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I got the cd's yesterday! I've only listened to two & 1/2 songs so far because I was in a rush to get to work this morning. I must say I'm really enjoying it. You guys have some serious talent. I'll have a proper listen when I get home tonight to give some feedback but so far I've noticed the whole bass thing. I had to turn my sub off. And the drums are really light on the first track.

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for the record - NONE of the drums are me! :p theyve been made in a computer! haha


I think "Void" is programmed around something I played whilst jamming but all other drum tracks are made and written by Matt on a PC.


I play them differently live! :D


Come see us - it'll be 'whack'!

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We got our first review! Of our myspace for some reason....


"Here the bassist from the ultra-metal band Jim Crow's Grave pulls an unexpected left-turn and forms Hastings' premier Hot Chip influenced electropop group. Splashes of actual guitar and bass aside, To The Moon Alice have built their songs on kicking, clonking drum-machines, New Wave synth-lines, and uncertain vocals. Over a generous six tracks the songwriting is strong, thought the geezerish, misjudged Dancing with Dwarves and mannered Placebo-isms of One In The Bush let the side down. Standards in this genre need to be high for club crossover potential, but a firm producer and decent studio could bring forth some disco stardust from To The Moon Alice.



Not bad I guess, although we haven't had those songs up for months so it must be ancient :rolleyes:

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We got our first review! Of our myspace for some reason....


"Here the bassist from the ultra-metal band Jim Crow's Grave pulls an unexpected left-turn and forms Hastings' premier Hot Chip influenced electropop group. Splashes of actual guitar and bass aside, To The Moon Alice have built their songs on kicking, clonking drum-machines, New Wave synth-lines, and uncertain vocals. Over a generous six tracks the songwriting is strong, thought the geezerish, misjudged Dancing with Dwarves and mannered Placebo-isms of One In The Bush let the side down. Standards in this genre need to be high for club crossover potential, but a firm producer and decent studio could bring forth some disco stardust from To The Moon Alice.



Not bad I guess, although we haven't had those songs up for months so it must be ancient :rolleyes:


what a sexy review :p

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Currently no vocals, but this is what I've got so far of my new demo pencilled as "Historia" (name will most likely change for final release)


Sorry if it's quiet; Garageband likes to mess up the sound when I export tracks by being all "Normalizing" about it all. Grrr. Why can't it just export it how I hear in the program? Anyway, that's another story.


Edit: Oh and I know there are a few harmonies that are a bit off. I'll fix that for the final version (Garageband was getting REALLY laggy and I couldn't be bothered re-importing the sibelius midi again because it takes quite a while to get it all sorted after that)

Edited by Apoplexia
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I listened to about half of it. The piano sound really bugged me. It seemed far too bright, especially compared to the heaviness of the rest of the parts. I feel like you could be doing something more interesting with the piano part's rhythm as well.


That was, unfortunately, a problem with garageband and my Midi file; it took both piano lines and made them one (D:<) so I couldn't control the "right hand" and "left hand" tracks individually. I'll sort it for the final thing though.


And I'm sure I can work something out. Thanks for your feedback :)

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