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Muse - Greatest Hits

Spectrum IV

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Re-recordings would be a terrible idea, tbh. It probably wouldn't be "Abso/BHaR era sound but better", but the songs tinted with their current influences (Queen, U2, EDM) and tendency to over-produce. Not to mention the probable speculation/backlash over losing of the creative spark, if they have to resort to rehashing old albums that is.


I'd be open to remasters, though.

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What about an album with re-recorded songs based on the versions they play live. Bliss with the falsetto and extended outro, piano Cave and Falling Down, 2012 RBS, a less overproduced version of Assassin (GOB), Knights of Cydonia with actual good falsetto(the one in the studio version is not only hidden but also sounds extremely weak) etc.

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Re-recordings would be a terrible idea, tbh. It probably wouldn't be "Abso/BHaR era sound but better", but the songs tinted with their current influences (Queen, U2, EDM) and tendency to over-produce.


wat. That has no sense, no way they would change the songs to fit their "current" influences :wtf:

What about an album with re-recorded songs based on the versions they play live. Bliss with the falsetto and extended outro, piano Cave and Falling Down, 2012 RBS, a less overproduced version of Assassin (GOB), Knights of Cydonia with actual good falsetto(the one in the studio version is not only hidden but also sounds extremely weak) etc.


That's what I was aiming at.

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wat. That has no sense, no way they would change the songs to fit their "current" influences :wtf:


What I meant was that if they were to rerecord songs, I really can't see them just looking back 10, 7 years ago and figure out how they should have recorded e.g. Exo-Politics. That would be completely reductive. If they were to re-record the songs, it's far more likely they'd update them to their 2014 form, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if they would get a re-vamp which would reflect whatever fancies them these days, production-wise, because why rerecord at all if you are not bringing something new to the table?


I guess the most prominent remix/re-recording of late is the IBTY New Moon version which is godawful, so that doesn't give me much faith either.


What about an album with re-recorded songs based on the versions they play live. Bliss with the falsetto and extended outro, piano Cave and Falling Down, 2012 RBS, a less overproduced version of Assassin (GOB), Knights of Cydonia with actual good falsetto(the one in the studio version is not only hidden but also sounds extremely weak) etc.


I think the appealing part of the live experience is getting the special flavours and variations from the album, so I don't know what good it would do to "cement" them in album form as some new "definitive" versions. Just release kickass HQ live versions instead! I do understand the appeal of this concept since people don't like BHaR production choices in particular but personally I just see these type of project as more appropriare for tired hasbeens, not for guys in their mid 30's with still a lot to give.

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We've all heard these songs. They wouldn't be that different. Shouldn't waste to to rerecord stuff. New material is more inviting.

But they won't rerecord anything so... Muse is not that band.

Most redundant post of the year.

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Regarding the whole Greatest Hits thing, not generally a fan of them but I have got a few on my iTunes. Stuff like Foo Fighters, much rather have their greatest hits than a bunch of their albums


With iTunes and digital music in general now, though, there's no reason to produce a Greatest Hits album when it is so damn easy to just pay for and download the "hits" off those albums.


That's inherently the problem, though. The need for a "hits" album to tell you what songs to have.

If Muse put out the standard 10-13 song greatest hits album, there probably wouldn't be more than 1 or 2 songs on there that are in my top ten favorite Muse songs.

Those types of compilations really lead to people missing out on a lot. :noey:

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With iTunes and digital music in general now, though, there's no reason to produce a Greatest Hits album when it is so damn easy to just pay for and download the "hits" off those albums.


But downloading a full album requires less effort than downloading each "hit" on its own.

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But it requires more money than just getting that one song you already know.


We're not talking about "just getting that one song you already know" though, are we. And people who buy greatest hits could be people who only heard one song by them, and liked it, then went on iTunes, looked for "Muse", saw GREATEST HITS and thought "oh cool, I'll get this".


Anyway imo greatest hits are still bad

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  • 1 year later...

Lets assume Warner will force a greatest hits down our throats, now you've been chosen to pick the track list, but your tasked with making this "Greatest Hits" album its own kind of "Master Muse album", not just a Top Ten Hits collection. Limit is 25 songs or roughly 20% of there whole discography (INCLUDE ANY B-SIDES YOU DEEM WORTHY)


1. Interlude/Hysteria

2. New Born

3. Sing for Absolution

4. Citizen Erased

5. Micro Cuts

6. Aftermath

7. Supremacy

8. Muscle Museum

9. Dead Inside

10. Dark Shines

11. Unnatural Selection

12. Stockholm Syndrome

13. Hoodoo

14. The Handler

15. Butterflies and Hurricanes

16. Apocalypse Please

17. Knights of Cydonia

18. Blackout

19. Reapers

20. Map of the Problematique

21. Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 1 (Overture

22. Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 2 (Cross-pollination)

23. Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 3 (Redemption)

24. Hate This and I'll Love You

25. The Globalist/Drones (Yeeeeeeeeeeees I cheated!!!!!)

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