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For me there is not a worst song, there are only bad songs that I don't like, such as NSC and soldier's poem. But often when I hate a song I still want to listen to them sometimes. So I don't think there is a Muse song that I would never want to listen. Maybe seldom, but not never.


...That was weird...:rolleyes::):rolleyes:


i agree. I don't like NSC, but i do like Soldier's Poem.

but sometimes there is a moment where i'm like, "I wanna hear NSC!" and i just rock out to that song, because naturally i know all of the lyrics. It's still Muse and it's still amazing, but it's not as good as their other songs.

i think people like NSC just the Musers dont like the fact that Matt wrote it... :p

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Well, it's difficult to say, the worst MUSE song ever? Hm, when I think about it, I would go for song covers, you know, Feeling Good, etc. Why? They're good, true, but they are not MUSE creations :rolleyes:


As to the other songs/ compositions, all of them are great :happy:

I really like 'Unintended', it's sort of my first encounter with MUSE (and I never was keen on rock music - well not that much, it was OK) and this song made me search for other MUSE songs ('New Born', 'Sing for Absolution' and the whole lot). And I sort of developed a soft spot for MUSE and the unique euphony of sounds they create - I can find everything in their music.

Also, the songs that (at the beginning) were just OK, have gradually turned into real dears :D ('Assassin', 'Citizen Erased')

A lot depends on my mood swings. Definitely cannot diss a MUSE song, because each and everyone of them was composed and performed with real ingenuity and extreme attention to detail. :happy:

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I does nothing for me, i'd much rather listen to NSC,

and it may not be the "worst ever" cause i still haven't listened to everything that Muse have recored, but what i've listened to so far, it's my least favourite.


You have soooo much to learn, young Padawan!

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I just realized that there is one other song that I don't like, except sometimes before sleep.


And...That song...Is... :dance::dance:


(Drum roll!) :awesome:


AND THAT SONG IS...Hoodoo...There's something in it that I can't stand...It's so weird...



I didn't really like Hoodoo at first either, but I liked it a lot more after watching the Wembley version. Now I love it.

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I am disappointed in all the hate Unintended is getting. I think it's a great song and tied with Muscle Museum for the best on Showbiz. I also like Guiding Light and NSC. I despise Soldier's Poem though

:eek: wash your mouth (or keyboard :p) out with soap! I LOVE soldier's poem! :eek:


effing jets fan.... :indiff:

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