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I'm not sure if my friend and I will queue for Manchester. Even if we're by the soundboard we'll have a blast. I just want to be on the floor. My seat for Muse was awesome and I had a blast. But for most shows I go to, I usually do GA so it was strange not being on the floor.

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It also depends on the gig as a whole I think, the gigs I've enjoyed the most I wasn't at barrier and I've been on barrier about five times I think


One thing that has always put me off barrier (I've done it once but it could hardly be called barrier) is the whole fighting for your right to be there - I'm there to enjoy the show. I'm married and have no intention of humping any member the band or crew so... I guess I am just for the easy life :LOL: Plus I like to watch different reactions from different sections - Last night I hit the jackpot except for the extradinarily tall chap in front of me - I'm 5'8" so I don't normally have height issues especially in seated. I was looking forward to seeing Matt but in the end I just saw the back of Lurch's head in any position Matt was in so I focussed on watching Chris and Dom and all was good! :dance:


FTR - I'm not dissing on Lurch he can't help his height and had just as much right to be in his seat as I did in mine I just wish his seat had been behind mine!

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As the day of the concert gets closer, I find myself with more questions.


I managed to swap my seated ticket for GA (yay!) and of course I plan to be there early so I can get a spot at the barrier. Do people who show up early to wait all day bring stuff with them to make the wait more comfortable? Such as chairs, games, etc. This will be my first time, so I really have no idea what to bring or not to bring for the actual waiting. I have someone who can pick up any extra stuff I have before the gates open, so I'm not worried about being stuck with anything.


Also, I've read this whole thread and the general consensus seems to be you can take turns leaving the line to get food, take a bathroom break, or whatever. I think I remember someone saying you could even leave to take a nap. My question is, how long can you leave the line without breaking line etiquette (assuming you have someone with you to hold your place)? Can you leave for as long as an hour? I'm not saying I'll be doing this necessarily, I'm just wondering.


Also, has anyone seen a thread for the Salt Lake City venue? I haven't been able to find one but I might not be looking in the right place.

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As the day of the concert gets closer, I find myself with more questions.


I managed to swap my seated ticket for GA (yay!) and of course I plan to be there early so I can get a spot at the barrier. Do people who show up early to wait all day bring stuff with them to make the wait more comfortable? Such as chairs, games, etc. This will be my first time, so I really have no idea what to bring or not to bring for the actual waiting. I have someone who can pick up any extra stuff I have before the gates open, so I'm not worried about being stuck with anything.


Also, I've read this whole thread and the general consensus seems to be you can take turns leaving the line to get food, take a bathroom break, or whatever. I think I remember someone saying you could even leave to take a nap. My question is, how long can you leave the line without breaking line etiquette (assuming you have someone with you to hold your place)? Can you leave for as long as an hour? I'm not saying I'll be doing this necessarily, I'm just wondering.


Also, has anyone seen a thread for the Salt Lake City venue? I haven't been able to find one but I might not be looking in the right place.


Yes, people do bring lawn chairs, blankets, snacks, etc. As long as you have someone to take your stuff back, you should be fine. I make sure I go in fresh when the doors open. I don't want to have any extra things for security to check to slow down the process so I don't get barrier.

I'd say an hour is pushing it a little... not entirely sure. It sort of depends on if you've made friends with the people in line. But you can take turns going on bathroom breaks and such.

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This just posted by tulaplee on FB:




So if you have seats, don't despair!



This is so true, I was like 4 rows back from the barrier in Toronto and I was watching the videos of people in the seats and didn't see a lot of the visual & crazy stage antics from the guys

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Yes, people do bring lawn chairs, blankets, snacks, etc. As long as you have someone to take your stuff back, you should be fine. I make sure I go in fresh when the doors open. I don't want to have any extra things for security to check to slow down the process so I don't get barrier.

I'd say an hour is pushing it a little... not entirely sure. It sort of depends on if you've made friends with the people in line. But you can take turns going on bathroom breaks and such.


Thanks for the tips! :) Less than a week til the concert and I still can't believe I'm actually going to see Muse live!!

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When I saw them in Nashville, my 2 friends and I got there around...ah, 2 or 3 hours before the doors opened. It was COLD, though, God. Had a t and jeans on and felt like I was going to die, but it was completely worth it. We were in the pit, right in front of Chris. I had about 5 or 6 people between me and the barrier. It really didn't get too insane, some surges, pushing, lots of stupid little girls trying to shove past me...lucky for me, I'm 6ft tall and built like a freaking amazon so I just threw the elbows out, :LOL:. I'm sure I scared everyone around me with my spastic headbanging and just general freaking out, but I had a good time! This little asian kid was like latched onto my back the entire gig holding on for dear life and singing in my ear, :LOL:. But yeah...soo sore afterward from standing for like 10 hours and from the various elbows/knees I took. Battle scars. :D

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So how much time is usually spent jumping vs. standing? I don't have great endurance :\


Depends how deep into the crowd you are. The middle area does a lot of jumping, the front is just a toss-up, and the back is more mellow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so I was just wondering if you musers could help me decide between GA and seats for the Cincinnati gig. I would love GA, but I'm quite small, so if I did that I'd probably have to be at the very front, correct? I'm just worried if I do GA then I'd be pushed around and stuff. Is it that bad? Would a small person like myself be able to handle it?

I'm about 5'5" ft and 110 lbs.

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Okay, so I was just wondering if you musers could help me decide between GA and seats for the Cincinnati gig. I would love GA, but I'm quite small, so if I did that I'd probably have to be at the very front, correct? I'm just worried if I do GA then I'd be pushed around and stuff. Is it that bad? Would a small person like myself be able to handle it?

I'm about 5'5" ft and 110 lbs.


You could always get GA and hang around the middle or back. I wouldn't recommend being near the front of GA, but you'd be fine other places. You have just as much chance having someone taller in front of you in seats as in GA really. And if you hang around the back of GA, you'll still be closer than the seats. If you move towards the back, you'll have more room between yourself and the people in front of you, and you'll be able to see better.


Definitely wouldn't recommend anywhere in the front half of GA though, you'd be crushed.

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Okay, so I was just wondering if you musers could help me decide between GA and seats for the Cincinnati gig. I would love GA, but I'm quite small, so if I did that I'd probably have to be at the very front, correct? I'm just worried if I do GA then I'd be pushed around and stuff. Is it that bad? Would a small person like myself be able to handle it?

I'm about 5'5" ft and 110 lbs.


You should read more of this thread, it will answer your questions. The pit doesn't have to be rough, if you avoid the front/center area and the first few rows on Matthew's side. Barrier is great, you feel like they are playing for you, but can get pretty pushy unless you are off on the sides. But if you pick a spot about a third of the way back on Chris' side, it should be pretty mellow. Can't do anything about tall people getting in front of you though. If you want barrier, be prepared to be in line by early to mid morning at the latest.


Usually I'm a pit girl all the way, but for this tour there are some real advantages to seats, especially if you can get good ones, low down in the sections near the stage. The set is HUGE and for a lot of songs they are up on the towers performing, so if you're down in front in the pit you get a rather stiff neck! Also, the stage is about 7 to 8 feet high, much higher than the usual 3-4 foot stage height. And the visuals and lighting effects are better appreciated from a bit of distance. Also, if you like to take pix and vids, you have a better chance at an unobstructed view from seats.


Hope that helps, and good luck tomorrow!

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Yea, buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale (or pre-sale) and you'll have incredible seats. I was really happy with my seats, and I could see everything - I think I got them real early on the day of the actual sale.


Absolutely don't go to the front of the GA though....I'm a 6 foot tall guy, pretty solid, and I've been worried in pits before. Mob mentality can be a scary thing.


And I've pulled my girlfriend out of several concerts after she's passed out. She's got a good 3-4 inches on you.

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Yea, buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale (or pre-sale) and you'll have incredible seats. I was really happy with my seats, and I could see everything - I think I got them real early on the day of the actual sale.


Absolutely don't go to the front of the GA though....I'm a 6 foot tall guy, pretty solid, and I've been worried in pits before. Mob mentality can be a scary thing.


And I've pulled my girlfriend out of several concerts after she's passed out. She's got a good 3-4 inches on you.


Sounds like your girlfriend keeps locking her knees while standing. Even the strongest dudes will pass out if they do that long enough.


Remember to bend and flex your legs as much as possible, and usually, no matter how much people push, you will be ok. The crowd will surge forward but will usually surge back in the opposite direction in moments. If you remain calm and just ride out the surge, you will actually learn to anticipate and even enjoy the "washing machine" effect. :D

It is very similar to being chest deep in the ocean with waves of water pushing and pulling you as the waves roll in and out.

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I have had mixed experiences in the pit... 30STM a couple of years ago in a small venue (circa 2,000) it was horrible, I ended up dropping out 2nd song in, my 13 year old daughter got groped by some idiot who thought it was acceptable to put his arms around her and kiss her on her neck, the only way she could get away from him was to pretend to faint and she got passed to the front... unfortunatley security couldn't get to him and he slunk out after the gig before I, or they, could get a hold of him...


Muse V Fest 2008, mid way in had a fabulous time, didn't get to see much but the atmoshpere was amazing and we both sang and danced our little hearts out.


Barrier at Teignmouth.. OMG, the BEST experience of my life.... it was quite simply amazing. Not too much jumping and shoving and I didn't have to hang on for dear life.. in fact it was very respectable everyone just got 'their own space' and stuck to it, despite being infront of Matt. Boy did I race for the loo afterwards after q-ing from 10.00am to the end of the gig approx 12 hours later and not having a pee.. I was desperate in the q before we went in but NO WAY was I giving up my spot... my back teeth were floating by the time I managed to 'go pee'


The advice about bending your legs is spot on.. I wouldnt have survived if it hadn't been for that.. I remember my Dad telling me thats how come the Guards outside of Buckingham palace in their little boxes stand still for so long - they continuously flex their legs and calf muscles. I took a bag full of food and ate throughout the day, slinging the bag as we went in, lots of water too in the Q.


Had seats for the last 2 wembley gigs and Liverpool and O2 last year... GA wins everytime, unless of course, you want to get some great vids or photos and then its seats all the way.


Got GA for LCCC and Wembley this time too.. can't wait! :D

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Just got GA for The Milwaukee gig on Oct 6th...first time in GA seeing Muse. My other three times were seats (wanted to take in the set, lights, and scenes). This time, screw it...Im going for the madness. Im really short for a guy (5'5) and skinny (125 lbs). Should be a hell of a time. I should get there early for the front I suppose :LOL:;)

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Had seats for the last 2 wembley gigs and Liverpool and O2 last year... GA wins everytime, unless of course, you want to get some great vids or photos and then its seats all the way.


Got GA for LCCC and Wembley this time too.. can't wait! :D


You can get great videos and photos whilst standing.


For people wondering about going GA for the US Fall show srsly go for it. I went to 2 shows in the US and those were the tamest crowds in terms of pushing and shoving... I mean I had space to dance at the barrier in Vegas! :stunned:

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I took the tip I read on here about putting my car key and money in my bra and it worked very well' date=' I didn't have to worry about losing anything. :chuckle:[/quote']


OMG was that not really painful if someone squashed you? I only just have enough room in my bra for my boobs, (34F) I dont think I would fit so much as a hair off a gnats leg in my boulder holders. :chuckle::boobs:

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You can get great videos and photos whilst standing.


For people wondering about going GA for the US Fall show srsly go for it. I went to 2 shows in the US and those were the tamest crowds in terms of pushing and shoving... I mean I had space to dance at the barrier in Vegas! :stunned:


Hmmm, I tend to jump up and down quite a lot so dont really try to, I tried it once and found I missed so much of the gig whilst trying to concentrate sooooo much on the camera that it spoiled my enjoyment so if I am GA I don't bother as much.


Dance.. at the barrier... :stunned: wow...

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Hmmm, I tend to jump up and down quite a lot so dont really try to, I tried it once and found I missed so much of the gig whilst trying to concentrate sooooo much on the camera that it spoiled my enjoyment so if I am GA I don't bother as much.


Dance.. at the barrier... :stunned: wow...


Srsly it was surreal especially being on Matt's side... I am used to hang on for dear life or being squashed but not there. Great experience though.


Something tells me that Stade de France and Wembley won't be the same :LOL:

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Okay, so I was just wondering if you musers could help me decide between GA and seats for the Cincinnati gig. I would love GA, but I'm quite small, so if I did that I'd probably have to be at the very front, correct? I'm just worried if I do GA then I'd be pushed around and stuff. Is it that bad? Would a small person like myself be able to handle it?

I'm about 5'5" ft and 110 lbs.


Just do GA. Seats give you a great view and with Muse's set-up you'll be fine no matter where you are, but I feel detached from the action when I'm seated at a rock concert. Just keep in mind that you may very well get punched, kicked, hair-whipped, beer spilled, second-hand high, groped, etc., on the floor. The crowds at all four shows I went to this spring were very tame, but in Philly I remember a lady and her son got knocked on their asses at one point and started bitching at my friends. Keep 10-15 rows back like I did in Philly and Phoenix or go to either corner all the way in the front like I did in Vegas and you should have a great view and be out of harm's way. Oh, and only line up early if you must be on the barrier or you enjoy waiting on line for hours with friends. I got to the shows after doors opened and never had a problem getting good spots.

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Sounds like your girlfriend keeps locking her knees while standing. Even the strongest dudes will pass out if they do that long enough.


Hmm, thanks, I'd never heard of that. We'll see if that helps next time.

She had brain cancer years ago (it's in remission) and she has double vision now and doesn't really have any balance. Usually what happens is, it'll be really hot in there, and then suddenly she can't see anything. She's still conscious (I guess) but basically it's like I'm helping a really drunk person out - and I'm sure that's what everyone assumes. As soon as she gets some air, she's fine. So I don't know if she's really passing out or not - I've never passed out.

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