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If minimalism means lack of intrigue, then basically none of Muse's music is minimalist at all. Madness has loads of intrigue throughout the song. In fact, the guitar solo, which you reffered to as intriguing, is one of the most stock/cliche bits of the entire song. The bassline though, for pop-rock music, is extremely intriguing.


I don't really see it, the bassline in the verses is mostly mimicing Matt's vocal stutter on the root note, though the syncopation under the A♭ and E♭ chords is cool. Madness vaguely reminds me of Steve Reich's brand of minimalism, with its droning repetition and exaggerated tonality. Both are too simplistic for my tastes.


Pretty much. If we've learned anything from Drones it should be that simplicity isn't what makes the band good. Not to beat the Origin horse to death, but that's not exactly a straight forward album despite it's mostly conventional instrumentation.


No, but it was a big step in the right direction. Muse are most at home when they're in the heavier and more intense end of the rock spectrum.


Now they need to take their other genre experiments and infuse them with that same punch and viscerality.

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I dunno. They usually look cool in previews and then end up as sort of cringy nonsense later.


*cough* Madness *cough*


Their videos have never really been particularly good or memorable tbf. Knights is the only genuinely great one I can think of.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Drones is a fantastic album.


I did indeed enjoy the Dead Inside video, but I really enjoy the actual music itself.


Aftermath, The Globalist, Dead Inside, are probably their finest tracks in a while. Those tracks are far better than The Resistance tracks.


I also enjoy the single "Drones" track. I know that track might be hard for some folks to listen to, I just think it's a good song. Makes you really wonder if this was how Matt Bellamy felt when he was part of his church as a kid, and in the Drones track, I wonder if Matt was portraying a shard of his memory and writing it into his music.


Aftermath is like a victorious ending, overcoming "the globalist" elite oppressors and becoming now that there is peace, you have found the woman of your dreams and can move on.


I wonder if Matt was trying tell us he believes in mankind even though our world today is in such a sorry, recessive state.


The Globalist I have mixed feelings about, mainly because his lyrics glorify the global elite. However the instrumentals in this track is spectacular. Especially the heavy metal part in the middle. Muse can still rock it! Can't wait to see that part live.


Dead Inside was the track that got me into the album. I didn't like Dead Inside at first until probably my 3rd listen and I was hooked. Basically the track is about his breakup with Kate Hudson. Dead Inside is definitely better than their previous single though, better than "Madness" from 2nd Law.

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Question: there seem to be more threads where people are talking about the subtleties of the writing on Drones even though almost unanimously the lyrics were slammed for the exact opposite reason, being way too simple. I'd like to hear the "subtle lyric" people talk about this.
what was your question?


And I think it's because people can actually see a meaning in Drones. Any moron can have an opinion.


I have no clue what for example Screenager is about, because it isn't in my face. The reason I don't discuss this is because I simply don't care about it. I haven't even checked what the lyrics are.

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what was your question?


And I think it's because people can actually see a meaning in Drones. Any moron can have an opinion.


I have no clue what for example Screenager is about, because it isn't in my face. The reason I don't discuss this is because I simply don't care about it. I haven't even checked what the lyrics are.


My question was: "Where are the supposed subtleties in Drones lyrics?" They appear non-existent to me.

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My question was: "Where are the supposed subtleties in Drones lyrics?" They appear non-existent to me.
ah yeah, I thought you were saying the opposite. Basically trying to prove that the lyrics weren't that simple because people were discussing them.
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