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Fun With a Random Paragraph Generator


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Enter 2 Muse-related subjects and paste your goodies :D


My 2 Subjects were "Matt Bellamy" and "bananas"


Before the extreme manufacturer consents a touched scream. When can bananas enter throughout Matt Bellamy? A club decays. Within Matt Bellamy mutters bananas.


Bananas populates the exhaustive holy before a bay. His fired divine stalls under bananas. The rose arithmetic pretends around the pat major. Matt Bellamy proclaims a difficult hello past the irritated insult. How does Matt Bellamy sneak past bananas?


An inform clause chalks into the radio ax. Matt Bellamy marches beneath the native. Without bananas rages Matt Bellamy. Underneath a socialist crashes the mistake. A coffee disadvantages another keeper. Matt Bellamy swears the eccentric.


The grave sickens underneath this enough alert. Does bananas degenerate under Matt Bellamy? Matt Bellamy excites the magazine. When will Matt Bellamy dish the deterrent directive? Bananas perfects Matt Bellamy. Her largest endeavor cooperates with this strict diagonal.



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Dom Howard swears into the master. Dom Howard initiates rainbow pants underneath an episode. The dictator exempts rainbow pants. How does rainbow pants lather Dom Howard? Dom Howard cards rainbow pants. Dom Howard locates his waffle across the digest.


Outside rainbow pants scores a pitfall. Rainbow pants breathes. Rainbow pants labels your nature with the irresponsible view. Dom Howard bucks rainbow pants. The abandoned correspondent divorces rainbow pants. When will rainbow pants sugar a bed?


A spoilt fellow responds with a crossed journalist. Above Dom Howard farms rainbow pants. The dentist argues next to the maze. How does your pulled eater snack under a triangle? Your ideal migrates around a bone sin.



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A pad allocates Chris Wolstenholme. The variant premise sickens behind a satellite scum. The commentator twists! Manson grabs Chris Wolstenholme without the reward. Chris Wolstenholme authorizes Manson underneath an ownership.


o teh horrurz :ohmy:

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Will Matt Bellamy degenerate into a persecuted newsletter? Matt Bellamy guts David Tennant in the hope. Matt Bellamy seals David Tennant. Matt Bellamy pops below David Tennant. The racist sells his pit. David Tennant pops.


David Tennant regards Matt Bellamy behind a voltage. David Tennant bars the abused libel without an evil ratio. The bomb triumphs over David Tennant. The heresy replaces David Tennant. The erased purple bridges David Tennant. Matt Bellamy grasps an operator around the complementary conflict.





The radio originator smiles against a python. A deputy tome reclaims Matt Bellamy. The pig pulps the promise next to the saddening custard. The same subway seasons each dogma. With the contained bed rails the tentative twist. Matt Bellamy hides David Tennant in the crystal.


LMAO@the last line.

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The catastrophic tale concentrates the year. The crowd mocks Chris Wolstenholme around the slogan. The appearance apologizes for beer after the threat. Beer burdens the noise. Chris Wolstenholme rips beer outside a helpful newcomer. The verbal opposite breaks.


When will beer arrive? Why does the muck persist into Chris Wolstenholme? Beer volunteers near a wet bookstore. Beer cheats throughout Chris Wolstenholme.



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Dom Howard fevers a roof. The uncle rails. How can a nickname overcome outside your hip agony? Chris Wolstenholme solos! How can Dom Howard fool Chris Wolstenholme? Will Dom Howard err past the offending professional?


The specimen supports Dom Howard near the warming distress. When will Dom Howard jump Chris Wolstenholme? Why won't Dom Howard lust before Chris Wolstenholme? The limiting overview objects with the suspended identifier.


lol oh my! :LOL:

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Her imposed liquor pencils Chris Wolstenholme beside an ancient. Chris Wolstenholme coppers Matt Bellamy near the bedroom. Why does the blurb code Chris Wolstenholme? How will Chris Wolstenholme dog Matt Bellamy? Matt Bellamy discovers Chris Wolstenholme with the mum.



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The analyst samples a water. Matt Bellamy causes your felt visible after the charmed fire. The smashed policeman runs outside piano. Inside piano nests Matt Bellamy. A nuisance lurks throughout piano.


A synthesis appalls Matt Bellamy against the competent prince. The licenced singer quibbles within the complaint. Piano accelerates an open mythology. The mum stereotype teams piano. A likelihood understands Matt Bellamy after a withdrawn flute.



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  • 11 months later...

Uhh, cause I'm a freak, I put my name and Matt's. Observe. Cause it's awesome, and slightly sexual...


Matt Bellamy leaks near the bathroom. Matt Bellamy bolts inside Rachel. Rachel flowers throughout Matt Bellamy. Matt Bellamy decides below the interactive stem. Why won't Matt Bellamy solo?


(Awww, he peed hisself.)


Matt Bellamy slides in Rachel. Will the associated sentient motor Matt Bellamy? Below a choice yard conforms Matt Bellamy. With a delayed acid succeeds a lethal wombat. Rachel bowls Matt Bellamy opposite the electorate. Matt Bellamy enters beside Rachel.


(See, sexual!)


How can Rachel rest near Matt Bellamy? A located ruler kisses Matt Bellamy. The sorry lens volunteers above Rachel. Matt Bellamy pounds the gnome inside the apple. Rachel changes across Matt Bellamy.


Matt Bellamy prosecutes Rachel behind a hog. :LOL:


The academic archive taps Matt in the dubious trouble. Near Matt weds an inconsistent endeavor. Why won't Rachel participate? Rachel struggles underneath Matt. The trade moves Matt.


(Mmm, there would be no struggling.)


Why won't Matt work the world? :D


Oh and two other favorites of mine were something about Matt raving throughout me and singing into me. -sigh- how strange!

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The public spits opposite a synonym! A tea coasts against your mother. Why won't your mother coast near Chris Wolstenholme? Does Chris Wolstenholme rock outside the edited winter?


Dom administers to Matt with the chemical. Why does the lad screw the plagued valley? Outside a quantum interferes the article. A major crowds the dictatorship. Dom refers to Matt opposite the unsound code.


i lol.

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overall the paragraph makes zero sense... BUT there are some quite funny lines....


A soft detector flushes Matt under an outrage. The pacifier tails the breeze. Matt fails before Chris. Opposite a breeze defects Matt. Chris positions Matt.



Also I find this interesting.... I selected "Chris" and "Matt" as my subjects, but the generator didn't enter the word "Matt" like it was supposed to... it instead referenced him in a different way.


Chris waves. Chris shifts beside a paranoid. A sneaky operator withdraws the mercury underneath the appointed song. Chris frowns the antique. Why does Chris read under an explanatory river? The mystery tutors Chris across the sterling heroin.

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Within Matt Bellamy finishes a knight. Matt Bellamy struggles. Matt Bellamy betters this liquid against the quiz. An alarm launches Matt Bellamy. A chopping needle sizes Matt Bellamy next to a pit. The fairy muddles Floccinaucinihilipilification. :confused::LOL:

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Dom Howard amuses Matt Bellamy under the choral. The electronic circuitry congests an embedded elephant. Matt Bellamy kisses Dom Howard after the lord. The aggressive fish spells Matt Bellamy around the swallow. Dom Howard suffers throughout Matt Bellamy. Should the rent assistant rocket?




Dom Howard hardens! Dom Howard cashes Matt Bellamy. Can Dom Howard dictate next to the back copyright? The material incident accelerates the convenience.


The first sentence made me :LOL: How immature :facepalm:


Can Matt Bellamy reason near Dom Howard? An aunt hardens! In the trivial dye jams Matt Bellamy. The pornography publicizes Dom Howard.


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Matt Bellamy errs near its historical boss. Does an understandable endeavor stray within me? Matt Bellamy frowns near me. How can the sphere spin near Matt Bellamy?


Computer twists Matt Bellamy around the unnatural jury. Computer gains the ringing moan around a genocide. Matt Bellamy marries computer. Computer works above Matt Bellamy.

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I typed my own name. :ninja:


Matt Bellamy rattles opposite the sod. The width elaborates throughout a stress. Jemma trips behind the hook. Jemma obtains Matt Bellamy within the guilty arch. Matt Bellamy nests into the threat. Matt Bellamy charms Jemma with an upgrade thrust.


UPGRADE THRUST? :LOL: ... :facepalm:


The lacking member duffs the muck. Jemma joins Dom Howard against a casual fashion. When can Dom Howard sweep beside Jemma? Jemma colors Dom Howard above the paranoid piano.


Chris Wolstenholme dominates Jemma over the planetary chestnut. Chris Wolstenholme faces Jemma. The boundary jails the oriental comic. A protest composes beneath the dirt. Chris Wolstenholme barks the alliance.


:LOL:... I'm supposed to be doing my Drama Theory essay!

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I put Matt Bellamy and Pwoper and this is what it gave me :LOL:


Pwoper absents the vital ideal. Pwoper funds Matt Bellamy in an upgrade. After the meal dresses Matt Bellamy. Matt Bellamy sticks Pwoper. Pwoper coachs Matt Bellamy against the spectacular. A tribe bubbles!

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A combat breathes in Keytar. Matt Bellamy snacks underneath Keytar. The crass postcard yields a creed. Its amplifier speculates without Keytar. The bible promotes Matt Bellamy.



The generalized ideal burns opposite Matt Bellamy. Zetas blasts a bag past the operator. Matt Bellamy subsidizes a certain knife. How will Zetas fuss below a lunchtime? How does Zetas inspire Matt Bellamy? Matt Bellamy obliges Zetas.

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The generalized ideal burns opposite Matt Bellamy. Zetas blasts a bag past the operator. Matt Bellamy subsidizes a certain knife. How will Zetas fuss below a lunchtime? How does Zetas inspire Matt Bellamy? Matt Bellamy obliges Zetas.


:LOL: this is :awesome:

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An impressed waste instructs Matt Bellamy with the corpse. Dom Howard spins into Matt Bellamy. The hypothesis sighs into the search. Matt Bellamy twists next to Dom Howard. A censored mechanic frowns Dom Howard. Dom Howard wants a cloud.


Dom Howard waves on top of whatever inaccessible vinyl. A news extends into Matt Bellamy into an approaching disorder. Matt Bellamy jams near a fog. The picked speaker scotches the laser next to the terrible childhood.


Chris assaults the leaning paste. Tofu jumps Chris. Tofu harms Chris opposite the office. A sophisticate dodges above the head greed. :eek: I would never hurt Chris. :'(


Floccinaucinihilplification reassures zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba. How does floccinaucinihilplification farm above the sentence? The developing blessed despises floccinaucinihilplification across an excess divorce. Zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba advances floccinaucinihilplification. Floccinaucinihilplification humors the bullet below a dropped microprocessor. Under every novel degenerates every jacket.

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Dom Howard rends gay after the vain. When can its change ax Dom Howard ? The empirical factory invalidates the contest. Gay tailors the mystic musician.


The experimental number deprives the concatenate prayer. The packet harms whatever derivative. Dom Howard references gay under the ballet. The unknown excites the built attitude around a jelly.


Gay misguides Dom Howard . Dom Howard solves the bearing passenger below a populace. Why does Dom Howard supply a landed mole? The director degenerates into an offender throughout my deranged poison. A nonsense northern publicizes Dom Howard . Dom Howard prefixes gay.



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