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Hullabaloo DVD


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hey its fine, I could have made my excuses, tried to dig myself out of it - or reacted badly - but I didn't I took what was coming. I realised, yeah that was dumb, time to take the fall........




I will say (in doing so, make my excuse now) that I have a foul computer, real peice of rubbish and sometimes YOUTUBE videos uploaded like that only appear as 'you need flash'- othertimes (like just after I'd been flamed) they show up fine


what can I say, my antiquated computer set me up for the fall,please just have some mercy.


I'm begging



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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I finally did it I bought Hullabaloo. I bought it from amazon.co.uk it was on sale for like 15 pounds including S&H, unfortunately I live in states and I don't have a reigon 2 dvd player. But I watched it on my computer and honestly it kicks ass. IMO the live show is better than abso tour, but that's probably cause i <3 OoS. Haven't watched the second disc yet but i'll do it later. K, bye, Just would like everybody to know.

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Haven't saw it for a while but it is the business. Really good.


I thought the Absolution tour DVD was dissapointing to be honest. I mean it was basically just them playing at Glastonbury, with some added extras from the tour. Too polished in my opinion.


I did love the little film 'the groove in the states'....goin off at a tangent here... It was really good and much more in the spirit of Hullabaloo. Matt chucks his guitar in a dust bin at the end, for fecks sake. Its brilliant. And then some guy comes along and decides he's just got himself a new guitar, says 'its my guitar now' and then makes a sharp exit.


Now that's rock and roll.

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Ok, I finally did it I bought Hullabaloo. I bought it from amazon.co.uk it was on sale for like 15 pounds including S&H, unfortunately I live in states and I don't have a reigon 2 dvd player. But I watched it on my computer and honestly it kicks ass. IMO the live show is better than abso tour, but that's probably cause i <3 OoS. Haven't watched the second disc yet but i'll do it later. K, bye, Just would like everybody to know.

did you pay it with a credit card? i want to buy it too but i wouldn't know how to buy or what to do since its in the uk and i live in the states as well. what did you have to do? anything special since you live in the states? im just scared to buy anything overseas. especially when its my credit card.

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My dad says he'll let me order it; he wants to watch the live performance.


..but I don't think it'd be a good idea for him to see the documentary... he might hate Muse then. :$:LOL:

dont you hate it when your parents are into the same things you are. its not that its uncool, its just for that reason you mentioned. their criticisms just affect you more. if my mother truely knew some of the bands i listened to, she would prolly cut me down. cut me way down.

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dont you hate it when your parents are into the same things you are. its not that its uncool, its just for that reason you mentioned. their criticisms just affect you more. if my mother truely knew some of the bands i listened to, she would prolly cut me down. cut me way down.


Yes, exactly!

I find it great my dad actually like Muse's music, at first I thought he would think it as "rebel music" and "its too heavy and angsty", but then again, he doesn't really know them. I let him watch funny interviews and videos from Muselive/YouTube/etc, letting him hear softer songs like Unintended, so I can show him that Muse aren't all "heavy rock", and things like that. But its a shame I can't let him see the "other side of Muse": "SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" My god... I don't know how my dad'll react to that. :stunned: Of course, I also can't let him listen/read things that involve naughty things :LOL: , shroom eating.. stuff like that.

My dad might die of shock if he hears them swear. He hasn't heard them swear at all, except for 'damn', and 'hell' in songs, which aren't even really swearing though... :rolleyes: Its great that my dad likes their music, but at the same time, its annoying to me whenever he criticizes them; I can't help but to take it so personally... He thinks he knows them more than I do. I mean, I don't know everything about Muse of course, but you know what I mean. It bugs me when my dad's saying things like "Oh they're really arrogant and stubborn, I know how 'rock stars' are, believe me."

So all I do is show him the 'clean' side of Muse, and trying to show that Muse aren't ignorant, narrow-minded, with massive egos, only caring about themselves etc.


Sorry, I just started rambling..

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Yes, exactly!

I find it great my dad actually like Muse's music, at first I thought he would think it as "rebel music" and "its too heavy and angsty", but then again, he doesn't really know them. I let him watch funny interviews and videos from Muselive/YouTube/etc, letting him hear softer songs like Unintended, so I can show him that Muse aren't all "heavy rock", and things like that. But its a shame I can't let him see the "other side of Muse": "SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" My god... I don't know how my dad'll react to that. :stunned: Of course, I also can't let him listen/read things that involve naughty things :LOL: , shroom eating.. stuff like that.

My dad might die of shock if he hears them swear. He hasn't heard them swear at all, except for 'damn', and 'hell' in songs, which aren't even really swearing though... :rolleyes: Its great that my dad likes their music, but at the same time, its annoying to me whenever he criticizes them; I can't help but to take it so personally... He thinks he knows them more than I do. I mean, I don't know everything about Muse of course, but you know what I mean. It bugs me when my dad's saying things like "Oh they're really arrogant and stubborn, I know how 'rock stars' are, believe me."

So all I do is show him the 'clean' side of Muse, and trying to show that Muse aren't ignorant, narrow-minded, with massive egos, only caring about themselves etc.


Sorry, I just started rambling..

no, you're totally right. i do the same exact thing but with my mom. only because i want to listen to it in the car. but i would neeeeeevver show her videos like sit the fuck down. haha, her favorite song is starlight so i play it for her. but i get her to like some songs so i wont feel guilty for whatever reason

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1) never EVER be afraid or shy or conservative about the music you love. it's a passion, show it off. :] who cares what people will say/do/think. you like it, you enjoy it. the band consists of real people too - and you can't control what they say/do/think either.


swearing is overrated. almost (ALMOST.) everything is okay in moderation.


2) don't be afraid to buy things online, no matter where they're from. just MAKE SURE it is a reliable store or seller (check ratings and such) and all that. check eBay for a lot of rare Muse things, or European online stores like HMV, Virgin UK and Play.com.

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1) never EVER be afraid or shy or conservative about the music you love. it's a passion, show it off. :] who cares what people will say/do/think. you like it, you enjoy it. the band consists of real people too - and you can't control what they say/do/think either.


swearing is overrated. almost (ALMOST.) everything is okay in moderation.


2) don't be afraid to buy things online, no matter where they're from. just MAKE SURE it is a reliable store or seller (check ratings and such) and all that. check eBay for a lot of rare Muse things, or European online stores like HMV, Virgin UK and Play.com.


I'm not afraid about the music I love. :p I wouldn't care if the people I'm worried about weren't my parents. I can't show my dad the 'Sit the Fuck Down' video, otherwise he'll get mad at me and cut me off from the Internet forever and think I'm some rebellious angsty kid. :stunned: That's going a bit far though, but you know what I mean.

I really don't care what others think when it comes to my preference to music, but I'm talking about my parents...

I can't show the videos with a bunch of swearing because my dad'll be like "OH GOD BAD INFLUENCE". For now I can't let him know about the "other" things about Muse. :indiff:

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To answer whoevers question it was I did infact use a credit card to order off of amazon.co.uk. It bills you in pounds but you get charged the equivalent in dollars. Overall with S&H it is about $30, but it is totally worth it.


On another note I found out I can play it on my Xbox, so I'm a happy camper right about now.

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I remember being so afraid of letting my parents hear cursing in music that I would censor myself from even listening to it. I actually found later that dads are typically very open to cursing... in fact, my dad expressed relief once my sister and I were adults that he could stop holding his tongue (my mom didn't think much of that idea though). :rolleyes:


Chances are the music that your father listens to (or at least the stuff he listened to as a teenager) was peppered with the occasional swear word as well. I wouldn't censor your music for your parents. Chances are they know you're not a psycho, and they already know of the varied talents of Muse... a few swear words shouldn't change their opinion.


Um... they aren't uber-religious are they? If that's the case please ignore my post. :LOL:

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I remember being so afraid of letting my parents hear cursing in music that I would censor myself from even listening to it. I actually found later that dads are typically very open to cursing... in fact, my dad expressed relief once my sister and I were adults that he could stop holding his tongue (my mom didn't think much of that idea though). :rolleyes:


Chances are the music that your father listens to (or at least the stuff he listened to as a teenager) was peppered with the occasional swear word as well. I wouldn't censor your music for your parents. Chances are they know you're not a psycho, and they already know of the varied talents of Muse... a few swear words shouldn't change their opinion.


Um... they aren't uber-religious are they? If that's the case please ignore my post. :LOL:


I know my dad didn't listen to music involving swearing when he was younger. I can't imagine even if he did. :LOL:

My parents like music like opera/classical/jazz, that kind of thing. I think my dad is more open to different kinds of genres than my mom, which is why he likes Muse and other bands my mom wouldn't like, but it doesn't mean he'll be fine listening to Crying Shame or "You Fucking Motherfucker" :LOL:


My mom on the other hand is less... open to music. I was playing New Born in the car (it wasn't even loud, just sort of in the background) and after the piano intro ended and the guitar came in she just did this funny punching/slapping hand motion to the stereo and said,"CAN'T WE LISTEN TO SOMETHING LESS DEPRESSING AND MORE RELAXING?!" And if she gets into a hissy fit even if I say silly things like 'stupid' or 'duh', I don't want to know how she'll react to me saying 'damn it'.

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I know my dad didn't listen to music involving swearing when he was younger. I can't imagine even if he did. :LOL:

My parents like music like opera/classical/jazz, that kind of thing. I think my dad is more open to different kinds of genres than my mom, which is why he likes Muse and other bands my mom wouldn't like, but it doesn't mean he'll be fine listening to Crying Shame or "You Fucking Motherfucker" :LOL:


My mom on the other hand is less... open to music. I was playing New Born in the car (it wasn't even loud, just sort of in the background) and after the piano intro ended and the guitar came in she just did this funny punching/slapping hand motion to the stereo and said,"CAN'T WE LISTEN TO SOMETHING LESS DEPRESSING AND MORE RELAXING?!" And if she gets into a hissy fit even if I say silly things like 'stupid' or 'duh', I don't want to know how she'll react to me saying 'damn it'.


Opera? Full of sex and violence, that! :LOL: I always thought my dad only listened to classical and jazz as well. Turns out he was a fan of Allman Brothers and Pink Floyd too. My your mom sounds a bit like mine though... she liked my music when I was in Junior High and listened to oldies and Enya *shudder*. I got an email from her the other day... she asked me if I'd heard the new Justin Timberlake. That was weird... she never did understand my musical tastes. :rolleyes: Come to think of it, I was playing "Exit Music" on OK Computer, and my dad actually said something like "When these guys sing about something, why is it always depressing?" I wanted to say, "Have you listened to Dark Side Of The Moon lately?" I just said, "um... the next one's more upbeat..." :$


So um... keep playing the clean Muse songs for your dad. And get your mom Watermark by Enya for Christmas. It's great... if you like that sort of thing. And play "You Fucking Motherfucker" in your bedroom where they can't hear it... I guess there's some things parents are better off not knowing. ;)

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my mother or father have never been fussed with language in music, swearing is nothing, theres bigger things for parents to get worked up about. i do remember once playing newborn in the car with my dad and he was loving the intro, then the guitar kicks in and he said 'well thats ruined!' tut tut, he dosnt have a clue :p but i think he has more respect these days as ive worked my arse off on guitar to play this stuff

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I'm lucky me and my dad have the same musical taste, and I have a pretty broad range from like muse to the streets to chemical brothers and other stuff, no hip-hop though, the streets are as close as I'll ever get to that crap genre.


Edit: BTW, does anybody know of any secrets on either of the dvds.

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