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Don't encourage people to film gigs. For the love of all things good and righteous, please do not stand in front of me and record half the gig or I will set about ye.


See, I think recording like, one or two songs is fine, but if you're jsut sitting there recording everything you're not getting the full concert experience.

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Please someone, film the whole gig in front of Gareeh while wearing a t-shirt that says "MESSI IS FUCKING SHIT" on the back.


I wasn't decided on what to wear on Monday but I'm gonna wear a t-shirt that says "Fabri is shit (so are alt-J)"


See, I think recording like, one or two songs is fine, but if you're jsut sitting there recording everything you're not getting the full concert experience.


I think it's okay as long as you're at the back or taking a photo. Or at a festival where half of the folk are standing still anyway. If no-one wants to jump or mosh go for it but I don't want to be extra cautious cause you wanna record a song that will eventually be on DVD.

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See, I think recording like, one or two songs is fine, but if you're jsut sitting there recording everything you're not getting the full concert experience.


This girl in front of me at a Kasabian gig did that. She had a bunch of flowers so I was trying to help her from being crushed against the barrier but then she whipped out a full-size iPad and just stood there filming for the entire gig so I lost all sympathy for her. I actually found it funny tbh, in a ridiculous kind of way :chuckle:


I might record a little bit if they play something like Muscle Museum or Showbiz just because it'll be really special and it won't be on the DVD. Not during an energetic bit though, that'd ruin the fun and the camera'd be shaking anyway.

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This girl in front of me at a Kasabian gig did that. She had a bunch of flowers so I was trying to help her from being crushed against the barrier but then she whipped out a full-size iPad and just stood there filming for the entire gig so I lost all sympathy for her. I actually found it funny tbh, in a ridiculous kind of way :chuckle:


I might record a little bit if they play something like Muscle Museum or Showbiz just because it'll be really special and it won't be on the DVD. Not during an energetic bit though, that'd ruin the fun and the camera'd be shaking anyway.



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Do you guys think the setlists for these small gigs will include more rarities than the regular tour? because I could see Muse going crazy with rotations this tour.


There'll probably be a couple of wild cards in there, but I'm not expecting anything too crazy or Zepp-like.


We can dream though.

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I got to enjoy "Psycho" even more when I played on my guitar. Its pretty simple and fun to play. I can definetly see Matt going crazy on this song at stadiums and stuff.


Maybe we can see something similar to "Time is Running out dance" during the palm mute parts :D

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