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Damn, I've been having a lot of Muse dreams lately. :rolleyes:


I had one last night where I went to a Muse concert and got to meet Matt after the show. I was talking to him, and I told him I really like that ring he used to wear, the one some Japanese fan gave him, but I wasn't able to find one like it anywhere. He asked me if I wanted his since he never wears it anymore, and he gave it to me. A few days later, I went to work while wearing it on a necklace (it was too big for my fingers) and some guy came up to me and asked if I liked Muse and told me that Matt has a ring just like mine. I told him that's the same ring, and the guy pulled a gun out and threatened to shoot me if I didn't give him the ring, but I didn't want to give it up. And then I woke up. :erm:

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I had a dream where Matt was cooking for me... he put something in the microwave, but he left a metal spoon in the dish and I couldn't decide whether it would be rude to say something or not, because after all he was cooking for me...

After a moment's indecision, I realised that it's very dangerous to leave metal spoons in the microwave, so I nudged him and said "You idiot! You've left a spoon in the microwave!"

He got really offended and still didn't stop the microwave.

Then I woke up... so I'll never know if we died in the resulting explosion (which is what I was expecting)


the thing that bugs me about that is that if someones cooking then they shouldn't be using a microwave. microwaves are "shit it, I can't be arsed to cook, let's heat up some soup out of a tin or that spaghetti bolognese that's been in the fridge for about seven years." if someone does say they're going to cook for you and uses a microwave you'd be a bit p.o'd.


do microwaves really explode if you put metal in them? that's a bit scary. my friends one stopped turning once and it set fire to her kitchen. I always check mine now.

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the thing that bugs me about that is that if someones cooking then they shouldn't be using a microwave. microwaves are "shit it, I can't be arsed to cook, let's heat up some soup out of a tin or that spaghetti bolognese that's been in the fridge for about seven years." if someone does say they're going to cook for you and uses a microwave you'd be a bit p.o'd.


do microwaves really explode if you put metal in them? that's a bit scary. my friends one stopped turning once and it set fire to her kitchen. I always check mine now.


wow, you really are quite drunk! lol

in the dream i didn't feel particularly excited that he was cooking for me... it just seemed normal. and then i got angry at the spoon thing...

i doubt a microwave would actually explode... it normally sparks and stuff methinks...

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wow, you really are quite drunk! lol

in the dream i didn't feel particularly excited that he was cooking for me... it just seemed normal. and then i got angry at the spoon thing...

i doubt a microwave would actually explode... it normally sparks and stuff methinks...


I'm not that drunk! I'm spelling marvellously, just a bit chattery!

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This one was a bit cool :happy: They were doing a gig in this church, all the pews were filled with the audience just sitting in silence, and Matt started up Space Dementia, but from my point of view it was like at the start of the Hyper Music video, up really close, can only see his face - and he was wearing the Hullabaloo jacket + had his hair like it was then but he had all these neon glowsticky necklaces and bracelets on too, one fell off his shoulder mid-song so I was there (and close enough) to pull it back in place (lol :erm:) - he was playing on this harpsichord thing which wasn't making harpsichord noises - then - this is odd - Chris was playing the bass part on the church bells (:erm:) And I saw Matt looking up to them and going "hmmmmm :)" and I says to him "Oh, I see that's given you an idea ehh?" :eyebrows: but then Chris couldn't keep in time with Dom (who was off to the right hand side of the church lol) coz the bells were really awkward, so I suggest to Matt that he plays the bass part on the church organ instead, which he agreed to - then for some reason I thought I was the one who had to play it, so I run around the back of this organ, following Chris (who had his long haircut, and was wearing a green cape on one shoulder :erm:) But when I got to the Organ I had to say to Chris: "Shiiiiit, what note does Megalomania start on? :eek:" and he told me : "errr, D" then I thought about how hard Megalomania is to play, but then how easy the SD bassline might be to play on the church organ, so I left it to Chris to do. Then for some reason I was telling Matt to "stop feeling my arse" :eek::LOL: and then I woke up

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I had a dream where Matt was cooking for me... he put something in the microwave, but he left a metal spoon in the dish and I couldn't decide whether it would be rude to say something or not, because after all he was cooking for me...

After a moment's indecision, I realised that it's very dangerous to leave metal spoons in the microwave, so I nudged him and said "You idiot! You've left a spoon in the microwave!"

He got really offended and still didn't stop the microwave.

Then I woke up... so I'll never know if we died in the resulting explosion (which is what I was expecting)


:LOL: so basically, don't insult Matt if your life depended on it

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Ok I had another semi-Muse-related dream this morning...


My sister was on facebook, but she seemed to be having trouble doing something. I asked her what was wrong, and she said "it worked a moment ago. There's this special bonus thing on facebook"

Then she kept clicking on the home link, and then she clicked on someone's status (it was a girl from my high school who I haven't spoken to for ages... wtf?), and suddenly this melange of cartoon characters (I knew it to be Donkey, from Shrek, but looked like Pumba crossed with one of the hyenas from The Lion King) appeared and it was wearing a Hawaiian t-shirt and sunglasses and started singing and dancing to Glorious... :LOL:


Very bizarre...

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Had many dreams about them lol :D


First one I had, muse were playing in a swimiming pool with synchronised divers, then we ran out side and Matt rugy tackeled me into the mud while we went looking for chris :LOL:


Another One I had Matt Invited me to follow the guys on their tour bus and follow them around while they all thought me how to play their resepective instruments :D


There have been others :$

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I had this dream that Matt was massaging my feet (:stunned:) and it was actually rather lovely. And then I looked up and his face sort of...morphed into Mr Bean's face and he was like :eyebrows:





I can't remember the rest of the dream though....hopefully it didn't involve any more Rowan Atkinson :stunned:




But Mr. Bean? :eyebrows: smiley? That doesn't fit at all. That's just creepy. :noey:

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But Mr. Bean? :eyebrows: smiley? That doesn't fit at all. That's just creepy. :noey:



Sorry this is my first time quoting so hopefully this post won't turn out all deformed ;)


And yes it was very creepy indeed!



Actually , the Matt in your sig looks very slightly bean-like.... :eek:


But that might just be because I am traumatized from the experience. I'm probably going to end up seeing Mr Bean everywhere now as a result of the trauma caused by the dream:(



me: WTF....MR BEAN!?!?!?! get out of my house you freak!!!!

my printer: ....

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I had my first Muse dream yesterday :D


It was basically them in concert and they were all

wearing Middle Eastern looking cloths. Like the turbens

and stuff. Anyways, their song ends and Matts all

"Oh no, you have to be joking! Where's the message

on the screen!?" And the dream kinda skips to these

two middle eastern women at the end of the audience

getting married. And everyone in the audience is

watching. And then I woke up.



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I once had a really weird muse dream, was quite a while ago. I got Matt's mobile number, tried texting and stuff but didn't get a reply. Heard from someone or on the tele that Paul Mccartney took Matt's messages for him (oh god, I have no idea :noey:) So I rang up again, and the dream ended with me going 'Hello... Paul McCartney!' in this really evil way which sort of reminds me of this smiley: :ninja:


It was so strange... one of the funniest Muse dreams I've had though :LOL:

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Well this hasn't really got Muse in it but its related. Basicly before I went to sleep that night I was watching the HAARP dvd and I can remember during apocolypse please watching the vid behind them. Well tht night i dreamt about the end of the world and clips from tht vid on the dvd kept coming up. It was quite scary.

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Haha, I just had a dream I caught up with Matt after a gig at an after-party and the red track suit, and I said everything that I promised myself I wouldn't say to him if I ever met him like "omg ur aweshum" and "you're an absolute genius!" and he was just like "yeah yeah cheers" :LOL: Then while I was kicking myself for that, my sister comes and practically makes friends with him. :rolleyes: Then we all started playing poker, even though we had no cash, and my sister and I ended up getting all the chips and Matt got sorta pissed and left.




^^Haha and I just had a dream with Paul McCartney as well. I had a dream I walked in a recording studio and I walked in on The Beatles recording something and I was like "oh shit sorry" then walked out, but then I thought "wait, aren't they all dead?" and continued through my dream royally confused. O.o

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i recently had a dream that i applied to be muses manager.... and then matt came down to my school to spend a week with me and check out if i was good enough

when he went to school everyone recognised him and was heaps jealous that he was spending time with me. I then told him about this guy who i used to be best friends with but he ditched me because he thought he was too good to be friends with me, and matt went and bashed him up and said "look whos hanging out with her now" and the guy was crying and it was a good moment.

then in chapel matt got up on the stage and said that i had gotten the job and i would be working as muse's manager.... and everyone was jealous. matt then performed an acoustic version of supermassive black hole and i played piano while he did guitar and sang.


then i woke up.... :(

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I had one the other night..


I bought a Muse dvd filled with various interviews and backstage footage and the three of them were talking about AFL. Then Dom was asked what his favourite place in the whole world was and he said, 'Springvale.'

I was pretty confused when I woke up :LOL:

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I had a dream that I was writing a song with Matt, and it was something to do with Edward & Bella out of Twilight! It sounded so awesome! but when I woke up I couldn't remember how it went! That pissed me off because it sounded it so beauiful when Matt sung it! Oh and I think we were in some kinda hotel and Dom & Chris were there (this is during the writing of the song) and they were sitting by the pool with fluffy shoes on! Weird! Really, really weird! And it pisses me off that I can't remember that song!!!!!

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k I just woke up from this dream... it was so vivid!!


I was at Rod Laver Arena with 2 of my friends, and we were going to see muse. At the same time the person I hate showed up, and I was shitting myself because I didn't want them to be at the muse concert. But I found out they were played bingo in the stadium next door.


We went to go into where muse were playing, and after a while noticed we were in the wrong stadium (there was two in Rod Laver Arena), we were in the bingo one! So we ran back to the other stadium, and the concert started.


Now this concert in my dream was a full concert, like there weren't bits left out. It started at take a bow, finished at knights of cydonia (maybe explaining why I got up so late).


There were park benches in the mosh pit and my friends stayed on them but I went way up to the front. During... argh i forget which song.. anyway... Matt grabbed the microphone and looked down at me and sang some of the lines while looking right at me.


Also, right before Butterflies and Hurricanes Matt turned into Hilary Duff... who then started hugging some people in the crowd next to me. I wanted a hug too (i dont even like hilary duff!) but she just looked at me, and turned into Matt again.


During the show, there was a costume change. They all came out dressed like butlers. Matt was all "see now when I was wearing the red jacket I looked skanky, but now I look smart" and Chris was wearing a night gown style thing. I went up to him and said "you look awesome" and he was like "Matt made me wear this".


During the concert I discovered I had a hairbrush in my pocket.... no idea why. Also, I learnt I forgot to bring my phone to take photos, but had a digital camera instead, and although I was way at the front the photos were taken from far away.


Towards the end, a P.E teacher at my school pulled me to the back and said "ema you need to rest!" and I was like "no I'll miss invincible!!". Suddenly all the people at bingo had finished early and they all came to see muse. When they all came stampeding in the P.E teacher was like "Ema run for your life!" and I got back up the front before they had the chance.


They played Knights of Cydonia (they were now in the clothes they wore in the last bit of HAARP), finished, and I woke up. I was like :D muse concert.... but then I realised it wasn't real :(

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I had my first Tom dream lastnight(hopes he doesnt read this):$



So it was my cousins 21st which is weird cos that was last yr. Anyway I'd lost weight for this so I was like half the size that I am. I got a nice dress from Joe Browns n some nice shoes. I got all dolled up as they say and headed off to the local pub where the party was being held. I arrived and he was sitting with my cousin. I was dumbstruck. TOM KIRK AT MY COUSINS PARTY!!! WTF?


I tried to stay away from him cos i knew I'd act like a Fool! But my cousin dragged him over, I blushed so much he was wearing the blueish hoodie he wore at wembo and some light blue jeans black n gold trainers like MattsI(I think they were Matts actually) he smiled at me and my heart beat went from 1-50 per second.


Apparently he's been a friend of my uncles since they were kids my cousin knew I loved Muse so asked him to her party so I could meet him.

He offerd to buy me a drink so I got a vodka n coke we went and sat down and chatted for ages about loads of different stuff.


He then asked me if I wanted to meet Muse. Fuck me I was once again dumb struck but this time even more so. He told me they were playin a secret gig in town the next day. So I told him how much I loved them and how Matt is well fit he giggled and looked at me and my knees went to jelly.


At the end of the night we were rather tipsy and he tried to take me home but was stumblein everywhere n singing too, good job he wasnt in Muse I can tell u. He walked me to my door and we kissed.


after that it was a blur.


But thanks to that dream, I now have a crush on Tom:happy:

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