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Damn, that's pretty cool looking. I could live with that for sure.


I could too, if it wasn't 22.5 scale. jaguars and mustangs feel awkward enough to me already


That's a burst alright!


My clean tone is pretty dark before I add anything to it. The funny thing is when i was running an Einstein or a VH4 I rarely left any pedals in my chain.


I do agree that the BE-OD is oversold in some of the videos and I'm probably not totally honest with myself because my always on signal these days is a Keeley Comp and a Wampler Tumnus, so maybe I just need 65% of the tone?


I would love to demo a few of the new amp in a box pedals, I did get a chance to try the Bogner uber one and was not impressed at all. Every time I see the VH4 pedals I ask myself if they model channel 3 or 4 and if they have the EL34 or the KT77 power section?



Mine is the opposite. Love the sound of an AC30 with a little break up.


I only have one drive pedal in my chain (well, it's a fuzz pedal rather). Generally not a massive fan of distortion pedals for my main drive sound. I get my distortion from op amps in an all tube amp. #TGPlogic


And no idea. It doesn't compare to the amp anyway... and I've sort of moved away from the BE sound anyway. Currently preferring a more cutting sound (more like a standard Marshall I guess, rather than the lower midrange BE sound)


I don't have much access to those high end drive pedals either (at least the ones I want to try.) And EL34s and KT77s are interchangeable, so if it's based on the EL34 version (I believe this is what most VH4s come standard with) then it could be either one. The 6L6 version on the other hand is slightly different.

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To be honest i have no idea what the 45 is, which makes this seem like a good idea, because it includes all the flagship phasers to try out.


Its a lighter version of the Phase 90. 2-stage rather than 4-stage. Good for more subtle uses.


Its not all the options though, the Phase 100 differs from both. But decent idea idea for a pedal though.



Just bought a Big Sky, so expect dodgy Shoegaze/Ambient from me from now on.

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Maybe I should check out the 45 then. I have a whirlwind phaser, which is supposed to be like the original script phase 90 (whirlwind is run by the original designer from what I understand) but I'd prefer something more subtle.


And I generally don't like the really small pedals. I guess it would be easier to build one into your MoC replica though.

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The pedant in me really has to mention that it's not really the script circuit as it's not using the dodgy 741 opamps. There's more to it than just lifting a feedback resistor.


The MXR script reissue or the whirlwind?


Here's a gut shot of the whirlwind. From what I've read, it doesn't have your dodgy op amps either, but I will say that I preferred it over the MXR EVH and the MXR script reissue. This one has been on my pedal carousel for a good two years (!)




This reminds me that there's a trim pot on the inside. I forgot what it does, but I've never messed with it.

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That looks like the script using single opamps. What are they marked?

The MXR uses dual or quad opamps, they're not the same.


No idea. That's not my carpet in the pictures for one thing. I can open mine up later to find out though.


Also, I saw this today (for the first time) and thought of you.


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No idea. That's not my carpet in the pictures for one thing. I can open mine up later to find out though.


Also, I saw this today (for the first time) and thought of you.



I'm touched, is that because I'm, the one? Wish that was a better copy, sounds great and still his best guitar.

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I'm touched, is that because I'm, the one? Wish that was a better copy, sounds great and still his best guitar.


That's such a massive sound from the red channel on the DSL. Do you suppose he's using any pedals too? (maybe that DOD EQ in the loop, but I doubt it)






Now i want to go to a uni that lends out pedals. But ikr, the radio interference is pretty prominent. How do you like the sub settings?


Not just pedals, but zvex pedals.

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That's such a massive sound from the red channel on the DSL. Do you suppose he's using any pedals too? (maybe that DOD EQ in the loop, but I doubt it)








Not just pedals, but zvex pedals.


That's one of my favourite gigs, Microcuts anyone ?

And no, I think at the time he was running the reduced pedal board straight in, having done away with the vg8 and multi amp setup. I think it's just the red channel plus all the srs beef from the motherbucker.

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That's one of my favourite gigs, Microcuts anyone ?

And no, I think at the time he was running the reduced pedal board straight in, having done away with the vg8 and multi amp setup. I think it's just the red channel plus all the srs beef from the motherbucker.


Did someone say micro cuts?




And yes, that's what I thought. But I've never found the motherbucker as a :srsb33f: sounding pickup. But maybe it was the guitar.




Sounds almost single coil like

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Now i want to go to a uni that lends out pedals. But ikr, the radio interference is pretty prominent. How do you like the sub settings?


Not just pedals, but zvex pedals.


Sub settings are pretty cool, pedal is absolutely insane. Isn't the exact same version that matt uses, but you can still get the squeals he gets before the live versions of PIB.


James, you should see what else our uni lets me use :facemelt: There aren't many other pedals but there's lots of sexy guitars, basses, synths and also studios we can use.

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Sub settings are pretty cool, pedal is absolutely insane. Isn't the exact same version that matt uses, but you can still get the squeals he gets before the live versions of PIB.


James, you should see what else our uni lets me use :facemelt: There aren't many other pedals but there's lots of sexy guitars, basses, synths and also studios we can use.


Yeah, from what I understand, it's very similar, but just has the additional sub octave settings. Might be wrong - Jaicen probably knows the pedal inside out, so he can correct me.


Really? What sort of programs do they offer for those who are interested in music? Guessing it must be pretty extensive. I looked into what mine had to offer, and it didn't really interest me that much. Was much more fun doing little projects on the side with other guys who share similar interests.

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There's loads of courses, the tech courses are probably the most generous in lending out equipment and rooms. I'm studying tech and pop music which gives me awesome access to the studios. There's also the standard music courses, but I don't think those give you access to the studios. And if you're more technically minded there are the production courses which are run by the computing and engineering department (one of the lecturers recently played Bloodstock with his band Kill II This). http://www.hud.ac.uk/courses/supporting/mtech/

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That looks pretty impressive. I sometimes wish they had a better music program (in the way of tech) here. The only real music course I ever took was the standard introductory one. It was mostly vocabulary from what I remember.


And when you say you're studying tech and pop music, do they let you focus on different genres for your study?

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That's pretty cool. I should've done something music related at uni. Wanted to do the production class at school but they didn't run it that year for some reason.


Unrelated, has anyone done a treble bleed mod to one of their guitars, and if so does it actually make much of a difference?

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A course can be a good primer, but there's nothing better than working in studios.

Most of the practical stuff I learned I got from volunteering in commercial studios.


And yes, depending on your amp it can make a big difference. I'd use a resistor in series too, otherwise it can mess with the taper.

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