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Hmm, I bet he's playing Hysteria here:


:D I suppose the other one could be a brilliant finish Avedis but I doubt it, he's never used them before. He's used Ks before, just never in conjunction with ACs:



well spotted! :eek:


10 points! :D

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double post!


looking at the rock am ring footage from 2004 - we were all adamant that he uses a single pedal.


looking at the footage he has a double iron cobra pedal!




was it just for this gig? or has he always had it? are there any more examples?

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I hate offset configs (I use 2 up 2 down), there have way too much room to cover during fills IMO, so to anyone who uses them, why the hell does Dom offset his lower two toms but then place the ride direclty behind his 14x12? I was of the understanding that offset configs were made to get the ride in a more comfortable location (over the bass) for tight sticking at the expense of tom ergonomics. If that's the case, why would you squander the benefits like he does?


looking at the rock am ring footage from 2004 - we were all adamant that he uses a single pedal.


looking at the footage he has a double iron cobra pedal!

He kinda switches a bit. You can see the double IC at the start of Citizen Erased on Hullabaloo, he uses it for the start of Cave only. I guess he only uses it when the setlist demands it.

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I hate offset configs (I use 2 up 2 down), there have way too much room to cover during fills IMO, so to anyone who uses them, why the hell does Dom offset his lower two toms but then place the ride direclty behind his 14x12? I was of the understanding that offset configs were made to get the ride in a more comfortable location (over the bass) for tight sticking at the expense of tom ergonomics. If that's the case, why would you squander the benefits like he does?


I wouldn't say he plays the typical kind of fills that involve all toms, so I think the placement works perfectly well for him.

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That wasn't the question. The question was why would you offset your toms but leave the ride in the uncomfortable position. As it is, he's got the gap, which hinders long fills, and the ride is still off to his left which fails to take advantage of the gap. He obviously perfers the ride off the the left like that so then why ditch the second rack tom? Why not use 2 up 1 down, it can only promote speed.


He does play kit spanning fills, on Knights of Cydonia and the end of Feeling Good. Regardless, offsetting your toms and then leaving the ride off to the side is pointless.

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That wasn't the question. The question was why would you offset your toms but leave the ride in the uncomfortable position. As it is, he's got the gap, which hinders long fills, and the ride is still off to his left which fails to take advantage of the gap. He obviously perfers the ride off the the left like that so then why ditch the second rack tom? Why not use 2 up 1 down, it can only promote speed.


He does play kit spanning fills, on Knights of Cydonia and the end of Feeling Good. Regardless, offsetting your toms and then leaving the ride off to the side is pointless.



FOR LOOKS! Dom's kit is easy enough to wank over, looking at it parallel everything is set up right, the angle of cymbals are fit, angles of tom's are fit, everything is perfect.

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FOR LOOKS! Dom's kit is easy enough to wank over, looking at it parallel everything is set up right, the angle of cymbals are fit, angles of tom's are fit, everything is perfect.

exactly One tom is so much cooler nowadays, look much better than 2 anyway



the 2 tom look is so "school drumkit"




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You can understand why one would would gladly fuck up their tom placements so that it looks "cooler"? Gee, the school drum kit seems to work well enough for Daniel Adair, and Dom, too in Stockholm Syndrom USA.


Dom's kit is easy enough to wank over, looking at it parallel everything is set up right, the angle of cymbals are fit, angles of tom's are fit, everything is perfect.

Wtf? I hate to be that guy but his toms angles are identical to anyone elses who uses 1up2down and his cymbal positioning is dreadful. Have you watched Glastonbury? They're too high and parallel to the floor meaning with every edge on stroke they get closer and closer to death, particularly the 19 because he has almost no technique at all in that arm when crash riding.


Precisely how do you define "perfect"? In my (and the rest of the worlds) eyes it's when nothing can be improved upon, so it's kinda stupid to call his setup perfect when his cymbal positioning is undeniably empirically bad (regardless of your playing style or taste).


No offense to him of course, he's one of the myriad of fantastic drummers who don't look after their cymbals.


All of this superficial nonsense about how the kit "looks" and everyone's still failed to address the original question: why offset your toms but not put your ride in the hole? Is it just habit throwing back to a time when he did utilize the hole (eg Hullabaloo)? Could it be because his 14 floor is too deep to position properly on a rack and he doesn't want to alter the melodic intervals between his toms by getting a different size or compromize his playing style by shifting the 12x8 up to the same height?

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his contract with Tama has been terminated

No it hasn't. I suspected so after SS but look at the lugs, those are Tamas

I know the acryllic kit is a tama, but what i was saying is that tama dont allow endorcees to use that kit. They stopped portnoy from using it a while back. Also, i am 100% sure he uses dw pedals now.




his cymbal positioning is dreadful. Have you watched Glastonbury? They're too high and parallel to the floor

This is rediculous, there is no such thing as a right or wrong setup. This setup is obviously nice and comfortable for him (other wise he wouldn't use it). His setup may be dreadful for YOU but then again, yours would proberly be dreadful for him.

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This is rediculous, there is no such thing as a right or wrong setup. This setup is obviously nice and comfortable for him (other wise he wouldn't use it).

BZZT. A bad setup is one that destroys your equipment. Of course he may not care given the bouts of wanton havoc his bandmates are prone to but that doesn't change the fact that the way he plays his cymbals is technically wrong.


His setup may be dreadful for YOU but then again, yours would proberly be dreadful for him.

I didn't say it was bad because it was uncomfortable, I said it was bad because it disallows proper playing (and there is "proper" drumming).


Actually I think he'd love my setup, I'm a lefty and I've got proper cymbal heights/angles. Proper is the way John Bonham has his cymbals.


I know the acryllic kit is a tama, but what i was saying is that tama dont allow endorcees to use that kit.

No, Mirage kits are currently available for order by us mere mortals and have been for weeks, Tama will be encouraging their endorcerr to put the name out there. The only standard hardware option on Mirages is black nickel, Doms new kit is a custom order that Tama made for him (under the assumption that he'd be playing it, I guess), not one that he arranged to slyly buy off some showroom floor.


Luckily though, the quote I was replying to wasn't one of yours.

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you're a bit sad really aren't you? if dom wants to set up his cymbals like that, he can.

Point out where I said he can't do what he likes with his stuff. I never said he can't set his cymbals up like that or that he shouldn't, I said that it's technically WRONG. Is this an English comprehension free zone? Allegedly your people invented the language, I shouldn't have to do this. It's as though the second someone even implies Muse may not be perfect musicians the fanboys come out of the woodwork to defend them.


Are you saying you don't recognize crashing down into the cymbal on the edge as being wrong?


chrome > acrylic :(


...and look at the size of that bass drum.....or is it just the angle?

It's 22x20.


Also, i am 100% sure he uses dw pedals now.

He uses the beaters, I haven't seen the whole pedal.

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leave ur GAY


OMG LOLZ alone



think you'll find loads of people use one tom, and they manage fine.


2 toms.. dosnt make you a better drummer. and yes..


it does look better..



do u think matts a cock cause he got his silver manson silver instead of plain wood :S...



same reasoning.

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think you'll find loads of people use one tom, and they manage fine..

I'm aware that the 1 up 2 down kit is pretty much the standard. I think you'll find I know quite a bit about drums, in fact.


it does look better..

Oh well stand back! If it looks better that's a fantastic reason to ruin your kits ergonomics. I'm noticing a chronic lack of brain activity from you. You might want to have it looked at.


2 toms.. dosnt make you a better drummer. and yes..

<snip gratuitous bashing> Sigh. Read this twice if that's what it takes to induce cognition. Firstly I asked why would Dom offset his toms. People set up their drum kits primarily so it works for them, so that the drum placement is conducive to ease of play. Now, to offset your toms is make a space in precisely the region where the arm gravitates to in its relaxed position. Thus percussion items in this area are generally easiest to play. When one shifts a tom out of this prime location it is usually to shift the ride into it to promote easier sticking. It makes no sense to offset your kit but leave the ride in the sam location as it would occupy if the missing tom was still there. All I asked is "why would he do that?" If you prefer the ride down there, why remove a tom as its presence will only promote easier, speedier, more fluid and less taxing fills, not to mention giving you another sound colour to work with.


leave ur GAY


OMG LOLZ alone

Wow. I know when I'm beaten.


Watch out, Voltaire. :rolleyes:


do u think matts a cock cause he got his silver manson silver instead of plain wood :S...

This analogy makes sense to you... does it?


To all you rabid fanboys (or girls) let me clarify this: there is nothing wrong with the way Dom sets his toms up, nor with the way Dom sets his ride up, I merely wanted to induce some discussion on the finer points of drum kit architecture. Moving on to cymbal technique I never said Dom can't set his cymbals up that way if he likes them, nor that he even shouldn't, just that the way he plays them is DETRIMENTAL TO THE LIFE OF HIS CYMBALS. Likely he knows this and just doesn't care.


Calm down people, all he's saying is that he finds the placement of the ride unreasonable and that he thinks Dom is ruining his cymbals the way they're set up.


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Who can say? Perhaps the best way might be to recognize the irony in your telling me to not be so self absorbed but also that you're not going to give me another chance, as though it somehow matters. Good call on the rolleyes thing, too, you must be the resident wit around here. Twat.

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