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que? :confused:


I tried a Pearl pedal and that was longer and much better for me....

He's saying his shoe size :LOL:


Hooray I'm getting some new cymbals for my birthday! I got to pick them and then mum bought em for me :D They're Zildjian Planet Z cymbals, I got a Crash, Hi-Hat and Ride :)







I was originally intending on getting ZBT's but these were almost a third of the price and I liked the sound of them. So ZBT's will be next :)


Now I just need decent drums

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I've been playing the drums in the premature ejaculators and could do with some tips from actual drummers (I'm a bassist really, can't afford drum lessons). I struggle with:


1. lower back pain

2. my left hand is retarded compared to my right

3. I get cramp in my calves from kicking

4. I get fucking knackered playing the drums!


Also anwhere you can buy 2nd hand cymbals on the net? Mine are all broken.

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3. I get cramp in my calves from kicking


Sit a bit further away from the kit so your legs are on a bit of an angle(not too much though). You calves might be getting sore because you're too close to the kit.


Also, try playing with or without shoes (whichever you havn't done). No shoes works for me... I feel alot more comfortable. Might not help the cramps, but will make you feel more comfortable.


Whatever's good for you.

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Yeah overhead, definitely.


Nice cymbals from above^^^





Thanks :)


I've been playing the drums in the premature ejaculators and could do with some tips from actual drummers (I'm a bassist really, can't afford drum lessons). I struggle with:


1. lower back pain

2. my left hand is retarded compared to my right

3. I get cramp in my calves from kicking

4. I get fucking knackered playing the drums!


Also anwhere you can buy 2nd hand cymbals on the net? Mine are all broken.



1. How are you sitting?

2. Unless you mean it's pwopa retarded then it'll improve don't worry.

3. As Adi said sit away from kit, How far away depends on your leg length I guess.

4. Eventually you'll get used to it

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About time... ;)


I wonder if he uses them? :LOL:


Doubt it.


I worked with chad smith the other week and he doesnt use the "chad signature" sticks! lol


Pro-Mark are clearly the best sticks. I don't know why other brands even exist. I want the TX3RW Peter Criss models.


Yeah Ive used them all and i prefer pro-mark

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I do sound engineering and I was on the crew at the London International Music Show




I ended up micing various drum kits - at one point we had 8 kits on stage being played at the same time! That was a mission! lol Throughout the day I was in charge of a seminar room and in the evening I was on the main drum stage.


I even got the opportunity to soundcheck Steve White's drum kit (Paul Wellers Drummer) and I was the last one out of the 8 kits and afterwards I had randomers come up to me and tell me how well I played and that I 'out-drummed professional drum techs'! :D :D




But yeah Chad Smith was there and I had a chat with him...



(horrible photo - was shattered by the third day! lol :LOL:)


and heres me with Ian Matthews (Kasabian)




I chatted to him about Dom! lol Cuz theyre supporting Muse at Dublin. He was quite excited to be playing with them!




Here's my video of Chad Smith playing - I was side stage and at the end he had dropped all of his sticks (Vic Firth 2B's btw, not Chad Smith signature sticks ;)) and he looked over to us to pick them up for him! lol


But yeah was awesome! Got to meet loads of top musicians! Got free catering, AAA pass and 'hung out' with all the stars. Got to go to the aftershow party where Chad smith came out and had a fag with us (I dont smoke - i was out with smokers tho)


I chatted to Ray Luzier (Korn) about paninnis at one point!! :LOL: and when you think "Korn" you think "DEAAATTTHHHH" But he was a really nice guy! haha


But yeah - was awesome :)


(Video of Ian Matthews soundchecking)

Edited by ADAM
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That's epic cool.


Yeah, to expand on the Pro-Mark thing, having used pretty much every brand of stick there is, I have found Pro-Marks to be consistently the most durable, lightest, straightest, balanced and best sized sticks available. The last point is a taste issue but the rest are fact. Fact: Pro-Mark > other.

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I play with and without shoes, sitting unusually high on the stool, with the centre of the stool around 2 feet from the kick drum. Is that too close?

Depends on how tall you are, like someone said.

Maybe try lowering the stool??

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