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You know Muse have made it in the US when...


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haha. theres a local record store here that i went into, just for a second until, supermassive black hole came on, so i stayed to listen. made me smile. :) and i was at the bowling ally and it was cosmic bowling and the 2nd song/video they played was TIRO live, i left my friends and the game to go sit in front of the nearest tv and watch it. :happy:

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they've played BHaR in its entirety the past two times i've been to Tower Records, makes the visit very nice :)


they did? where?

i need to get out more

last time i heard Absolution at Barnes&Nobels i had to ask my friend:

do you hear this music or is it inside my head?


How about when the US TIRO video is playing on the screens in the waiting lines of Six Flags Great America? :LOL:


my god it is always a shock for me

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lovely. i believe though i have only heard BH&R the most random place - a girly dress store in the Thousand Oaks mall (southern california) named ANGL was playing the full album when i went in there with a friend looking at cute dresses.

and i have heard Knights of Cydonia on the radio (san diego 91x)

but i have not heard it or any other muse music anywhere else.

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Making into the States means...


- Having hits on Top 40 radio

- Making appearances on TRL

- Having 'American Idol' hopefuls covering your song

- Being on constant rotation on MTV


All of these equal to... SELLING OUT

I much prefer to hear people tell me for the 1000th time...



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I recently went for dinner at this crap burger place with my little brothers, just a bunch of stubbly fat men watching a footbal game and oggling the skimpy waitresses and smoking and drinking loads. Then "Hysteria" came on, so I went into the bathroom and stayed there for the duration of the song, where I could hear it better. :LOL:


Selling out? Such a silly term. They've just become popular, nothing wrong with that. They deserve the recognition.

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I recently went for dinner at this crap burger place with my little brothers, just a bunch of stubbly fat men watching a footbal game and oggling the skimpy waitresses and smoking and drinking loads. Then "Hysteria" came on, so I went into the bathroom and stayed there for the duration of the song, where I could hear it better. :LOL:


Selling out? Such a silly term. They've just become popular, nothing wrong with that. They deserve the recognition.



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Selling out? Such a silly term. They've just become popular, nothing wrong with that. They deserve the recognition.


Being popular doesn't equal selling out... otherwise The Beatles would be the biggest sell-outs of all time.


Selling Out means bowing down to the mainstream standards and losing your musical identity.

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..i dont know, but i just really hated being in Forever 21 (girl clothing store) and listening to KoC. it was horrible. i felt so bad they were murdering the song there...all they play in that store is whatever stupid airhead girls think is cool. i dont know why i was there in the first place :stunned:

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Being popular doesn't equal selling out... otherwise The Beatles would be the biggest sell-outs of all time.


Selling Out means bowing down to the mainstream standards and losing your musical identity.

They've not bowed down to the masses, they're properly bitchslapping them now. :LOL:

If a band changes their style, it's not always because of popular demand. Muse did something different from their other albums. But then again, every album is different. So in that sense, they're still doing the same thing.

Any more stuff they make in the future will be different, as well. So if you don't like their new material, just wait for the next album before you deem them sell-outs. :p

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Muse will be sell-outs when they embrace Fallout Boy-esque emo-ness, which hopefully will be never. Or if they ever work with Hillary Duff...but then again, that would be totally unexpected and therefore not selling out? She's said in interviews that she would love to record something with Muse. Apparently she's a huge fan.


So that makes her way cooler than Lindsay Lohan. :yesey:

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  • 10 months later...
Guest universalradio
they've played BHaR in its entirety the past two times i've been to Tower Records, makes the visit very nice :)


I thought tower disappeared a year ago.

they did in cali

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Guest universalradio
Making into the States means...


- Having hits on Top 40 radio

- Making appearances on TRL

- Having 'American Idol' hopefuls covering your song

- Being on constant rotation on MTV


All of these equal to... SELLING OUT

I much prefer to hear people tell me for the 1000th time...




Having hits on top 40 radio doesn't mean much of anything anymore. Any of the crap out there can be #1 one day and disappear the next, never to be heard again.


& who watches MTV? MTV's ratings are usually much less than a million viewers at any given time, and even their awards shows get 2M or less. That's fairly paltry in a nation of 350M people.

And hearing good music in a record store is not that surprising.


You've made it in the US when you can sell out huge stadiums in any state you visit.....even in the deep south.

You've made it in the US when they play about half the songs from one of your albums, on the radio, fairly regularly FOR YEARS.

You've made it in the US when Sears Catalog people hear your music for the first time, love it, and want to buy it.


Muse sells out, not huge, but decent size venues all around the US, & obviously the response is strong enought that they've toured America, in support of the same album 3x in a little over a year.


Muse songs I've heard on the radio at least once....and most, more than that.

supermassive blackhole

apocalypse please

time is running out

stockholm syndrome


take a bow


map of the problematique

Soldiers poem

City of delusion

Knights of Cydonia


Except for Madonna's ray of light album. (they played almost all the songs, some on one station, others on another),

Muse is the only other band that I've heard who has decent rotation of alot of songs from a single album with 3 from absolution & 5 from BH&R on 2 different radio stations.....

INDIE 103.1 which is also on itunes radio, and the KROQ. these are LA's most popular stations, & Muse are their darlings


I'd say that's making it in the US.

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