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Wait that was it? :LOL: For a while I thought that something happened to Chris and his family or something! :facepalm:


:LOL: me too, or something drastic, his wife got preggo again and had a miscarriage or something incredily sad that would make me go poor chwis, i lurv you! :'(

but no, hey matt worked in toilets...i think i knew that but not sure, that explains the line, "i have played in every toilet" :LOL:

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that accent....:eyebrows::chuckle:

you can be hideous and have a british accent and I could still possibly fall in love with you...:happy:


True that. :LOL:


The thing that is so awesome about Matt: A lot of people, especially mostly non-Muse fans think Matt's look is not so good-looking, so this gives us a chance to be a little more "unique," when someone says "what celebrity do you think is hot?" and we answer "Matthew Bellamy." In a way it kind of makes you feel special knowing that your "Every day friends (that for the most part usually aren't really big fans of Muse if at all)" go for something completely different than you.


I don't like perfection. It doesn't seem right. This trio of Brit faces have a lot of imperfection (like Matt's nose is a little pointy and such), but I like that. Imperfections make the person seem "real/possible," and their attractive personality glows.

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This is a dream I had last night.


I was at a lake with a remote control shark (:confused:) and I was scaring people away with it. there was a small cottage behind me, so I went to investigate. I got to the door and knocked twice. The door opened and Dom was stood there, dressed as a maid! He let me in and directed me to a room at the back of the cottage. There was some beautiful music coming from there. As I walked in I saw Chris playing piano and Matt playing a harp. The weird thing was that they were wearing wedding dresses.. Then I woke up



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This is a dream I had last night.


I was at a lake with a remote control shark (:confused:) and I was scaring people away with it. there was a small cottage behind me, so I went to investigate. I got to the door and knocked twice. The door opened and Dom was stood there, dressed as a maid! He let me in and directed me to a room at the back of the cottage. There was some beautiful music coming from there. As I walked in I saw Chris playing piano and Matt playing a harp. The weird thing was that they were wearing wedding dresses.. Then I woke up




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I hope so :awesome:

And hopefully if I do go back to that dream, that GIGANTIC BEETLE is gone!! :eek:

I did have a dream that continued on as well . . . but I forget where I was and what happened :LOL:


I love the random beetle, makes me laugh so much! :LOL:

+ I apologise Musers for the number of multi-links on this reply, there's just so many awesome things to talk about!!


I had a bit of an inception style muse dream as, in my dream I dreampted that I had a lusive dream where I was at a muse gig. But I wasnt very good and making my own dreams so the music was awful!


Just out of interest, have you seen Vanilla Sky? It's similar to inception, but there's no dreams within dreams. :)


And yes, I never knew those were the board rules :$:LOL:

But, as bad as I may feel revealing it, 'cause I think they stalk my conversations and everything I type ( :eek: ) , I'll share only 'cause yeah you sorta wanna know :happy:


I used to post on a thread a while back, but it closed and I kinda suspect I had something to do with its closure, I had posted a link, to someones facebook profile/fan-made page/real profile maybe? I had reasons to believe that Dom was actually running it. Ooops! :LOL:


about a year ago (this just came back to me) I fell asleep with my ipod on Muse shuffle, and I had a dream that Matt impregnated me but I couldn't have babies... it wasn't a sex dream, i was already preggo in the beginning. I woke up to Megalomania.

I always wake up to Megalomania, whenever I sleep to Muse. Maybe it's something to do with the drums or how it gets louder, but I just always wake up to it....Maybe it's a sign from the gods known as Muse.. ;)


Isn't there a line in Megalomania that goes 'She can't have babies' or something, or am I thinking of another song? :$



My Musey dream from last night - If anyone's familiar with the soap Emmerdale -

(I don't watch Emmerdale because I want to, I usually sit on the forums with my laptop on the sofa when my parents watch it :LOL: )

Well, Jay, this guy in it was at some awards and we were watching it on TV and he was wearing Matt's 'ugly' coat ( I don't know why people say it's soo ugly, I'm pwoper weird - I like it!) and the same trousers he wore with them (I'm not sure on what occasion he wore the trousers I'm thinking of with it, but those of you who have a MUSE calendar from ebay, will know what I'm on about because of the picture for January 2011) Anyways, weird dream!

Edited by themusemadbex
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This is a dream I had last night.


I was at a lake with a remote control shark (:confused:) and I was scaring people away with it. there was a small cottage behind me, so I went to investigate. I got to the door and knocked twice. The door opened and Dom was stood there, dressed as a maid! He let me in and directed me to a room at the back of the cottage. There was some beautiful music coming from there. As I walked in I saw Chris playing piano and Matt playing a harp. The weird thing was that they were wearing wedding dresses.. Then I woke up




oh my god Jade :LOL: +1

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True that. :LOL:


The thing that is so awesome about Matt: A lot of people, especially mostly non-Muse fans think Matt's look is not so good-looking, so this gives us a chance to be a little more "unique," when someone says "what celebrity do you think is hot?" and we answer "Matthew Bellamy." In a way it kind of makes you feel special knowing that your "Every day friends (that for the most part usually aren't really big fans of Muse if at all)" go for something completely different than you.


I don't like perfection. It doesn't seem right. This trio of Brit faces have a lot of imperfection (like Matt's nose is a little pointy and such), but I like that. Imperfections make the person seem "real/possible," and their attractive personality glows.


YES! Exactly! They say, "ooh taylor lautner" and "omg, justin bieber" and me :rolleyes: he has a nice chest, hes a faggot. when i tell people that matthew bellamy is my "celebrity crush" or whatever, they don't expect that.


he may not be perfect but he has nice hair, beautiful eyes, cheekbones, is skinny, totally crazy, funny, an amazing singer, and british all in one, and that is what makes him gorgeous. :)

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YES! Exactly! They say, "ooh taylor lautner" and "omg, justin bieber" and me :rolleyes: he has a nice chest, hes a faggot. when i tell people that matthew bellamy is my "celebrity crush" or whatever, they don't expect that.


he may not be perfect but he has nice hair, beautiful eyes, cheekbones, is skinny, totally crazy, funny, an amazing singer, and british all in one, and that is what makes him gorgeous. :)


Aw, it`s the dream. :D Matt`s the dream. He's so himself all the time. I'd hate to not be myself, and I hate it when friends don't be themselves. It's so unattractive.

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True that.


The thing that is so awesome about Matt: A lot of people, especially mostly non-Muse fans think Matt's look is not so good-looking, so this gives us a chance to be a little more "unique," when someone says "what celebrity do you think is hot?" and we answer "Matthew Bellamy." In a way it kind of makes you feel special knowing that your "Every day friends (that for the most part usually aren't really big fans of Muse if at all)" go for something completely different than you.


I don't like perfection. It doesn't seem right. This trio of Brit faces have a lot of imperfection (like Matt's nose is a little pointy and such), but I like that. Imperfections make the person seem "real/possible," and their attractive personality glows.


YES! Exactly! They say, "ooh taylor lautner" and "omg, justin bieber" and me :rolleyes: he has a nice chest, hes a faggot. when i tell people that matthew bellamy is my "celebrity crush" or whatever, they don't expect that.


he may not be perfect but he has nice hair, beautiful eyes, cheekbones, is skinny, totally crazy, funny, an amazing singer, and british all in one, and that is what makes him gorgeous. :)


+1 Great points!

Oh dear, its the same for me. Bieber gets on my nerves. I don't hate his guts but I did go into hysterics at a video of him repeatedly getting shot. Like...crying. His acting is just... :facepalm:. But yeah, the problem I have with him and others is just that they are way, way overrated. Thats my problem with fame really, the industry oversells people like that and they just come across fake and superficial. Especially when they just sit down for an interview after putting on that act, it makes me cringe. Next big thing you can see coming. But then you can appreciate people like Matt, for reasons you've already given ;)


Its kinda strange how you all seem to love the english (or...brittish?) accent. Makes me proud in a weird sort of way :LOL: I love his voice too but I just don't really take notice of the brittish-ness haha...

- I agree completely, hes laaavley, and everyone's ideals are different. Attraction is a weird thing. I don't think perfection being one thing really exists, but I think it comes down to personal preference, embracing someones flaws and seeing something in someone that others can't. It's hard to put it into words but I hope you see where i'm coming from, lol offtopic rant over...

But yeah time to sleep, I wanna have another muse dream :D

Edited by BurnOurHorizons
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hey, that wasn't so bad.....it wasn't something like "the night matt impregnated kate..." oh, i am not even going to finish that sentence.

MY CONCERT WAS ON THAT NIGHT (and/or very close to that night)



Kind of ish to think about. I mean not because of Matt but you know... and.... yeah okay and I think you get the point.

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Oh dear, its the same for me. Bieber gets on my nerves. I don't hate his guts but I did go into hysterics at a video of him repeatedly getting shot. Like...crying. His acting is just... :facepalm:. But yeah, the problem I have with him and others is just that they are way way overrated, next big thing you can see coming...


Its kinda strange how you all seem to love the english (or...brittish?) accent. Makes me proud in a weird sort of way :LOL: I love his voice too but I just don't really take notice of the brittish-ness haha...

- I agree completely, hes laaavley, and everyone's ideals are different. Attraction is a weird thing. I don't think perfection being one thing really exists, but I think it comes down to personal preference, embracing someones flaws and seeing something in someone that others can't. It's hard to put it into words but I hope you see where i'm coming from, lol offtopic rant over...

But yeah time to sleep, I wanna have another muse dream :D


@Bieber topic: I don't like him really, but I don't hate him either. I just sort of recognized it as "oh hey, he's on CSI." I agree with the last sentence especially.


The British accent in his context is just so motivating for some reason. British accents in his context I die for. But I in turn despise the more "slang/draggy" kind of British. I see where you're coming from and I also agree.


I hope I have a more detailed Muse dream sometime soon, maybe tonight. I need something motivational.


Sorry, more offtopic about dreams:

Epic quote from a friend: "I roled a big-ass weed role the other day. It was so trippy I felt like I was dreaming... freaking Inception style dreaming."

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MY CONCERT WAS ON THAT NIGHT (and/or very close to that night)

Kind of ish to think about. I mean not because of Matt but you know... and.... yeah okay and I think you get the point.

:LOL: yes i get the point. I am going to just say, it i was so pissed off when I heard about that. I'm such a fucking fan girl :$ but now I'm happy for him. I mean it's not like I had a chance with him, he's more than twice my age. :rolleyes: dearest maffoo<3

oh and also the whole kate thing destroys the idea of BellDom. I was never a HUGE fan of it, but now that it's gone i want it back :p




Its kinda strange how you all seem to love the english (or...brittish?) accent. Makes me proud in a weird sort of way :LOL: I love his voice too but I just don't really take notice of the brittish-ness haha...

- I agree completely, hes laaavley, and everyone's ideals are different. Attraction is a weird thing. I don't think perfection being one thing really exists, but I think it comes down to personal preference, embracing someones flaws and seeing something in someone that others can't. It's hard to put it into words but I hope you see where i'm coming from, lol offtopic rant over...

But yeah time to sleep, I wanna have another muse dream :D


I'm american, so yeah, British. I lurv it. :LOL: It's kind of a big deal in my mind. I don't hear it much except from celebrities. And if you really think about it, all of the best bands are british. Muse, Oasis, Radiohead, The Killers, The Beatles...and then, the ones who aren't british, would be better off british. The accent adds on a certain amount of coolness. So you should be proud! :D Plus, this may seem a bit awkward, but it is downright SEXY.

I don't think Matt's perfect. Oh, certainly not. The "pwoper" thing, that's an imperfection. But perfect is boring, and I think it's adorable. SO HA!


Aw, it`s the dream. :D Matt`s the dream. He's so himself all the time. I'd hate to not be myself, and I hate it when friends don't be themselves. It's so unattractive.


:yesey: and not just Matt. Dom, Chris, Tom, yeah that's fucking right, thank you Charles Darwin! I don't think he did that just to seem cool, it's his personality. I think in general they like to make fun of people. Matt with the razzi, Dom makes fun of Matt. Chris is just adowable.



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Just wanted to say, I love all the Matt talking here :awesome:

It makes me think the world is at peace or something, but it's really not :'(

I agree with all of your beautiful ranting and it sets my soul alight ( :happy: )

It's a shame I can't really even think of what I believe in that relates to the conversation about Maffoo. . . Probably because all I'm paying attention to is MY STUPID SOAR THROAT!!! :fear:

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Just wanted to say, I love all the Matt talking here :awesome:

It makes me think the world is at peace or something, but it's really not :'(

I agree with all of your beautiful ranting and it sets my soul alight ( :happy: )

It's a shame I can't really even think of what I believe in that relates to the conversation about Maffoo. . . Probably because all I'm paying attention to is MY STUPID SOAR THROAT!!! :fear:


:LOL: way to inconspicuously insert Muse quote....what does the world at peace have to do with anything? teehee. my ranting is beautiful and it doesn't belong on this thread, it belongs in the MMers or the Addicted To Muse thread, but i post there quite often. :rolleyes: MAFFOO<33


^+10 every single thing here. ;) But who's Tom?


Also your reply was #3333.


:eek: you don't know who Tom is?

no, i'm just kidding.

here, my dear, http://www.musewiki.org/Thomas_Kirk

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:LOL: way to inconspicuously insert Muse quote....what does the world at peace have to do with anything? teehee. my ranting is beautiful and it doesn't belong on this thread, it belongs in the MMers or the Addicted To Muse thread, but i post there quite often. :rolleyes: MAFFOO<33


I'm not quite sure :LOL:

That's all my little brain could think of. . . But I know this has nothing to do with the thread and all, but can you imagine Matt's face on a lizard? :eek:

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Just wanted to say, I love all the Matt talking here :awesome:

It makes me think the world is at peace or something, but it's really not :'(

I agree with all of your beautiful ranting and it sets my soul alight ( :happy: )

It's a shame I can't really even think of what I believe in that relates to the conversation about Maffoo. . . Probably because all I'm paying attention to is MY STUPID SOAR THROAT!!! :fear:


Darn straight. I couldn't agree more... the Matt talking makes the world seem warm and peacful. It's a strange feeling, yet it's comforting. :happy:


YESSSS. :awesome::LOL:

Now all we need is Dom's face on a koala bear and Chris' face on a butterfly :ninja:


-Insert Hurricane-

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