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I would love to have a little Matt-man :awesome:

It just seems right for me anyway... and his name shall be Ceoncil, like in my dream :stunned::LOL:


That's exactly what I was thinking - a mini Matt Bellamy running round! Awesome! :LOL:


I think it will be a girl as well, have a feeling it will be an Isabel. :eek:


Well I'll remember that you said that,

- How funny + weird it would be if it turned out Matt and Kate called their child Isabel, you'd be known as the messageboard's physic - awesome! :happy::awesome:


Yeah i have a definite hunch.

I really hope it's gonna be a girl, even Kate reckons it is! :dance:


Wonder if it'll have a musical interest like Matt... :D

EDIT: + I hate calling things (especially children) it, but unless you know the sex you kinda have to...

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Well I'll remember that you said that,

- How funny + weird it would be if it turned out Matt and Kate called their child Isabel, you'd be known as the messageboard's physic - awesome! :happy::awesome:


That would be weird. :stunned: We'll just have to wait and see. :LOL:


Isabel Bellamy :chuckle:


I like it. :rolleyes:

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I had a dream last night that I was at a CD shop and Matt was there and Serge from Kasabian was there too. I saw them and said "HI!" and then I went to get something for them to sign. I ran out of the shop and found some paper, but then I couldn't find the shop they were in.

I was SO MAD.:mad: lol

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However, girls are apparently easier, but what do I know. A child is precious no matter what, and I'm gonna stop rambling :LOL::)

Girls, easier? :LOL: I want a boy, if I ever have a kid. I wish a boy upon Matt, too. Girls are so much trouble. All the drama, periods, they get PMS, boyfriends, and then...they get preggo. at 15. like that show! I feel bad for my mother, she has to put up with me. :p


Don't let them intimidate you.

IM AFRAID!! :stunned:

:LOL: Just kidding. they don't really scare me. Sometimes, though. I guess. They are the lord Musers, bow down or you shall be slayed. :LOL: .....or something.

Well since I've been pretty off topic on this thread, I FINALLY HAD A MUSE DREAM. . . Except I don't remember anything but standing next to them.. somewhere :wtf::LOL:



I must have commented on that video at least 20 times. :facepalm:

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Girls, easier? :LOL: I want a boy, if I ever have a kid. I wish a boy upon Matt, too. Girls are so much trouble. All the drama, periods, they get PMS, boyfriends, and then...they get preggo. at 15. like that show! I feel bad for my mother, she has to put up with me. :p




I must have commented on that video at least 20 times. :facepalm:


I KNOW. I hate myself because I'm a girl.. too much drama in our lives :noey::LOL:

I'd even have little fantasies of dating Matt's baby boy, Ceoncil.. :stunned::LOL:

I wouldn't do that to Matt though, I'd be going after him the whole time :facepalm:


AND YES, THAT GIRL. :awesome::LOL:

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That's exactly what I was thinking - a mini Matt Bellamy running round! Awesome! :LOL:




Well I'll remember that you said that,

- How funny + weird it would be if it turned out Matt and Kate called their child Isabel, you'd be known as the messageboard's physic - awesome! :happy::awesome:




Wonder if it'll have a musical interest like Matt... :D

EDIT: + I hate calling things (especially children) it, but unless you know the sex you kinda have to...


Yeah i hate calling things "it" too... so now whenever i refer to the baby i shall call her "her"

Cause i'm certain she's gonna be a girl :happy:

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Somewhat muse-related but still awesome:

So. I was coming back from a Muse gig (I didn't dream about the gig itself :() and I was staying at some cheapass hostel because the gig wasn't in my home town. So I was in a room which fit like, 8 people or something. As I was merrily walking into my room Zack from RATM walks by and says hi and my face is like this= :eek:(times a thousand). I just go back to my room or whatever and there's some random people already there (who I ignore) and then I notice that Chi from Deftones is also there but for some reason I ignore him too :( So anyway, soon Zack comes into our room and again I'm like :eek: and he starts talking to me about something completely random. Also he was looking very young. (like that picture in The Battle of Los Angeles). And he mentiond something about Muse which I think is because I may or may not have been wearing a Muse t-shirt. Anyway, he says there's going to be a RATM and Muse collaboration on the next album and I'm like :awesome::awesome::awesome: Aaand then I wake up. Bummer.


So yeah. Weird dream. RATM + Muse collab, anyone?

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Yeah i hate calling things "it" too... so now whenever i refer to the baby i shall call her "her"

Cause i'm certain she's gonna be a girl :happy:


Ok, well I'm gonna be different and call 'her' a 'he', because I like it that way... :happy:

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im late, I know Dx lol


You didn't watch Lost when it was out by any chance did you?

Cos, the glowing stones and water was kinda on Lost and stuff... :happy:

um no i didnt? I dont even know if we still have that at german tv XD


Hah! This sounds awesome. I love wolves (can you tell? :LOL:) so it made it double awesome... but still a bit weird... never thought Matt would be the one into a wolf... oh no wait, I think that makes sense. *seriously thinking this over* ... yes, and Dom is the lion and Chris is the bear with a bad hair day. Yes, those were the first animals I associated with Dom and Chris... Matt has always been a tricky one, but for this case, he works as a wolf-like creature

bear with bad hair day, lol XD Dom reminds me more of puppies o_O

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EDIT: + I hate calling things (especially children) it, but unless you know the sex you kinda have to...

I hate that too! Even with animals, it sounds so wrong calling an animal "it"... so degrading. Shows how much respect people show 'em.

I had a dream last night that I was at a CD shop and Matt was there and Serge from Kasabian was there too. I saw them and said "HI!" and then I went to get something for them to sign. I ran out of the shop and found some paper, but then I couldn't find the shop they were in.

I was SO MAD.:mad: lol

Serge too! DAMN!

Girls, easier? :LOL: I want a boy, if I ever have a kid. I wish a boy upon Matt, too. Girls are so much trouble. All the drama, periods, they get PMS, boyfriends, and then...they get preggo. at 15. like that show! I feel bad for my mother, she has to put up with me. :p


IM AFRAID!! :stunned:

:LOL: Just kidding. they don't really scare me. Sometimes, though. I guess. They are the lord Musers, bow down or you shall be slayed. :LOL: .....or something.




I must have commented on that video at least 20 times. :facepalm:

Yep, girls are worse I think. And it would be way cool for Matt to have a little dude... daddy's boy! But if it's a girl, she had better look at least as good as Kate :LOL:


So yeah. Weird dream. RATM + Muse collab, anyone?

Well that would be awesome wouldn't it? Dream come true for Matt.

bear with bad hair day, lol XD Dom reminds me more of puppies o_O


Hmm... don't see the puppies.. :chuckle: But hey, how many people here can even begin to fathom how Dom is a lion? :LOL:

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um no i didnt? I dont even know if we still have that at german tv XD


Over in England it finished early last year. I think anyway, or wait... might have been 2 years ago! :unsure: Time flys... but where to? ( I've never quite got that saying - I'm one of those people that have to have an answer for everything... :noey: )

Sorry, random rant over. :rolleyes:


I hate that too! Even with animals, it sounds so wrong calling an animal "it"... so degrading. Shows how much respect people show 'em.


:eek:DEGRADING! :eek: - I'm sorry, but I have this obsession with that word, I love it! It always leaves me with this face: ':ohmy:'


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lol noooo idea about it. i never really watched it xD

i just had a really weird and long dream last night, nothing with Muse though (even when the last thing I did was uploading Muse pictures to facebook)

cant really remember what happened, just something about 3 or 4 people that killed someone and stuff and something with a desert and death and a flight to australia and a black wolf and death and a car and i dunno DX

so frookling.

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:eek:DEGRADING! :eek: - I'm sorry, but I have this obsession with that word, I love it! It always leaves me with this face: ':ohmy:'



Ah, I have the same thing with the word clairvoyant. Sounds beautiful, but means so much more.

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I think this was a dream because it wouldn't happen to me in real life, there was more but can't remember much of it.

- I was downstairs playing my brothers piano like a pro - YEAH! :LOL:- and then solider's poem came on and for some random reason, I only sang the very last line! :( (I usually sing it the whole way through and I usually do Chris' part when it comes to the bit that goes 'I'd still lay down my life for you') - I DUNNO, WEIRD! :D

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I'd even have little fantasies of dating Matt's baby boy, Ceoncil.. :stunned: :LOL:I wouldn't do that to Matt though, I'd be going after him the whole time :facepalm:

I would go after Matt, but you know he's more than twice my age, so there's no point. :LOL:

When my dad says that Matt is my "Fantasy boyfriend" then I see it as a sexual comment. Fantasy? That just sounds dirty. I guess its hard to explain :p

I see everything

Holy Matt's Bum! He's been here the whole time! :LOL:

I gotta say this, i have spent the whole time that i've been a member of this board thinking you're a girl. :LOL:



Well, I was in the car and I had a dream that Matt tweeted me the lyrics to KoC and when I looked at the tweet, he came out of my ipod playing the song. It was strange...and then all of a sudden we were on the Graham Norton show and he was interviewing Matt and I was in the audience. and he said to matt, "So you're not engaged to Kate Hudson?" and Matt said all shy, "If you want me to be honest, no, I didn't even get her preggo. She's claiming it was mine, never slept with the woman. The love of my life is right there." and he pointed near me, but he wasn't pointing at me...it was my grandma... :LOL:

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This actually seems kind of similar to a combination of two other dreams I've seen in this thread. Whatever, it was really really chilly:



I'm standing in a dark, windy, open meadow on the outskirts of a forest. There's a straw hut parked right under the nearest tree. I walk slowly up to it and opened the door. Inside were the three Muse members. Dom was dressed up in a pink feminine apron and was cooking. Everything was eerily quiet and noone noticed me. I walked and turned through the right corridor, which revealed Matt sitting in the 'living room' playing and stacking letter blocks and wore a baby cap, yet he was his fully grown self. Chris was chilling on the couch with a big bowl of chips on his belly and the remote in his hand. Still noone noticed me.


After carefully walking around the whole room, I called Matt's name: "Matt!" I called. Suddenly he looked up at me and said "Hello Cheryl, good to see you again." I was surprised and replied "You know my name?" and he said "Oh yes, I've seen your YouTube channel lots. I've been following you and your work. I love your style." I was shocked for a moment. "Oh thank you," I fumbled. Then he stood up. For some reason Chris shut off the TV even though he kept staring at it. Matt brought me to the kitchen where Dom laid out hot pink cookies (sort of a thought that transpired to the "Dom is gay" Muse meme I guess (he isn't though)). Matt told me to enjoy them, so I did.


Then the next thing I remember is him telling me to lie down for a blood test (what?) so I did, for some reason not realizing the randomness. As I was receiving a blood test, I admittedly started fantasizing about the things Matt could do to me, but then I opened my eyes and he was doing exactly what I saw through my mind's eye. I started screaming and trying to get out but it was like I was watching everything through a camera screen and I was an observer in first-person. Then I suddenly woke up.


And when I woke up, I felt soo weird. :stunned:




On to the "off-topic" I guess:


It probably would be a lot easier for Matt to raise a boy, but I'd rather see a girl in my opinion.

Edited by RayFan9876
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Well, I was in the car and I had a dream that Matt tweeted me the lyrics to KoC and when I looked at the tweet, he came out of my ipod playing the song. It was strange...and then all of a sudden we were on the Graham Norton show and he was interviewing Matt and I was in the audience. and he said to matt, "So you're not engaged to Kate Hudson?" and Matt said all shy, "If you want me to be honest, no, I didn't even get her preggo. She's claiming it was mine, never slept with the woman. The love of my life is right there." and he pointed near me, but he wasn't pointing at me...it was my grandma... :LOL:


lol grandma? XD

u have so many muse dreams....I want more Muse dreams p_p just had like 2 or 3... how do u do that? ._.'


@RayFan9876: I dont think you have to say who Matt, Chris and Dom are, since this is a Muse forum :D

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lol grandma? XD

u have so many muse dreams....I want more Muse dreams p_p just had like 2 or 3... how do u do that? ._.'


@RayFan9876: I dont think you have to say who Matt, Chris and Dom are, since this is a Muse forum :D


Sorry I originally posted it somewhere else, I'll edit that out. :p <- Done and quick to save the embarrassment.

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