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I've never heard of Matt not liking to sign stuff... I mean, bras, I get it, but a harmless album? I don't think he'd have a problem with that. I can understand why bands wouldn't be so crazy over their obsessive fans, and as much as I like a band (and am truly nervous), I try to be formal and respectful. My first gig was JET, and I ran into Nic Cester walking to their rental parked right behind ours to go to dinner. I was nervous, so I fumbled with the words when asking for a picture. (A bit embarassing, I'll admit). Though I think I made up for it when I shook his hand and said thank you. I promised myself that a long time ago (but never thought it would be of any use); always thank a musician for signing something, taking a picture with you, ect., but treat them the same as anyone else you would thank. I think a kind hand shake and polite thank you is just as effective than an "OMG THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH I LOVE YOU!!!!", and you don't come across as an obsessive fan.


Quote Matt. :LOL: Even though it's a pretty old quote. XD :LOL:


"i am confused... i was wondering, what are the autographs for? i mean, i have no problem with it at all, its funny-, its just, im not sure what you`d do with it, i feel embarresed jkjhjhkjhjkh to squiggle my name on a random piece of ... let me see tickets, shoes, toilet roll, breasts, knickers, albums, singles, private collection books, foreheads!, backstage passes, 100 dollar bill, various currency, love letters, guitars, drum skins, drum sticks, filofax, beer mats towels,vodka bottles,walls, sancerre 1996, your sisters barbie doll with evil eyes, a love handle, socks, dildo, heart, religious books, plectrums, magazines, deus cd inlay, posters, t-shirts, and a fucking-obsene life-eating soul-destroying dirty-nasty death-death-death who-have-i-become-binding-stuck evil-evil record contract! heheheheheheheh not really, just kidding just kidding just joking it wasnt me, you see? hmmmm"


Not so much that he hates it, just doesn't really understand why people want random stuff signed. :LOL:

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Exact same here. I usually end up editing my posts 5-10+ times to make sure it's perfectly presentable. :p

It's a weird thing ain't it? How many times did you go back for that response? :chuckle:

Quote Matt. :LOL: Even though it's a pretty old quote. XD :LOL:


"i am confused... i was wondering, what are the autographs for? i mean, i have no problem with it at all, its funny-, its just, im not sure what you`d do with it, i feel embarresed jkjhjhkjhjkh to squiggle my name on a random piece of ... let me see tickets, shoes, toilet roll, breasts, knickers, albums, singles, private collection books, foreheads!, backstage passes, 100 dollar bill, various currency, love letters, guitars, drum skins, drum sticks, filofax, beer mats towels,vodka bottles,walls, sancerre 1996, your sisters barbie doll with evil eyes, a love handle, socks, dildo, heart, religious books, plectrums, magazines, deus cd inlay, posters, t-shirts, and a fucking-obsene life-eating soul-destroying dirty-nasty death-death-death who-have-i-become-binding-stuck evil-evil record contract! heheheheheheheh not really, just kidding just kidding just joking it wasnt me, you see? hmmmm"


Not so much that he hates it, just doesn't really understand why people want random stuff signed. :LOL:


Where the hell did that come from? :LOL:

I can see him being a bit embarrassed with that kind of thing, because it is kind of conceded in some ways to want to sign something of someone's. I mean, practical stuff, the bands work makes sense, but once you get to more obscure things, it does get a bit weird. And who's the idiot who gave him some religious book to sign?! They're not a freakin' Christian band eager to sign Bibles! (no insults intended)

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Where the hell did that come from? :LOL:

I can see him being a bit embarrassed with that kind of thing, because it is kind of conceded in some ways to want to sign something of someone's. I mean, practical stuff, the bands work makes sense, but once you get to more obscure things, it does get a bit weird. And who's the idiot who gave him some religious book to sign?! They're not a freakin' Christian band eager to sign Bibles! (no insults intended)


Pretty sure it's from Matt's rambling site, back in like 2001. :LOL: Did mention it was a pretty old quote. :chuckle:

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:LOL: that reminds me of the interview where matt says he can't play guitar in front of just a few people, and the interviewer says, "okay next question, will you play me a song?" and he says "did you even...listen to anything i said?"


:O i haven't seen that interview! could you link me? :rolleyes:

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Maybe once... possibly even twice. :chuckle:


I usually don't edit my posts but I freak out about spelling a lot. :LOL:

When I do edit it it's only because I know that sippe or dee are on the thread....if I say something wrong, they will attack me.....They could even be lurking right now. No one knows....:stunned:

Actually, I've found I can kind of tell when they're lurking.

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Pretty sure it's from Matt's rambling site, back in like 2001. :LOL: Did mention it was a pretty old quote. :chuckle:

You did, and it makes a hell of a lot more sense that he typed this :LOL:

I've never heard of this rambling site... if it wasn't obvious, I'm a bit of a newbie fan, but I still can't believe I didn't know about this, so could you link it please?

Maybe once... possibly even twice. :chuckle:


I usually don't edit my posts but I freak out about spelling a lot. :LOL:

When I do edit it it's only because I know that sippe or dee are on the thread....if I say something wrong, they will attack me.....They could even be lurking right now. No one knows....:stunned:

Actually, I've found I can kind of tell when they're lurking.


:LOL: Extra sipp-ory dee-vision?

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I usually don't edit my posts but I freak out about spelling a lot. :LOL:

When I do edit it it's only because I know that sippe or dee are on the thread....if I say something wrong, they will attack me.....They could even be lurking right now. No one knows....:stunned:

Actually, I've found I can kind of tell when they're lurking.



Don't let them intimidate you.

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I dreamed something! a few days ago...FINALLY!

ok so it was night, full moon, and muse had their tour bus near a forrest...it was just one tour bus...or two...cant remember. it was like at the middle of the night, for some reason Matt (with blue hair :D) went out of the bus, into the forrest...after a few meters he stopped, and started shifting into a werewolf o_O he was an awesome wolf though :awesome: lol then he went into this cave with some glowing stones and water... and there was this girl who looked like one of my friends(maybe it was her? lol), she seemed scared, but then she even stroked Matt.

the end. lol

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Had a really odd Muse dreams last night, but I can't remember most of it. :( All I remember is Dom and Chris were waving a knife at me, and Matt was laughing going "I will save you." :wtf:



You did, and it makes a hell of a lot more sense that he typed this :LOL:

I've never heard of this rambling site... if it wasn't obvious, I'm a bit of a newbie fan, but I still can't believe I didn't know about this, so could you link it please?


It's saved as a web document on my computer, so I can't really link you to the site, but I can send you the file I have of it.

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I dreamed something! a few days ago...FINALLY!

ok so it was night, full moon, and muse had their tour bus near a forrest...it was just one tour bus...or two...cant remember. it was like at the middle of the night, for some reason Matt (with blue hair :D) went out of the bus, into the forrest...after a few meters he stopped, and started shifting into a werewolf o_O he was an awesome wolf though :awesome: lol then he went into this cave with some glowing stones and water... and there was this girl who looked like one of my friends(maybe it was her? lol), she seemed scared, but then she even stroked Matt.

the end. lol


You didn't watch Lost when it was out by any chance did you?

Cos, the glowing stones and water was kinda on Lost and stuff... :happy:

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I've never heard of this rambling site... if it wasn't obvious, I'm a bit of a newbie fan, but I still can't believe I didn't know about this, so could you link it please?



The old Muse site rambling page is here: http://web.archive.org/web/20021015091507/www.muse-official.com/muse_html/ramblings.html


I have it saved in my bookmarks for the lulz. If you don't want to save it, you can find it by going through the references on some of the pages of the Muse wiki.


On this page you will find out why I am the proud keeper of Fatty's leg.

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I dreamed something! a few days ago...FINALLY!

ok so it was night, full moon, and muse had their tour bus near a forrest...it was just one tour bus...or two...cant remember. it was like at the middle of the night, for some reason Matt (with blue hair :D) went out of the bus, into the forrest...after a few meters he stopped, and started shifting into a werewolf o_O he was an awesome wolf though :awesome: lol then he went into this cave with some glowing stones and water... and there was this girl who looked like one of my friends(maybe it was her? lol), she seemed scared, but then she even stroked Matt.

the end. lol

Hah! This sounds awesome. I love wolves (can you tell? :LOL:) so it made it double awesome... but still a bit weird... never thought Matt would be the one into a wolf... oh no wait, I think that makes sense. *seriously thinking this over* ... yes, and Dom is the lion and Chris is the bear with a bad hair day. Yes, those were the first animals I associated with Dom and Chris... Matt has always been a tricky one, but for this case, he works as a wolf-like creature

The old Muse site rambling page is here: http://web.archive.org/web/20021015091507/www.muse-official.com/muse_html/ramblings.html


I have it saved in my bookmarks for the lulz. If you don't want to save it, you can find it by going through the references on some of the pages of the Muse wiki.


On this page you will find out why I am the proud keeper of Fatty's leg.


Thanks so much for that! I'll be reading this now... :)

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I was talking with a friend about the possibility of interviewing Muse and idk, that night I was so hyped that I dreamed that I was actually interviewing Matt and at some point I asked "do you wax your sack?" completely out of nowhere... It was so embarrassing xD

Btw... He said he does... And he gave a few details, but believe me.. You don't wanna know.

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I had a dream i was at the airport meeting them and i saw Matt's baby...

It felt like it was the most important and meaningful moment of my life, and for some reason i said "she's miiiine!" and Matt was like "yeah, she's wonderful isn't she?" (in my dream the baby was a girl... YAY!) and he let me hold her :happy:


Really wierd, but really good.

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I was talking with a friend about the possibility of interviewing Muse and idk, that night I was so hyped that I dreamed that I was actually interviewing Matt and at some point I asked "do you wax your sack?" completely out of nowhere... It was so embarrassing xD

Btw... He said he does... And he gave a few details, but believe me.. You don't wanna know.


oh my god :LOL:

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I had a dream i was at the airport meeting them and i saw Matt's baby...

It felt like it was the most important and meaningful moment of my life, and for some reason i said "she's miiiine!" and Matt was like "yeah, she's wonderful isn't she?" (in my dream the baby was a girl... YAY!) and he let me hold her :happy:


Really wierd, but really good.


N'aaaw thats so sweet! Lovely dream :happy: AHH NOW I CAN'T WAIT! I'm so exciteeed for Matt to be a daddy :happy:


I really hope the baby is a girl

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I had a dream i was at the airport meeting them and i saw Matt's baby...

It felt like it was the most important and meaningful moment of my life, and for some reason i said "she's miiiine!" and Matt was like "yeah, she's wonderful isn't she?" (in my dream the baby was a girl... YAY!) and he let me hold her :happy:


Really wierd, but really good.


So you hope/think it's definatley going to be a girl?

- I have a feeling it might be a boy, but hey what do I know? :LOL:

- What does eveyone else think? Boy or Girl? And Names? - Just for fun? :$

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So you hope/think it's definatley going to be a girl?

- I have a feeling it might be a boy, but hey what do I know? :LOL:

- What does eveyone else think? Boy or Girl? And Names? - Just for fun? :$


I would love to have a little Matt-man :awesome:

It just seems right for me anyway... and his name shall be Ceoncil, like in my dream :stunned::LOL:

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Another Muse dream last night. :D It was during a concert when the band was all on the towers and all these ping pong balls dropped from the ceiling, so the band started throwing them at people, who retaliated and threw them back. This epic ping pong war started, was awesome. Someone ended up hitting Chris in the head with one, and it turned into a balloon and floated to the ceiling. :wtf:



So you hope/think it's definatley going to be a girl?

- I have a feeling it might be a boy, but hey what do I know? :LOL:

- What does eveyone else think? Boy or Girl? And Names? - Just for fun? :$


I think it will be a girl as well, have a feeling it will be an Isabel. :eek:

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I had a dream i was at the airport meeting them and i saw Matt's baby...

It felt like it was the most important and meaningful moment of my life, and for some reason i said "she's miiiine!" and Matt was like "yeah, she's wonderful isn't she?" (in my dream the baby was a girl... YAY!) and he let me hold her :happy:


Really wierd, but really good.


Not to directly offend anyone here, but do you really think Matt would let a fan hold his precious, delicate child? :chuckle:

Anyway, it should be fabulous for him, because that's gotta be such a proud moment. People are worried he's gonna change, and he will, but it doesn't mean for the worse. Now he's got more than himself to worry about, and it's gonna seriously mess with his head. Theres a difference between "philosopher Matt" and "philosopher Daddy". Oh would that ever be tough to sort out... he can't conclude any theories now as it is, how will he cope with a kid?! But I do wish the best for him. Personally, I'm hoping for a guy, 'cause I think that'd be much more fun for him. However, girls are apparently easier, but what do I know. A child is precious no matter what, and I'm gonna stop rambling :LOL::)

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So you hope/think it's definatley going to be a girl?

- I have a feeling it might be a boy, but hey what do I know? :LOL:

- What does eveyone else think? Boy or Girl? And Names? - Just for fun? :$


Yeah i have a definite hunch.

I really hope it's gonna be a girl, even Kate reckons it is! :dance:

Edited by ninjabanana
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