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Dunno. Bliss has really annoyed me this tour. Well, since R/L really. The falsetto has sounded pretty weak, the intro is lame, and it just generally seems like they're not enjoying it all that much. The first night at SDF this year is the only one (that I've seen) that has even been near Wembley 2 in terms of the performance.


I've seen it when it was relatively new for the tour (3rd time I think) and from what I've seen I can't say they were bored playing it,

Maybe I was too excited by the fact that I got to hear Bliss live to notice anything bad, but I enjoyed the performance.

For an unknown reason I can't remember the falsetto though. I even thought he didn't sing it, but the vids prove me wrong :chuckle:

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Bliss is just one of those songs I've loved for so long, I'd be thrilled to see it live, no matter what.


Map was the same for me; I thought it was the best thing ever at my gig, but after watching the video, I saw the issues.

Being there just far outweighs any perceived problems, for me. (Provided I didn't hate the song initially, or anything.)


Oh and yeah, Animals - I feel like it just builds up to nothing, goes no where on album and I was surprised last year when everyone on here went so mental over it.

When I saw it live, I thought it actually built to something, and seemed much heavier at the ending.


Of course, the visuals were stellar, and added a ton to the experience.

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I've seen it when it was relatively new for the tour (3rd time I think) and from what I've seen I can't say they were bored playing it,

Maybe I was too excited by the fact that I got to hear Bliss live to notice anything bad, but I enjoyed the performance.


I'm with you there! Bliss was the last "realistic" song left on my "I need to hear this live" list (The rest? Showbiz, Fury, Space Dementia, Megalomania... In my dreams :LOL:) so when I heard it at the Emirates, I basically died :LOL: (Frakkles had a front-row seat to my shrill screams, actually :LOL: He can vouch for the fact that I'm a freaking nutcase But I witnessed his Dead Star fanboying, so I guess we're even :ninja::chuckle: )


So yeah, any imperfections there may have been were overshadowed by my excitement and fangirling :p So shhhh, don't crush my dreams by telling me I got a lackluster performance, because to me, it was epic ;)

Edited by TrebleRose689
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To be honest I've reached the point now where it's pretty difficult for me to pick up songs I've not already seen. I managed to get Dead Star and Unintended at the Emirates but after that my most realistic top 5 songs I've still to nab goes something like:


1. Save Me

2. Fury

3. Showbiz

4. Agitated

5. Redemption


That is of course until new stuff is released.

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We're making realistic lists now? I'd love to see B&H, Bliss, and Dead Star. But I was so, so happy to see Map of the Problematique, especially since I wasn't expecting it to show up.


Not sure how controversial this is, but SMBH is still my favorite music video.

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New Born is my favourite Muse song, always has been, still is.


Sadly, it sucks live these days which is a real shame as it used to be monstrous. That switch over moment from piano to guitar was just epic.


Then you had the riff, the many varieties of solo, massive chorus and Matt's outro wail (the longer, the more epic).


Sadly, it died as of Reading 2011which was the last truly great New Born.

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I wouldn't say it sucks now but it's definitely lacking compared to the pre-TR tour (minus Reading) performances. Even Matt playing the piano would redeem it significantly and its not like he really does much apart from walk around a bit during the intro, whereas I get why he just sings for Follow Me and Undisclosed Desires.

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Aside from Butterflies and Hurricanes I can't think of a song I haven't seen yet that isn't an unrealistic proposition.


I agree New Born has lost something since Matt stopped playing piano. It was ok enough with the lasers and the moving podium on The Resistance arena tour but there's no real excuse for the lack of it at other gigs.

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