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Celtic Rose

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Everything posted by Celtic Rose

  1. Why is it we see Muse in that way, do you think? Maybe its because in our mind, only the coolest Muse fans go to gigs, lol, and because we see ourselves as a minority, hardly anyone goes. Crazy.
  2. Whenever I dream of Muse, it is always either in a tiny venue, like a church hall, or a huge venue but with like, 6 people there. I never, EVER dream of Wembley-like situations. If I ever dreamed of Wembley, it would be empty.
  3. I had a strange half waking, half asleep dream. I looked at the clock and it said 8:04, but it was the night not the morning! I had slept all day, and had an hour to get to London to see Muse! I was running around my room, quickly packing my camera, a pen etc. Magically I was then in London, running through the streets (much like after Wembley, when I nearly missed my coach). When I got to the non descript venue, there were only half a dozen people there, it looked like a school assembly hall, there were even benches and gym equipment lying around! I never actually saw Muse.
  4. I asked about that, because I wanted binary code going along the sides. The tattooist said it was pointless because he skin make up of the soles of your feet are different to the rest of your skin, and even a permanant tattoo would only last about three months.
  5. Got dat az wel lolz. I have the forks, the snimal, the MUSE logo, and "objects are closer than they appear". And soon, the KoC horse, but I'm making it a unicorn.....
  6. Where are you from? In the UK its illegal to tattoo someone under the age of 18, even with parental consent, and the person who did it could lose their license, presuming they have one. Also, post a pic.
  7. As somene who has four Muse tats, I gotta say, thats a bit extreme! What are you going to do when you need a real job? Or go off Muse in a few years? Or realse Absolution is shit? At least my are small/hidden enough.......
  8. Indeed, I probably wouldn't keep it circular either, just let the mist curl around my shoulder and the top of my arm. Might get Mikey coloured to, I like the greenblue inversion..........
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