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saw this before on muselive, still don't get it.


The hits arent random, theyre a steady beat, so it could be theyre recording it for the new album, similar to playing a bass drum in a swimming pool like they did for absolution.

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yeah its the same as when they hit an old wheel in a field for TIRO....


or played the bass in a swimming pool


or RBS in a courtyard


except this time its in a field with sheep....


but why is he listening on a mobile!??!


He has an i-phone! Just whack an mp3 on it! hahaha

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it haz to be that imo. they're getting so fucking experimental appazzently. recording every instrument down the phone for some SIK SOUNDING FX and, rumour haz it that the 118118 men with mustaches will be playing trumpet and cello on one song.

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