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TR is an awesome album with absolutely dire singles.


I dunno. As a single the only one I found bad was UD if only for how it was released, but Uprising was quite a proper release if you ask me. I enjoyed the remix.


Also you cant really judge Resistance as a single just cause of a lazy music video. We don't even have a tracklist so god knows what will be on there.


As for the video and people complaining, the problem with that they're releasing the singles within their gigantic scedule of touring is probably what pulls them back from recording something big for their music videos.

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I dunno. As a single the only one I found bad was UD if only for how it was released, but Uprising was quite a proper release if you ask me. I enjoyed the remix.


Also you cant really judge Resistance as a single just cause of a lazy music video. We don't even have a tracklist so god knows what will be on there.


As for the video and people complaining, the problem with that they're releasing the singles within their gigantic scedule of touring is probably what pulls them back from recording something big for their music videos.


This is exactly what I meant in my previous post.

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I was hoping for some backstage stuff to go along with the video.:supersad: The shot of them walking down the corridor made me lol my face off.


Also Matt's playing the piano in one shot and then playing the guitar in the next. I thought it was supposed to be a 'live' video.


Overall I enjoyed the video and at the end of the day, people who aren't fans of the band aren't going to criticise the video as much as us.

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I like the video and was able to ignore the poor editing:happy:


I see a new contender for 'Most annoying female Muser'.


Naahh, I'm not trying to get that award, love. :happy: I sometimes get really straightforward with my opinions and can't help it. Arguments are healthy sometimes.

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I was hoping for some backstage stuff to go along with the video.:supersad: The shot of them walking down the corridor made me lol my face off.


Also Matt's playing the piano in one shot and then playing the guitar in the next. I thought it was supposed to be a 'live' video.


Overall I enjoyed the video and at the end of the day, people who aren't fans of the band aren't going to criticise the video as much as us.


Haha that beginning was so random indeed. Dramatic walk. I didn't quite expect that.

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IMO I think the edit works better than I'd first feared. Granted the crowd noise coulda been done without, the edit seems to flow a bit better than I had feared it might do.


Video would've been better if it was more focused on the ruddy performance of Resistance rather than of everything at once, hence rather ramshackle editing.


Mind you songs like Uprising, MK Ultra or Unnatural Selection are probably better suited to live performance videos than Resistance - Resistance I had in mind a more dramatic video with a storyline of two lovers trying to cheat the government or something that follows similar concepts.

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I dunno. As a single the only one I found bad was UD if only for how it was released, but Uprising was quite a proper release if you ask me. I enjoyed the remix.


Also you cant really judge Resistance as a single just cause of a lazy music video. We don't even have a tracklist so god knows what will be on there.


As for the video and people complaining, the problem with that they're releasing the singles within their gigantic scedule of touring is probably what pulls them back from recording something big for their music videos.


Well all the b sides have been remixes...and they've hardly been met with large amount of praise. Even Uprising didn't have a DVD.


I know what will be on the tracklist...the remix. It hasn't been officially announced but you can tell from the promotional media.


And there's never been a problem with putting out decent videos while on tour. It only takes a few days of filming at the very most.

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Video - Crap (on the editing part)

Radio Edit - Atrocious

Single? Well we'll probably get the remix and/or radio edit. I'd rather have the crappy mix of I Belong To You, or a CD release of Who Knows Who, or even a freaking live song. I'm just sick of the singles having shit remixes made of them.


To be honest, the video looks like work a GCSE student has produced. Not to offend any GCSE students, I'm sure they could do better. If I had edited and produced that video, I'd be ashamed of myself.


But hey, the video shows how good Muse are at quick change :LOL:

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this video looks like a commercial for their live gigs to me, all packed up with the "specials"



here a little review by MTV


Jan 14 2010 10:14 AM EST


Muse's 'Resistance' Video: Just Like The Real Thing

If you haven't seen the Brit rockers live, this just-released clip is the next best thing.

By James Montgomery


There are only three dudes in Muse. That's important to note, because they sound positively massive — both live and on record — like Bang Camaro on steroids or the Polyphonic Spree if Tim DeLaughter armed everyone with a guitar. The noise they summon, these three, mild-mannered Brits, is almost otherworldly.


And to that end, I've always maintained that the best way to see Muse is live, on the biggest stage possible, with the hugest amps and the brightest lights available. For years, we here in the States weren't afforded that opportunity (though the band's live album HAARP — named after a top-secret ionospheric research project, naturally — is a pretty good primer), but lately, thanks to the success of 2006's Black Holes and Revelations album, Muse have had good reason to tour the U.S. They are popular here — certainly not on the same level as in the U.K., but big enough to headline Madison Square Garden once (with a second stand scheduled for March). The time is right to catch them in their natural habitat.


I only mention all of this because on Thursday (January 14), Muse premiered the video for the title track from 2009's Resistance, and it's very live, indeed: the massive amps, the bright lights and (most importantly) the massive sound.


Filmed by director Wayne Isham — who, thanks to his work with the likes of Mötley Crüe and Metallica is used to these types of over-the-top things — "Resistance" is just like buying a ticket to a live Muse show, only without those nasty Ticketmaster surcharges. Not to mention it's a pretty classic "live video," capturing the tension of the crowd — the slo-mo sprints to the front of the barricade — and the sheer enormity of the band's set.


But, honestly, nothing compares to the real thing. So consider "Resistance" to be a primer. Then get yourself ready for Muse's next run of U.S. shows, scheduled to kick off in late February. You've been warned.

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Why do you want people to like it?


If they don't then you aren't going to change their minds.


I actually quite like the video, I just don't think Resistance was the right song to put to it.


I watched the Christmas Present.......If they ever release MK Ultra as a single, that would be the perfect song to have a live video for. Unnatural Selection too could work.

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Bloody dire is what it is. I'll steal a line from Simon Pegg here and say it's been edited with a pair of dick scissors.

i read this at about 4am this morning and nearly woke the house laughing. thanks again popey! :awesome:


Tempo of the video doesn't match the song, timing is all off on the crowd singing along clips, the WORST song to release as a single with a live video...hardly shows them off as a decent live band. Like Olly said the typography at the start is shit. Urgh this stinks of Warner's dirty involvement somehow.

i'm willing to go along with this theory :yesey:



get that he's busy but I'd have rather waited for Kirk to put out a video than put up with something this crap. And this isn't criticism for criticism's sake, I'm narked because it just shows how little justice Muse are getting when it comes to the commercial side of things.




stupidcorporatemuckingfeh! :fear:




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To Carbo and Johanna, do you really think Muse did the video? If they did, WHY?


My point still stands. They'd still have to be there to record whatever it is they want to record.


Well all the b sides have been remixes...and they've hardly been met with large amount of praise. Even Uprising didn't have a DVD.


I know what will be on the tracklist...the remix. It hasn't been officially announced but you can tell from the promotional media.


And there's never been a problem with putting out decent videos while on tour. It only takes a few days of filming at the very most.


We all pretty much know that the remix is the only guarantee, yeah. But I wouldn't jump the gun before we get the full list. If no interesting things pop up then I would complain too, but for now I dont want to get any expectations up, even though the recent singles might not have had much.

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Could be the product of some lame compromise, like Muse wanting to release Resistance and Warner wanting a live video to show of the tour they spent loads of money on and promote them live in preparation for the upcoming US tour. Which would be sad to have a video as such a promotional rather than artistic output, but that's often the case with videos.

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Could be the product of some lame compromise, like Muse wanting to release Resistance and Warner wanting a live video to show of the tour they spent loads of money on and promote them live in preparation for the upcoming US tour. Which would be sad to have a video as such a promotional rather than artistic output, but that's often the case with videos.


muse still doesn't get loads of radio play here...so even if resistance was getting onto the indie itunes charts or whatever before it was announced to be a single this makes sense. hard to say for sure. trying to make a video in the middle of a tour does seem like a scheduling nightmare. so whatever...there it is.


it is funny though, for people who have been to the shows to see balloons floating around during the song and to see shots of matt's hand playing the piano at the beginning. the "cheering" throughout annoyed me more than anything else ;)


the walk way bit was just lulzy...three men...out of the darkness...rock gods approaching their worshippers :LOL:



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I wont lie; I dont mind live footage music videos but for a music video utilizing it its pretty sub-par. The intro was great but the live footage was pretty much windows movie maker stuff. Imo it would have been much better if it was a "live video" with effects and such, similar to Linkin Park's video of Given Up.

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To Carbo and Johanna, do you really think Muse did the video? If they did, WHY?


Not a reply on their behalf but since you commented and its something that I have thought about, I think this video could have been put together with the bare minimum of involvement from Muse themselves, only involving them in the bit at the beginning where you see their shadowy figures walking. The rest is just an editing together of what they did anyway.


(I put this in the other thread but have copied it here because I think it's relevant)


I think on this forum, we are so used to live performances, watching them on YouTube and DVDs and indeed the performances themselves on the same tour, that this video doesn't seem all that exciting, but imagining it from the viewpoint of a first experience of Muse, or even from the point of view of someone who hasn't seen anything of the tour, I think it might just blow people away! :)


The other thing, I don't think it matters particularly that the editing puts everything out of sync, I don't think the intention is to make it look as if it's completely live. I think it's just an overview, though I'm not sure why they bothered to line up parts of it.


PS Re the annoying female muser thing, since people keep raising the issue, I think people were just feeling touchy. I feel pretty confident that none of my posts were particularly antagonistic, though I might have been exasperated on occasion, something that happens to us all!

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Not a reply on their behalf but since you commented and its something that I have thought about, I think this video could have been put together with the bare minimum of involvement from Muse themselves, only involving them in the bit at the beginning where you see their shadowy figures walking. The rest is just an editing together of what they did anyway.


(I put this in the other thread but have copied it here because I think it's relevant)


I think on this forum, we are so used to live performances, watching them on YouTube and DVDs and indeed the performances themselves on the same tour, that this video doesn't seem all that exciting, but imagining it from the viewpoint of a first experience of Muse, or even from the point of view of someone who hasn't seen anything of the tour, I think it might just blow people away! :)


The other thing, I don't think it matters particularly that the editing puts everything out of sync, I don't think the intention is to make it look as if it's completely live. I think it's just an overview, though I'm not sure why they bothered to line up parts of it.


PS Re the annoying female muser thing, since people keep raising the issue, I think people were just feeling touchy. I feel pretty confident that none of my posts were particularly antagonistic, though I might have been exasperated on occasion, something that happens to us all!

That's my point. Why do people keep using the argument that muse are busy and that makes it okay with a crappy video? It wasn't like they needed to do that much for a live video. Why not just get a GOOD editor(or whatever it's called) and give it a little more time, and then maybe the video wouldn't look like something a 15-year old fan made in an hour.

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