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...When I was younger, if a Muse poster fell off my bedroom wall at 3am or some early hour when I was asleep and I heard it fall down, I actually used to drag myself out of bed just to put it back up and wouldn't wait until the morning.

I do this <3

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...When I was younger, if a Muse poster fell off my bedroom wall at 3am or some early hour when I was asleep and I heard it fall down, I actually used to drag myself out of bed just to put it back up and wouldn't wait until the morning.


I'd do that....If I had any Muse posters.

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Add color to your room! *cue dramatic Photoshopping effects*


i wish! My wallpaper sssuuuuuccckkss! And mum won't let me have any posters without some hardcore persuasion cos she thinks it'll ruint he wallpaper, yet it already peeling off and the paint of my sister's room is chipping off so i don't get the big deal. Not the wallpaper's nice or anything. I've got white walls under this! If I could get the wallpaper down and jsut have the white walls I'd like my room a whole bunch more! But no, I've got to stare at this ugly wallpapaer and I can never get motivated to clean my room or do anything for that matter. So really, it's for the better of everyone if it's off :yesey:

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YKYATMW you're in English, working on a poetry thing (which I could not do for the life of me :noey:) and you define ballad. Out of nowhere you burst out


'IT'S ALWAYS THE LOVE BALLAD!' then put your head back down while :wtf: becomes everyone's expression :chuckle:


I was watching a show, and they were talking about neutron stars colliding and forming a black hole. SO MANY PUNS.

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