the Sam Boyd stadium, or the now demolished Miami Orange Bowl)


I was cycling by, and I heard Dance of the Knights - that classical tune that Muse use as an intro. I wondered what the hell was going on in there, so I clambered on top of a small building (where I would usually go to see what was going on in there, behind the large fence at the open end). As I get halfway up, I hear a loud BOOM... and over the wall of the stadium, I see a plume of white confetti.


I finally get to the top, and as I stand up, a loud harmonic nearly knocks me over.


It was Matt, playing the pre-KoC "Close Encounters" harmonics... I damn nearly screamed. Then a loud "AAAA, AAAA, AAAAAA! AHH, EYA, YAA!!!"... it was Knights :D


And the date that I happened to go into town for strings?


June 17th, 2007.


I watched all of HAARP from the roof of this little building. Best dream ever :D


nice!! :LOL:

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Ah yeah! The one where I played SS wasn't my first! I just remembered my real first one :LOL:


I cycle to town to get guitar strings and go to the bank... this one night, I dreamt that Wembley Stadium was actually in that town :LOL:


I was cycling along my usual real life route, that, in the dream, passes directly by the open end of Wembley Stadium (yeah, it was an open ended stadium in this dream, rather than fully closed... like the Sam Boyd stadium, or the now demolished Miami Orange Bowl)


I was cycling by, and I heard Dance of the Knights - that classical tune that Muse use as an intro. I wondered what the hell was going on in there, so I clambered on top of a small building (where I would usually go to see what was going on in there, behind the large fence at the open end). As I get halfway up, I hear a loud BOOM... and over the wall of the stadium, I see a plume of white confetti.


I finally get to the top, and as I stand up, a loud harmonic nearly knocks me over.


It was Matt, playing the pre-KoC "Close Encounters" harmonics... I damn nearly screamed. Then a loud "AAAA, AAAA, AAAAAA! AHH, EYA, YAA!!!"... it was Knights :D


And the date that I happened to go into town for strings?


June 17th, 2007.


I watched all of HAARP from the roof of this little building. Best dream ever :D


:LOL::LOL: that must be the best muse dream in this thread! EPIC!

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Yeah, they were both pretty epic! :)


The only bad part, though, is waking up and finding out it was a dream :LOL:


:LOL: better than not having any Muse dream at all! the only one i had, was all forgotten when i woke up, except for the part in my dream where i say to myself 'i must post this on the Muse boards!' :(

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:LOL: better than not having any Muse dream at all! the only one i had, was all forgotten when i woke up, except for the part in my dream where i say to myself 'i must post this on the Muse boards!' :(


It'll come :happy:


Who knows, it may be even more epic than my ones apparently are :LOL:

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It'll come :happy:


Who knows, it may be even more epic than my ones apparently are :LOL:




don't worry you'll get more! :happy: In time, my friend, in time! :awesome:

:LOL: maybe if i spent time on the PMT/PDT/PCT instead :LOL: naaw i'm not overly concerned about it, the other day i had a dream about Agyness Deyn even though i've already been fan of hers since a few years ago! :happy:

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