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If the teaser image is counting down to Monday, could it not just be for the release of the single? As we all know, Mondays are the standard day for single releases, so they could launch it any way they want, likely by premiering the music video through YouTube. The fact that the Apple conference is on the same day is probably just a massive coincidence.


With the suggested themes of the album, and supposed "offensive" nature of the new single, I doubt they'd perform at the conference. All this other stuff that's going on could just be them sorting out stuff in the background in perpetration for the single/album launch.


fyi - I am not saying Muse is a lock to play on Monday or has a deal in place already with Apple. But I will absolutely support them, no matter what, even if they will be in bed with my enemies or make a deal with other companies I passionately hate (seriously, I love Apple).


If Muse should had been sticking with their guns / lyrical social statements - they should had been an indie band or always thru and thru up to now, purely or mostly

going the underground route - both their personal and musical actitivites. But that is not case, all the time, some of their fans are taking way seriously the meaning of their lyrics than Muse themselves.

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I have been waiting but I love Muse, no matter what (especially their beginning or pre BH&R ;)) but please, one request to Muse ... if you really need a fix for a cheesy and cringe-worthy slow songs like Guiding Light, Soldiers Poem, some other shitty craps in T2L and the recent past, do not include them in LP7 or Drones (unless it is worthy like the Musegasmic RBS etc). Just release those songs / tracks that are not album-worthy as B-sides or something. Of course, like in the good old days, it would be nice if you have some suprises - tracks so great that did not make it but should have been in the official album. :p


Sorry, that is all until the LP7 drops or ... Too late for requests. :D

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I have been waiting but I love Muse, no matter what (especially their beginning or pre BH&R ;)) but please, one request to Muse ... if you really need a fix for a cheesy and cringe-worthy slow songs like Guiding Light, Soldiers Poem, some other shitty craps in T2L and the recent past, do not include them in LP7 or Drones (unless it is worthy like the Musegasmic RBS etc). Just release those songs / tracks that are not album-worthy as B-sides or something. Of course, like in the good old days, it would be nice if you have some suprises - tracks so great that did not make it but should have been in the official album. :p


Sorry, that is all until the LP7 drops or ... Too late for requests. :D



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I will eat my own asshole if this single doesn't come out by the end of March.


I'll have to add this to the list with Yorkie. Do you prefer ketchup or mustard?


Do not be a sellout now? F' Apple, not them? Stick with their roots? Delusional much?


Almost from the very start, Muse have had a great relationship with (just like Muse, then small and now big) Apple ... Regardless, if you love or hate them, or if for some of you, Apple may be doing some things the wrong way (or not your way) for their love of music, but who is perfect? Apple saw the potential almost from the very start ... the great Sunburn ..


I'm all for people not sharing my opinion that Apple is an evil empire, but to call people delusional and then say Apple does things "for the love of music"... :noey:

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Hi there! it took me some time to read all the pages i've missed....


a collaboration with some other artists would be great, they haven't done that so far (on record). Didn't Matt once say it is not so common in the rock business but in pop? Some like that...a duet with a female singer, yes, but not that Niki...


And i think this was a joke...

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I'd say that that could definitely be a great featured artist for muse.

She's a great rapper, her past crazy tendencies have calmed quite a bit, she's a very smart and very talented artist nowadays.

Her being featured on a Muse track would bring a lot of attention to the both of them for creating a good bridge musically and socially.

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Hi there! it took me some time to read all the pages i've missed....


a collaboration with some other artists would be great, they haven't done that so far (on record). Didn't Matt once say it is not so common in the rock business but in pop?


They did work with the streets for the Who Knows Who B-side.

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They did work with the streets for the Who Knows Who B-side.


I hope to god they pick a better rapper, if ever done again... It's never going to happen but imagine a Muse song with Earl Sweat... I think his style would fit nicely with a Muse riff, and have Matt do his "scary whisper dead star voice"

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I'd say that that could definitely be a great featured artist for muse.

She's a great rapper, her past crazy tendencies have calmed quite a bit, she's a very smart and very talented artist nowadays.

Her being featured on a Muse track would bring a lot of attention to the both of them for creating a good bridge musically and socially.


God please no.

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I'd say that that could definitely be a great featured artist for muse.

She's a great rapper, her past crazy tendencies have calmed quite a bit, she's a very smart and very talented artist nowadays.

Her being featured on a Muse track would bring a lot of attention to the both of them for creating a good bridge musically and socially.


what's wrong with you

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