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This is my 2nd time seeing Muse (first being 2007 in Singapore)


Demonocracy, it was worst back then. The standing area is a downhill slope. I was at the 2nd or 3rd row. When muse came on, everyone pushed forward. Many opted to be pulled out. I felt/heard my bones crush/cracked when I was squeezed. Lol. Near death experience?


Last night wasn't too bad. I don't know if it helps that it was my 2nd time seeing Muse.


I was somewhere in the middle when Saosin played. I carefully squeezed my way through when everyone was moshing during Saosin and Rise Against.


By the time Muse started, I was 2metres from the barriers.


Most of the time, people shift around. Only those at the barriers will stay there forever. My friends who were at the 2nd row during Saosin, ended up slightly further back when Muse started. Somehow, you shift around without noticing.


P.S it was a good show last night.

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The worst are those people who edge their way in. They do it so sneakily they stand there sideways and any sign of a gap they manage to fit themselves in, I just elbow them the fuck out


You can easily spot who is trying to edge in and who's trying to hold on to the barrier to steady themselves when there is a crowd movement. We had those 2 girls behind us at the O2 and we made friends with them and they did tell us that they might hold on the barrier not to get dragged, which was fine. We made sure that they were okay most of the time and got them water as well as it was easier for us at the barrier to get the attention of security.


However I did have a guy that tried to edge his way by putting his hand on the barrier and after a couple of times I gently put my elbow on his hand and shifted my whole weight on there - no need to say he took his hand off pretty quickly :LOL:

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This is my 2nd time seeing Muse (first being 2007 in Singapore)


Demonocracy, it was worst back then. The standing area is a downhill slope. I was at the 2nd or 3rd row. When muse came on, everyone pushed forward. Many opted to be pulled out. I felt/heard my bones crush/cracked when I was squeezed. Lol. Near death experience?


Last night wasn't too bad. I don't know if it helps that it was my 2nd time seeing Muse.



Well yeah guess I'm kinda lucky I didnt go for the earlier gig then haha... Can't imagine. I wouldve been...just 14 then. But then again there wasn't long 'opening' acts there, so might've been different haha

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Well yeah guess I'm kinda lucky I didnt go for the earlier gig then haha... Can't imagine. I wouldve been...just 14 then. But then again there wasn't long 'opening' acts there, so might've been different haha


Haha don't worry. Nothing bad will happen.

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The worst are those people who edge their way in. They do it so sneakily they stand there sideways and any sign of a gap they manage to fit themselves in, I just elbow them the fuck out


oooooh i hate that!!! i had a girl who had her elbow in my back the entire time during dizzee rascal at the BDO (he played a couple hours before muse)...so i shoved her back...and there was another girl who had squeezed her hand on between me and the girl next to me onto the barrier...it promptly got crushed when the mosh moved...



This is my 2nd time seeing Muse (first being 2007 in Singapore)


Demonocracy, it was worst back then. The standing area is a downhill slope. I was at the 2nd or 3rd row. When muse came on, everyone pushed forward. Many opted to be pulled out. I felt/heard my bones crush/cracked when I was squeezed. Lol. Near death experience?


Last night wasn't too bad. I don't know if it helps that it was my 2nd time seeing Muse.


I was somewhere in the middle when Saosin played. I carefully squeezed my way through when everyone was moshing during Saosin and Rise Against.


By the time Muse started, I was 2metres from the barriers.


Most of the time, people shift around. Only those at the barriers will stay there forever. My friends who were at the 2nd row during Saosin, ended up slightly further back when Muse started. Somehow, you shift around without noticing.


P.S it was a good show last night.


wow...i saw the support acts and wished i was in singapore...i love saosin and rise against...unusual choices for support acts but brilliant all the same...


what a weird venue...slopped towards the stage...


You can easily spot who is trying to edge in and who's trying to hold on to the barrier to steady themselves when there is a crowd movement. We had those 2 girls behind us at the O2 and we made friends with them and they did tell us that they might hold on the barrier not to get dragged, which was fine. We made sure that they were okay most of the time and got them water as well as it was easier for us at the barrier to get the attention of security.


However I did have a guy that tried to edge his way by putting his hand on the barrier and after a couple of times I gently put my elbow on his hand and shifted my whole weight on there - no need to say he took his hand off pretty quickly :LOL:


i like it when people actually ask first and let you know that they might actually hold on to you to stop them falling over...its just a nice gesture...and a bonus for them is that if they need help, you'll be able to get the security's attention for them...


haha nice touch with the elbow :) i did that to a girl at BDO...

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However I did have a guy that tried to edge his way by putting his hand on the barrier and after a couple of times I gently put my elbow on his hand and shifted my whole weight on there - no need to say he took his hand off pretty quickly :LOL:


Something similar happened when I saw Lily Allen ( :$ ) in December, a 12 year old girl who didn't look old enough to be in the standing area kept trying to put her hand on the barrier and me being a large-ish (as in tall and slightly fat :LOL: ) 16 year old boy, I promptly tried to crush her hand with my elbow and she soon gave up after myself and someone else shouted at her!


But back on topic, I think me and my girlfriend will brave Matt's side, we think she can cope with it haha. We've already agreed if she gets pulled out, I don't go with her :p

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You can easily spot who is trying to edge in and who's trying to hold on to the barrier to steady themselves when there is a crowd movement. We had those 2 girls behind us at the O2 and we made friends with them and they did tell us that they might hold on the barrier not to get dragged, which was fine. We made sure that they were okay most of the time and got them water as well as it was easier for us at the barrier to get the attention of security.


However I did have a guy that tried to edge his way by putting his hand on the barrier and after a couple of times I gently put my elbow on his hand and shifted my whole weight on there - no need to say he took his hand off pretty quickly :LOL:


And you have sharp elbows!!


It's like this. If I queue for 12 hrs to get the barrier, there is no chance in hell anyone will be pulling me away from it so they can slide in front. Shit gets srs when people try that and I throw one hell of an elbow.




i like it when people actually ask first and let you know that they might actually hold on to you to stop them falling over...its just a nice gesture...and a bonus for them is that if they need help, you'll be able to get the security's attention for them...


haha nice touch with the elbow :) i did that to a girl at BDO...


:yesey: Like Laure said, we made friends with the girls behind us at the O2, and they were so friendly and apologetic in advance that I let one of them grab onto my arm every time she felt herself going over!

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Oh no, I am such a pushover :facepalm: I am going to be pushed right away from my spot; I know it. I don't know if I could bring myself to hit, shove, and smush hands. Oh now I am worried.


I'm not worried about defending myself using my sailor mouth, evil eye and exceptionally sharp elbows. If that doesn't work, though, I'm screwed. I'm not exactly a hulking Amazon.

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Oh no, I am such a pushover :facepalm: I am going to be pushed right away from my spot; I know it. I don't know if I could bring myself to hit, shove, and smush hands. Oh now I am worried.


Get to know people around you in line. Make friends with everyone. Strength in numbers!! Also, if you can, there's usually a support beam off the barrier, there's one dead center and some near the left and right. It depends on how big the barrier is. Try standing and holding onto that if things get really rough.

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okay, so say I make it to the barrier. I'm right up front.

How close is the stage to the barrier? does it vary for different venues? or is it always like, close enough for matt to sweat on you, or is there like a gap bigger than that?


(if this makes sense...)


The barrier is about 1m 1/2 away from the stage.


Srsly what is it with people and wanting Bellamy's sweat??



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hmmm i cant decide :( my friends wanna sit but.. its my first muse gig damnit and sitting seems boring :LOL:


Depends where you are, perhaps, and if you're in numbered seats or if it's a GA bunfight. It's a bit easier to take pics and such, and you have somewhere to park your bum and just enjoy the pure glory of Exogenesis (I leaned back on the top of my folded-up seat at Sheffield) and you can go to the loo if someone can hold your place for you. I haven't experienced the floor yet but I imagine just the sheer press of bodies leads to a more intense experience.

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okay, so say I make it to the barrier. I'm right up front.

How close is the stage to the barrier? does it vary for different venues? or is it always like, close enough for matt to sweat on you, or is there like a gap bigger than that?


(if this makes sense...)


In general arena gigs it's usually a few feet, I don't think Muse have played that intimately in a while :LOL:

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Having been right at the front for a gig where there wasn't even a barrier, I can definitely agree with everyone who says that band members' sweat is gross :LOL:


Yeah. I was at the front of Wicked and you could literelly see the spit and sweat of the actors' flying off into the audience, it's gross :LOL:

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