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I watched to the Muse live performance in Seattle on Myspace. And god, that was freaky....





... annoying, the crowd didn't move at all, matt's voice was not good. And the wildscreens behind the stage are useless, no little clips. And the towers are useless too, it serves to nothing. And appart of Ruled By Secrecy, i wondered why was i watching to this. And i was upset when he began the intro of Hoodoo at the guitar and then played Starlight, what that? They can't do this! And the owner of the video skipped Newborn :stunned: humm, he's crazy! And there were no riffs at the end of the songs except after Knights. And the new version of Plug in Baby (also the freaky solo at the end) is very bad, very flat, powerless, a shame!


The end of Muse live?


Is it enough controversial ? :LOL:

Edited by MusoCuts
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I watched to the Muse live performance in Seattle on Myspace. And god, that was freaky....





... annoying, the crowd didn't move at all, matt's voice was not good. And appart of Ruled By Secrecy, i wondered why was i watching to this. And i was upset when he began the intro of Hoodoo at the guitar and then played Starlight, what that? They can't do this! And the owner of the video skipped Newborn :stunned: humm, he's crazy! And there were no riffs at the end of the songs except after Knights. And the new version of Plug in Baby (also the freaky solo at the end) is very bad, very flat, powerless, a shame!


The end of Muse live?


Is it enough controversial ? :LOL:



when they skipped "new born", i was pissed. and yeah, when they did SS, i was waiting for the crowd to go MENTAL... it didn't happen. shame.

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Muse gigs - if you don't move you're gonna get killed.

Hey, that kid could have been me, the guy who almost passed out for not drinking enough water because he's a moron.


Oh wait. Yeah. Kill me, I deserve it for nearly killing myself from heat exhaustion.

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Someone had to say it. It also happens to eb a great way to suck what little energy there is out of a gig in the US


That's true, I'll give you that. Horrible live.


Though I happen to quite like UD. It's like SMBH's little brother who wanted to be like him (in terms of super sexiness) but could never amount to what his big bro did.


And Exo-Politics is a horrible song. That 'thing' makes GL look like a gift from God himself.

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Here's my list of terrible songs,1 being least terrible,6 being most terrible.

1.Exo Politics




5.Feeling Good


And NSC will be on that list soon once I hear it full lenght.









and likely. but from the Resistance teasers i thought i was gonna hate exogenesis. didnt happen

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