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The bitching of the fans here has turned me off from Muse.


Good job.

Oh come on. Why should the fans effect how you feel about the music/band itself? Every bands has bitchy fans (albeit some more than others) so you're not exactly going to find a band where you adore every single one of the fans. :erm:


Besides, if I cared about the behavior of fans, I would've stopped listening to quite a few bands I love months ago.

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I used to be one of those Twilight haters who couldn't stand those annoying fangirls, and the fact they only liked Muse because their songs were featured on Twilight.


Now after witnessing all the endless moaning about NSC. I'm starting to side more with the average Twilight fangirl, rather than the disgruntled hardcore Muse fan who expects every single Muse song to sound like an Origin of Symmetry song, and can't stop bitching when a new song comes along and it's not another "Citizen Erased".


....oh and here's another controversial opinion with some Radiohead. KidA SUCKS! I give the guys kudos for being so ballsy on putting out something so fuckin' weird, but personally I don't get all the artsy-fartsy BS.


fail post fails.

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....oh and here's another controversial opinion with some Radiohead. KidA SUCKS! I give the guys kudos for being so ballsy on putting out something so fuckin' weird, but personally I don't get all the artsy-fartsy BS.




I think maybe they are a spent force creatively, they simply have no more song ideas so they are just riding the wave of past glories doing jams in silly time signatures while wailing to critical acclaim.


They have a good scam going on really..

To be honest it's like they aren't even trying anymore, they don't have to, because they can still release any old half baked musical doodle to critical acclaim & if you for once even try to suggest this is what they actually do you are met with a firm chorus of "You just aren't smart enough to understand a work of this genius!"


Maybe they are performing some sort of social experiment on us..

"Pushing it a bit this time aren't we Thom? this record is pretty much just an hour of wailing with clicking noises & glockenspiel"


The bitching of the fans here has turned me off from Muse.


Good job.



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I think maybe they are a spent force creatively, they simply have no more song ideas so they are just riding the wave of past glories doing jams in silly time signatures while wailing to critical acclaim.

Have you actually listened to any of their music post-1997?



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....oh and here's another controversial opinion with some Radiohead. KidA SUCKS! I give the guys kudos for being so ballsy on putting out something so fuckin' weird, but personally I don't get all the artsy-fartsy BS.

As someone who thinks Kid A is one of the three best albums ever released (Alongside with Animals and The Fragile) I have to strongly disagree. But I can understand that you may not like it after one/two listens. It needed a hell of a long time to grow on me (about a year, exactly). I love it now.



I think maybe they are a spent force creatively, they simply have no more song ideas so they are just riding the wave of past glories doing jams in silly time signatures while wailing to critical acclaim.


They have a good scam going on really..

To be honest it's like they aren't even trying anymore, they don't have to, because they can still release any old half baked musical doodle to critical acclaim & if you for once even try to suggest this is what they actually do you are met with a firm chorus of "You just aren't smart enough to understand a work of this genius!"


Well... Muse can come out with stuff like IBTY or UD and it still gets loved by their fans. Many fans out there seem to like certain songs only because they are done by Muse. And that's a tad retarded. Same thing with Radiohead fans, NIN, TNP, I could go on...

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I enjoy Kid A, but it is definitely not Radiohead's best work and it is quite overrated. While I don't like the Kid A - In Rainbows era as much as most people (although I do really love In Rainbows), I'd say that era is definitely the more focused for Radiohead era so I don't really understand the claim that they aren't trying. :erm:



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My controversial opinion is that Muse are running on empty and should either call it a day or take an extended break before the next album to recharge fully.


Totally agree, they need a long break. Just stop doing music during 5 years and at this time they could make the best they've ever done before. :happy:

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My controversial opinions:


I was a fan of Muse before I got into Radiohead. But after hearing all of Radiohead's albums, I can easily say that I prefer Radiohead's over Muse's if we were to compare them in reverse chronological order.


In Rainbows>The Resistance

Hail to the Thief>Black Holes and Revelations


Kid A>Origin of Symmetry

Ok Computer>Showbiz

The Bends> n/a

Pablo Honey> n/a


I would also like to add that Amnesiac might be my favorite Radiohead album. Which is surprising, because it was originally my least favorite when I first listened to it. This album seems to have some strange time released factors going for it.(which seems to be the case with most Radiohead albums, they just seem to get better with repeated listens)


In fact, I'll even go as far and say that the the following Amnesiac B-sides are better than anything on The Resistance:


The Amazing Sounds of Orgy -


Worrywort -


Trans-Atlantic Drawl -


Cuttooth -


Kinetic -


Fog -

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Totally agree, they need a long break. Just stop doing music during 5 years and at this time they could make the best they've ever done before. :happy:


If Muse stops now, they will lose a lot of their fanbase. Why would you stop when you are on the way up? The last taste in many people's mouths would be NSC...which...um, yeah...


I wish they could merge the OoS-style rock with some of the pop/prog sensibilities of The Resistance.

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If Muse stops now, they will lose a lot of their fanbase. Why would you stop when you are on the way up? The last taste in many people's mouths would be NSC...which...um, yeah...


I wish they could merge the OoS-style rock with some of the pop/prog sensibilities of The Resistance.


I don't like bands who care about "their fanbase". If you are musician, you would know that you make music for your own not for fans ! (just my opinion) And i hate bands who care about their fanbase => all the fashion bands like The Strokes, Razorlight and many others! And if Muse are going on, i'm gonna hate Muse and i'll keep their debuts. That's all.


And i don't care with their new style of music, i just don't want to hear some cheesy music :mad: (and you all know what i mean with cheesy song :rolleyes: )


However, Kid A is a very dancing album and Everything... is a disco song in its way :happy:

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Because this seemed to cause a stir in the NSC thread the other day...


I like NSC more than I like New Born.

You see,this is why deaf people and music just dont mix,they just have to go off the names :p


I personally dont like Bliss on the album,live its awesome,i dunno why theres just something about it that just makes me want to miss it out,i think that 'something' is called Citizen Erased :D :D :D

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