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Twilight fans?

Me Rug I Sty

Do you like Twilight?  

207 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like Twilight?

    • I hate it
    • I like it. But I didn't get into muse from it
    • I like it, but only the books, and didn't get into Muse because of it.
    • It got me into Muse, and still like it.
    • It got me into muse, but I've gone off it

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I bought Origins...

I am not from Europe... Unfortunatly... I bought my Origins CD for 16$ CAD.

They have the HAARP LIVE cd for 30$, it's kinda expensive... ^^;;;

Other then that, they don't have anything else... I bought it all!


HAARP is worth it (though I have no idea what 30$ is in £).

Can you get the rest from Amazon? You can get HAARP for $19.95 on the Muse US store. Here http://muse.warnerbrosrecordsstore.com/

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I knew a couple of Muse songs before I read Twilight but after I read them, I went into the author's site and ther is a shitload of Muse songs there that she said she listened to while writing.. I listend to these and than started to lookin by myself and after I listend to the songs I see muse's influence on the books. so that is how I got into Muse. I still like the books, the movies are ok but I am definitely much more a muser now than a Twilighter :musesign:

I don't think there is shame in finding muse through Twilight. it dosn't matter how you found them just as long as you did :D

I get the annoyance about the people who know one song because of Twilight and think they know the band.. but I doubt there alot of these people here...

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I found out about Muse's existance through Twilight. The movies were dissappointing but the books were interesting and I'm really grateful to Stephenie Meyer for praising Muse and making me wonder who Muse is. Now I'm a big fan of Muse. I'm not really keen on Twilight, but owe a lot to this book and I appreciate it...

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Same, it's the fangirlyness I hate more than anything :LOL:

If they want to jump on Belly's trouser snake because his song was in Twilight, again, good luck to them.


The only instance where something like this might annoy is if I am at a gig and looking for somebody to rock with... but no-one around me knows the song that is being played. I mean, this has never happened and I doubt it ever would. But it would annoy me greatly.


We all hooked onto a craze back in our younger years to appear a bit cooler. I spent a long time trying to pretend that Blink-182 were a good band. Bigger fool me!

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Mmm well... I don't really like Twilight nor I hate it, I don't really have anything against it...

I love the fact that Stephanie Meyer is a muser but I don't really like the teen love story with a creepy stalker...


I know that not all of Twilight fans are so stupid like the ones that I have met...

Once I was talking with a girl about Twilight and she said: " Have you heard Muse of Twilight? I like Muse, the vampire is actually a very good singer"....


I was thinking: God... YOU IGNORANT! IT'S MATT BELLAMY! Not the vampire of Twilight...

Twilight fans are so ignorant! I hate the fact that people starting listening to Muse (at least in my country) because they have appeared in this movie that almost everybody loves... They only listen to SMBH and the worst is that they think that actually this song is about vampires or something

I've been following Muse for a long time, Twilight didn't even existed, and it really makes me angry that everybody starting listen to band I LOVE because of a movie and they don't know anything of them...

I know that not all of Twilight fans are stupid and there might be one that discovered Muse because of this movie but ain't ignorant...

Just wanted to share that... :stunned:

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I love Muse, but I only like Twilight. I've been a Muse fan since my boyfriend introduced me to them at age 16, and I was into Twilight from reading the books before the movie rights had even been sold. It's cool that they included some Muse in the movies, since they inspired Stephenie Meyer so much, but the results are not so cool.


I have to admit, it's extremely annoying that all of these 14 year olds like Muse just because they have a song in each movie. They piss me off. They don't understand that Muse is a great band, and that the songs included in the movies aren't even their best work. They only say "OmFgZzZz MuSe iS dA BeStEsT bAnD eVuRr!" because they want to believe they're like Stephenie, or like Bella, or whatever their ridiculous fantasy is. Damn teeny-boppers with bad taste, they probably all love Justin Bieber too...:mad:

Hey im 14!!! I dont think thays really fair because i was WAY into Twilight (but not just that it was really vampires because i read Vampire Chronicles first) and I decided to check the soundtrack out. The first time I heard SMBH I didnt like it but it got stuck in my head and eventually I checked Muse out. So dont say that its the younger people because I have ALL of the albums, Hullabaloo, HAARP, and ALOT of B sides.



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Thank GOD I didn't hear about Muse through Twilight. Knew about them way before, and I actually held off on reading the books until last year. Insisted I wasn't into "stupid vampire shit," lol. I will admit I enjoy the books, but the movies are completely diasppointing. Best part of the DVD for Twilight?...Muse vid. :LOL:




I was into Twilight to begin with - I bought the books because of the Muse spaff in them. Now I know better :LOL:


Err... is there an option for "I used to like Twilight, now I just don't care, and I discovered Muse without the aid of a shoddy-made teen movie"?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I love Muse, but I only like Twilight. I've been a Muse fan since my boyfriend introduced me to them at age 16, and I was into Twilight from reading the books before the movie rights had even been sold. It's cool that they included some Muse in the movies, since they inspired Stephenie Meyer so much, but the results are not so cool.


I have to admit, it's extremely annoying that all of these 14 year olds like Muse just because they have a song in each movie. They piss me off. They don't understand that Muse is a great band, and that the songs included in the movies aren't even their best work. They only say "OmFgZzZz MuSe iS dA BeStEsT bAnD eVuRr!" because they want to believe they're like Stephenie, or like Bella, or whatever their ridiculous fantasy is. Damn teeny-boppers with bad taste, they probably all love Justin Bieber too...:mad:


You really shouldn't assume all fourteen year old Muse fans only like them because of twilight. I love them because they're amazing. And I hate Justin Bieber.

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Yeah it's pretty retarded being a 14 nearly 15 year old on here, as I reckon heaps of people would see my age and be like ":erm: ooh... Twilighter".

But yeah, not the case, I've pretty much loved Muse my whole life because my mum and all my brothers and sisters listen to, and love, them. I read the first book, simply because I got given it for Christmas one time and it would be rude to just completely ignore it. It was alright so I read the rest. Pretty good, not the best written. Then I only saw the film version of Twilight because my sister had told me Muse were in it - which I'd already known.

Shit movie. Shit actors.

I think it's good that Stephenie is a huge Muse fan though, as her books and that would have created a few more real Muse fans who explored more than just Supermassive. But then again, maybe some of the people who only like SBH have checked out more of their music and didn't like it. Just depends aye.

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The Twilight books are actually pretty good; not that well written but very entertaining page-turners.

The hype has ruined them and many people won't read them because of it.

The movies are not so good. Actually New Moon is better than the first one, but they're not a great representation of the books.

I agree completely. You and I are on the same wavelength. :happy:

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Hey im 14!!! I dont think thays really fair because i was WAY into Twilight (but not just that it was really vampires because i read Vampire Chronicles first) and I decided to check the soundtrack out. The first time I heard SMBH I didnt like it but it got stuck in my head and eventually I checked Muse out. So dont say that its the younger people because I have ALL of the albums, Hullabaloo, HAARP, and ALOT of B sides.




You really shouldn't assume all fourteen year old Muse fans only like them because of twilight. I love them because they're amazing. And I hate Justin Bieber.


Alright, alright! When I say 14 year olds I'm generalizing a bit. Of course there are exceptions.

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I saw Twilight for the first time last week, it was £3 in TESCO so thought it was cheaper than renting it.. I HONESTLY didn't see what all the fuss was about. I don't hate it, I just thought it was quite possibly one of the most boring films I have ever seen.


... and I definately DON'T get the Robert Pattinson thing AT ALL!

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So i watched Twilight once with my twilight obsessed friend and we were up the whole night and i had too much caffeine So i just laughed through the whole movie. It was so....pathetic! AND CREEPY! the vampire is a fucking stalker.


I mean he watches her sleep like a psycho??!?!?!?!? Oh how romantic. Next day i didnt remember anything. And then ALL my friends talked about the movie so i decided to give it a second shot. I watched it when i was sick and home alone and through the whole movie (I SHOULD GET A HUUUUUGE REWARD FOR BEING ABLE TO GET THROUGH IT IT WAS LIKE GOING THROUGH HELL). And i didn't feel anything.....just pure boredom. The only thing i liked was the baseball scene where they played SMBH. Then i was like....<3 That scene saved me or i probably wouldn't be alive right now. I would die from boredom. So basically....i hate Twilight. Twilight is ridicoulous.


And Matt bellamy hates it too so i'm not alone :D

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