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You can still cancel it :p


I'm going to wait and see how I feel tomorrow, but I'm really thinking about it. There's nothing there that really interests me - I listened to the T2L vinyl exactly zero times - and it's pretty damn expensive when I can pick up the CD for $10 or less on release day.

They also never actually sent me my Dead Inside download or responded to my email. :phu:

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I'm not sure why I ordered it, tbh. I think I'm a bit impulsive when I'm wound up.

I have a turntable, and I like vinyl, but I'm not even home enough to set the damn thing up.

Also, iirc, last time the .mu box had extra DVD footage? But it was just one little Making Of scene that I ended up watching on YT once, and never again, because my box set arrived sooooo late after release. :p

Was hoping for more songs on the DVD, for sure.


The prints could be nice... but I know myself too well to think with the random ones that I wouldn't be disappointed somehow. :chuckle:


They still haven't answered my request for the DI download, though, since release, so I figure by the time they got to my cancellation notice, it'll probably be shipped, right?

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I really enjoyed T2L, and I thought a lot of the songs were really fun live (not that I don't wish nearly all of them to go away in the future, if there's a future) but I think I got burned out on it more than any prior Muse album, for some reason.


I assume I just overplayed it, but I still listen to any song from OoS, Abso, BHR, and even a lot from Showbiz and TR when they come up, but find myself thinking "nah" and skipping the T2L stuff right now.


I think the box set was, what?, $100 for T2L? I do regret that, especially since I bought the album on release anyways, and waited weeks for the box set to arrive... and I think I've opened the box once, because I left the other CD in a rental car. :chuckle:

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I'm going to wait and see how I feel tomorrow, but I'm really thinking about it. There's nothing there that really interests me - I listened to the T2L vinyl exactly zero times - and it's pretty damn expensive when I can pick up the CD for $10 or less on release day.

They also never actually sent me my Dead Inside download or responded to my email. :phu:


Trifold though. I don't think they've done that before. I still buy the vinyls even though I don't have a record player, I plan on getting one soon however.

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I don't really care about how nice the packaging looks on something I'll never use, tbh.

The only reason I still insist on physical copies of things in the first place is that at least once every few months either my iTunes crashes, or my computer does, and I always end up losing things.


I don't know what the b-sides comment was about, though.

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They have changed the content of the DVD.


Not necessarily, they might've just realised they'd put up the tracklisting prematurely. I'd be surprised if they have changed it, though it'd be nice to have some older songs/other gigs on there.

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Not necessarily, they might've just realised they'd put up the tracklisting prematurely. I'd be surprised if they have changed it, though it'd be nice to have some older songs/other gigs on there.


yeah I was hoping to see Fury, Futurism and Uno on there.

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Oh we should have made a poll: which songs would you like to have on the DVD? MAYBE Muse would have seen it...:( guess it is too late now!


Doubt it would've made a difference tbh. Can't moan too much, at least they played the old/rare songs in the first place. Hopefully we'll get a pro-shot of one of the rarities as this years Christmas present (I'm feeling one of the performances of The Groove for some reason).

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