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Yeah, I don't know what I'm gonna do after the release, my life will be so empty :LOL:

Same :D And I think after first listening, apart from any emotions and impressions from the album, there will be a small thought in my mind that I'll have to wait at least three more years for the another album. It will be a little bit depressing moment :D

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I might just get cryogenically frozen until the next album is announced. Seems like the way forward.


Cryogenically frozen might be a bit redundant xD Unless you wanna be frozen twice. That would be even cooler xD Literally :LOL:

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I read Matt say it was a "what if" story about the dark forces winning, and was a completely different character. Likely the basis of the idea for the rest of it since it was written first.

But yeah, for people not reading all the interviews it's going to seem like the story doesn't end on the hopeful vibe Matt intended it to.


That's what it seemed like initially but NME specifically said it was the protagonist becoming his own worst nightmare (dictator). Some other reviews echoed that. If anything maybe The Globalist is just not "canon", a hypothetical what-if concerning the protagonist being unable to move on

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That's what it seemed like initially but NME specifically said it was the protagonist becoming his own worst nightmare (dictator). Some other reviews echoed that. If anything maybe The Globalist is just not "canon", a hypothetical what-if concerning the protagonist being unable to move on


I saw that, but just took it as the logical interpretation of a listener, since Matt had stated it was separate and he intended his main protagonist to end in a positive note.

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I saw that, but just took it as the logical interpretation of a listener, since Matt had stated it was separate and he intended his main protagonist to end in a positive note.


He was referring to Aftermath as the positive end, and the dark end = The Globalist/Drones

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Are they even working on an album? I know Thom York just made a soundtrack that's like 400 hours long


Yeah they are. Also it's been 8 years since I've liked a Radiohead album which sounds a lot worse than it is.


Back on topic... I have a feeling that of Revolt and Aftermath, one of them will be great and the other awful. Reason: none.

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Think there's a possibility that they're really going to push this narrative similar to what Trent is doing with Year Zero and that HBO series? Don't know if they have any interest in that, but it could be pretty neat.


Didn't that fall through though?

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He was referring to Aftermath as the positive end, and the dark end = The Globalist/Drones


Exactly, though. He said the story ends with Aftermath, and the other two are separate. Which, as we've demonstrated, isn't likely how people will take it, and the narrative will likely be confusing and depressing. When Matt clearly intended it to be a "one man can make a positive difference" thing, which he's stated, and is also very, well, Muse.

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Exactly, though. He said the story ends with Aftermath, and the other two are separate. Which, as we've demonstrated, isn't likely how people will take it, and the narrative will likely be confusing and depressing. When Matt clearly intended it to be a "one man can make a positive difference" thing, which he's stated, and is also very, well, Muse.


Does the story really end with the Philosopher's Stone? Does another story begin with Chamber of Secrets? It's all the same story in the end, just with different subplots.

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If I remember correctly in one interview Matt mentioned that "The Globalist" is the same story, at least up to [JFK] but goes dark instead of light. It will be cool as at the end of the album we will not know exactly which plot line will prevail.


Seeing as he is talking about actual drone warfare and just how open ended it is at the point, its almost as if he is giving us the choice; what fate do you prefer? Its brilliant.

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Anyone thinking that a leak could happen , I know that I'm being repetitive, but just so excited about the album


Not before June 1, no. With FNAC fixing the dates in Spain, it's harder to pin a date now. I'm predicting a stream on June 5... Ill get my hands on a copy on the 4th still but I don't know how likely it is at this point people will get the album any earlier than that.

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Does the story really end with the Philosopher's Stone? Does another story begin with Chamber of Secrets? It's all the same story in the end, just with different subplots.


Harry Potter involves the same characters and a linear timeline, the two "arcs" of songs don't, or if you prefer, it's an alternate timeline/ending. It's not intended that the character rebels, finds love, etc... But then ends up as an evil dictator and destroys the world.


Like someone else said, it's an either or.

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Harry Potter involves the same characters and a linear timeline, the two "arcs" of songs don't, or if you prefer, it's an alternate timeline/ending. It's not intended that the character rebels, finds love, etc... But then ends up as an evil dictator and destroys the world.


It would be a very Matt way to finish a narrative though. And various reviewers noted it's the protagonist who becomes the globalist...

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It would be a very Matt way to finish a narrative though. And various reviewers noted it's the protagonist who becomes the globalist...


It's weird, because I see the opposite, and it's a thing I like about Muse. Matt writes about depressing things, but things tend to turn out hopeful in the end.


Whether it's the same character or not, it's two different endings, not a straight timeline.


It would be like Harry Potter ending with Happily Ever After, but then the last chapter sees Harry decide "fuck it, I'm a damn wizard!" Join Voldemort, and take over the world.

I mean, that might have been more realistic...

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